
The Day After Tomorrow -69

The Day After Tomorrow
“Alfred, please! Enough with the film-fest! I’m tired.” Alfred was having none of it as he pulled his lady friend back onto the sofa.
“Oh, please just this last movie, please?” he begged activating his puppy eyes, even though she was stuck on sofa because he had a hold on her.
“Oh fine! Which one is it?” she sighed getting herself comfy once again.
“That one with the ice and the snow and the world almost ending, you know? That disaster one.” She deadpanned. That was quite vague. She just nodded and let him do whatever as she was too tired to object, now that she’d been roped into this “one final movie”.
“Oh, that was such a good film! What was it called? You never actually told me earlier.” She’d cried at the sad moments and clung to Alfred when something bad or remotely scary was happening in spite of previously claiming she was too tired.
“OH! It’s The Day After Tomorrow! That was the name!” he grinned at her, patting her endearingly on the head, “I’m glad you liked it. Aren’t you happy I made you stay up for i-” when he turned his attention to her he noticed she’s fallen fast asleep beside him. He smiled o himself, ‘how cute. The Day After Tomorrow...I’ll have to remember that.’
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:D I love that film, especially since my mum loves disaster films. Except 2012. Not enough death for her. Not enough emotionally distraught characters, I guess. XD But The Day After Tomorrow and Dante's Peak and Volcano and that god forsaken The Core and Armageddon. She's watched The Core too many times to be reasonable. EVEN IF YOU LOVE IT YOU SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO WATCH IT AS MANY TIMES AS SHE. Anyway. America. I don't even particularly like America-justsayin'(//is shot//).