Remember Me Please

News conference

Hickory, North Carolina
Morning after the Accident

"Bringing you the top story, I'm Lisa Romnez. As most of you know, there was a terrible storm last night. Many power lines were down, some houses damaged, and the worst news yet, a missing person. Here's Jim Connor with the rest of the story. Jim"

"I'm reporting live in Shelby, outside the police station where Brian Haner Jr., known mostly as Synyster Gates of Avenged Sevenfold, is waiting to find out about his missing fiance, Marley Hunter. Police say at 12:00 am last night, there was a call from a local citizen claiming that there was an accident a few miles from Hickory. Police arrived and identified the driver of the white Ford Explorer. A local who has minor head injuries and says she can't remember the accident. The second vehicle, a black Subaru WRX, was registered to Marley Hunter. Although, Marley wasn't at the crash site. The vehicles were both totaled and the Subaru had flipped on it's side, leaving both front doors open. The Ford was towed out of the scene but the Subaru was left in place. A missing driver orders for more investigating. We have a clip from the woman's fiance earlier today."

"I am worried to death for her. But it doesn't add up. Why would she leave the accident? I'm having investigators search for any signs of her disappearance. If anyone knows something, even a little piece of info, please let us know. Further information will bring her home."

A reporter asked, "Do you suspect it was intentional, the car wreck and all?"

"The car wreck, no, but her disappearance, no one knows for sure. If it's ransom, we haven't had any clues or notes to lead us to that conclusion."

"Sir, sir, when did you find out about the accident?"

"I didn't know until about 12:30 in the morning. She was supposed to be there when I got home from the airport."

The police man to the left of Brian whispered something into his ear.

"Would she have did this on purpose?"

"No. Now please, no further questions."

"One more", said a blonde haired reporter, shouting over the others competing for his attention.

The police man that had whispered to him earlier spoke for him.

"I believe that is enough questions for today. The man has been up early all morning worrying about his fiance. And some things are not to be released in public. Thank you."

The mob of reporters began to follow Brian even after the policeman's briefing. Pictures were being taken.

"Is this some sort of a celebrity set up to get attention?," he heard one of the reporters ask before getting into the car with tinted windows.

At that moment, he wished he wasn't famous. If he weren't, the press wouldn't have been so interested in his missing fiance. But then again, maybe it would be harder for someone to help find her, he thought.

~Back to the News~

"That was the scene from earlier today. Up next, we have the weather report from John Woods."
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Sorry this was written badly. I was typing from my head and a lot of other ideas mingled together. I hope you like it though. Comments Please! Love 'em.
Peace. Loves