The Finish Line

Laurel Jones is tough. She is a tomboy at heart. She was never boy crazy, never was, never will be. She was, in fact, extremely awkward around said boys. Running is her true love. Being the top qualifier for the 2012 London Olympics, Laurel has the world at her fingertips. Nothing was going to stop her from getting the gold. Ava, her best friend is no failure either. With the voice of an angle, Ava is on the brink of a promising career as a recording artist with Columbia Records. When the two girls travel to London for the Olympics they cross paths with 5 adorable lads who force their way into Laurel’s heart. Laurel promised herself that she was not going to let anyone stop her from achieving her dream. But can an Irish cutie change all of that? Could she resist the charm of the 18 year old heart throb, or will she break? With her best friend by her side and her trainer pushing her forward will Laurel keep her promise?