Status: Rated 'R' for langugae and sexual situations.



“Shot, shot, shot!” Shannon and Marissa both chanted as Adam Burish, Patrick Sharp, Patrick Kane, and Jenn were downing multiple shots.

Penelope couldn’t help but laugh. Jenn obviously couldn’t handle her alcohol very well. Just a few shots in and it seemed she wasn’t too well off.

Marissa and Kane were hitting it off fairly well, as were Shannon and Jon. Penelope found herself watching in an amused fashion as Jenn tried flirting with Patrick. But his eyes were somewhere else. They were on her.


There was something that attracted him to her. Penelope wasn’t your clichéd dancer. She had a mouth and smart-ass comebacks to boot. There was a no bull shit policy with her and it was a nice change to the usual puck bunny he and the boys dealt with. Each time she would get up to go to the bar, Patrick found himself watching her hips. Maybe it was her occupation, but it looked like she was dancing.

She was standing at the bar now, ordering another drink for herself and Shannon. She had to be able to handle her alcohol, Patrick thought. It was her third drink of the night and they had only been at the club for an hour and a half.

“You want to dance?” he asked as Penelope handed Shannon her drink.

She arched an eyebrow at him and pursed her lips. Downing her drink, Penelope nodded.

“Sure thing, Sharpie.”

He took her hand and led her down the stairs from the VIP lounge. The club was nearly vibrating with the beat of the music and the sway of the partiers.

Dancing for a good thirty minutes, Penelope and Patrick were nearly flush against each other thanks to the packed dance floor.

“Well look at you,” Patrick laughed. “You’re not just a ballerina.”

Penelope tossed her head back as she laughed too. “You’re not too bad yourself, Sharp. Weren’t what I was expecting.”

“Oh?” he asked putting his hands on her hips. “And what were you expecting?”

She smiled. “I was expecting a goofy hockey player that could only move in a straight line on the ice.”

“So I proved you wrong?” he whispered into her ear. His voice was low and it sent shivers up Penelope’s spine.

“Yes,” she nodded. “I was very, very wrong.” This was Penelope’s kind of game now. She didn’t like drinking games; Penelope preferred to drink at her own pace. She didn’t like dating games either. But the occasional one night stands when she had an early night? Absolutely. And it seemed like it was Patrick’s game too.

“Cold?” he asked.

“Just a bit,” Penelope lied. “Just a bit.”

“Let’s get out of here then,” he suggested.

Penelope looked up at him and saw his cocked eyebrow and smug grin.

“Okay,” she nodded. “Let’s go.”


Sending a quick text to their friends, Patrick ushered Penelope out to his car and helped her in.

“Ready, ballerina?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Mmmm... so I usually don't write about married players. I hope it's not showing, lolz. Let me know what's on your minds, lovelies!