I Don't Blame You

You're my one and my only <3

Gerard focused on the road, a tear slipped down one of his pale cheeks. He let out a soft sigh turning the radio up louder on some random station he turned on. His car was empty . . . this was the first time in a long time it was empty . . . He chewed down on his lip slightly as a song by The Beatles came on.

"All you need is love . . . "

Why was I such a dick to him . . . ?

"All you need is love . . . "

I really didn't mean what I said . . . He doesn't realize how much he means to me . . .

"All you need it love, love . . . "

Oh baby, I wish I wasn't so easily pissed off . . . He's all I have left. They're all such ass', none of them care. He's the one, he's my only . . . I never wanted anyone as mad as I want him.

"Love is all you need . . . "

"Fuck, shut the hell up! " Gerard hissed at the radio quickly flipping it off, his cheeks flaming red with anger. Tears were now staining both of his cheeks, being drug down with them were eyeliner tracks that only made him look more pitiful then he already was.

He pulled up into his driveway, getting out of the car and shutting it behind him walking up to the front of the house. Unlocking the door, he walked in and bit his lip, shutting the door behind him. An empty house . . . just how he had left it. Would it have been this bad if he hadn't stormed out? He shook his head collapsing to his knees, cradling his head in his hands, letting soft sobs erupt his mouth.

Soon, there was a knock on the door. It had to be Mikey, Gerard figured. He stood up slowly, wiping his face as best he could as he walked over and opened the door.

"Frank . . . " He gasped as the shorter man looked up at him with a wide smile. Then he got a worried look on his face, biting down o n the lip ring which reflected bright in the light of the room.

"Why were you crying? " He asked in a gentle voice. Gerard shook his head quickly.

"I wasn't cr-"

"Yes you were . . . " Frank said and brought a finger up, gently swabbing it against Gerard's cheek, bringing it back so Gerard could see the running eyeliner that dripped from his finger. He shook his head and sighed.

"I'm sorry Frankie . . . " he pleaded. Frank frowned and sighed softly.

"Yeah, I figured you'd be . . . " he muttered. "I can't believe I'm asking this about my own house, but can I come in . . . ?"

"Of course!" Gerard quickly cried out and stepped out of the way as Frank came in. He glanced around with a nod walking into the other room.

Gerard followed suit and walked into the living room, to find Frank sitting on the couch. Gerard sat in one of the chairs and Frank got a sad expression on his face.

"What's wrong? " Gerard quickly asked.

"I figured you might sit by me . . . " Frank mumbled shaking his head. "Forget it. It's stupid. " He sighed.

"No, it's not." Gerard argued and went over, sitting next to Frank and gently placed a hand on his knee.

Frank smiled and leant over kissing Gerard's cheek. "I'm not mad at you . . . " he whispered softly into his ear.

"Why not? You have every right to be . . . " Gerard mumbled in surprise. Frank shrugged, leaning his head against Gerard's shoulder and Gerard wrapped his arm's around the smaller man.

"I don't see at your fault. " Franks said simply.

"But it I- "

"Well tough. You know that you can't help the fact that you didn't do anything wrong. You made a mistake. Don't worry about it, we all do. All you did was kiss someone else . . . " Frank mumbled, hating to repeat this statement.

"How is that not my fault?" Gerard begged shaking his head.

"Because you were drunk and she was not . . . no matter how much you fight you won't win. Anyway, I don't care, really . . . I love you. " Frank said wrapping his arms around Gerard's torso, curling his feet up onto the couch.

Gerard smiled, finally someone saw it through his eyes. He forced Frank to look up at him and pressed their lips together. Frank brought his hand around to behind his neck, moving so the he was lying back against the arm fo the couch. Gerard moved to straddle his hips, bringing one hand and running it up Frank's shirt a bit. He chuckled softly, letting their tongues battle for a complete domination, Frankie winning this time. Gerard pulled away, their face inches apart. "I love you Frankie . . . " he whispered.

"I love you to Gee, happy birthday."
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy birthday Gerard! Fuck, you're 31?
Make sure to check out Lost in the insanity you send me... please and thank you?