Remember Me Please

Waking up

Marley woke up. It was early morning she guessed. The sun was an hour away from peeking over the ridge. She was cold and her head was hurting. She felt for her head and came across her face first. Dried blood was caked everywhere, so it was hard to judge what was cut. Her face was swollen as far as she could tell. Lifting her head up, she was unsteady and confused. Marley looked around her slowly and began to pick herself up. She was laying at the edge of a field, near the tree line. She studied where she was laying for any materials that would give her warmth. Her clothes were damp with blood and dew. She spotted blood on a rock where her head had been. That would explain my headache she thought to herself. Although there wasn't any blankets or clothing materials to be found, there were little metal pieces that looked like they came off of a vehicle.

Where am I? she thought. Why am I here?

Marley didn't know these things and she guessed maybe she was camping out, but there was no equipment. Suddenly, she had an idea. She cursed herself for not looking in her pockets to see if anything could give her clues to why she was out here. Then a new fear struck her.

Who am I?

She sat down on the damp almost wet grass and took a deep breath. Marley was scared. She didn't know anything. What happened? How did I get here? All these question held no answers for Marley as she quietly started to cry.

What is going on?
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Again, its short, but easier to type. Hope y'all enjoy!
Peace. Loves.