
See You in Hell -52

See You in Hell
The sea crashed into the Cliffside violently as the wind billowed making her hair whip her face.
“You’ll go to Hell for what you’ve done, you know that?” Arthur asked tears blatantly welling in his eyes as his voice strained his throat; the lump in his throat growing as he tried his hardest not to cry.
“We’ll all go to Hell Artie, you know that as well as I.” She smiled vacantly, her mind clouding as her feet burst into flames.
“I can hope, can’t I?” he choked out, rubbing his face. The Englishman’s tears pulled so hard on her heartstrings they threatened to snap.
“Oh Artie...” she slowly raised her arm to touch his face, afraid that sudden movement would encourage the flame. It hurt but the pain was numbed by her heart; her emotions taking over her withering mind. As her fingertips brushed his cheek the flame engulfed her calves and shins. Arthur gasped in horror almost stepping backwards out of her reach. “No Artie. Please don’t.” Her words became hard and heavy in her mouth. And she whispered, “Come closer.” Arthur, tear streaming silently down his face as he stepped forward. Her hand left his cheek briefly as she pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and began dabbing his face, trying to rid the man of his tear streaks.
“I’m so sorry, Arthur, please forgive me!” She cried jumping into his arms. Her legs turned to ash as she kept her arms wrapped around his neck; his arms around her waist the only thing holding her up as she continued to turn to ash.
“I forgave you long ago, love, I love you and I always will, no matter what keeps us apart.” He sobbed into her hair holding her tightly.
“I love Arthur Kirkland, and don’t you forget it!” She wailed as the fire spread faster and faster and the ashes flew around wildly in all directions. “I’ll see you in Hell, love.”
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;_; I'm sorry, Artie. I didn't mean to. It just happened.