I Am Lightning

Yeah, I'm pretty old. I'm pretty ugly. I have scars all over my face, and my eyes alone are enough to freak people out. I don't talk much and I don't much care what you think of me. But although I'm old and experienced, my mind is still that of a young girl, trying to save her world. And maybe, if I can save myself, I can really and truly save the lives of every other person on this otherwise forsaken planet.
  1. Alter City
    The dark-haired girl has come back to Alter City, for events are starting to take place.
  2. Lord Martin
    In the entrance hall of Alter City, Fulgora is announced to Lord Martin
  3. The Elements
    Fables of faraway lands, and ruins that really once were
  4. The Crimson Cat Inn
    A little unwanted attention arises.
  5. A Darkness Spike
    Everyone has brown eyes, it's just so dull.
  6. Aura of Darkness
    After so many years of searching, Fulgora has located the source of the darkness
  7. It's a Shadow
    Fulgora meets an ancient enemy of her past
  8. The Fight
    Fulgora and the shadow battle
  9. Memories
    The child Kari
  10. Lightning Eyes
    Is this a memory in a dream?
  11. Escape the Memories
    Fulgora cannot escape the memories of her past
  12. To Awaken
    The steps to becoming a Master
  13. Two old mages
    The mages of the college
  14. Maximus
    A far-seer who really sees the future
  15. Fire boy
    Fulgora meets 'fire boy'
  16. Joshua
    Fulgora has a chat with Lord Martin
  17. Townsfolk and chargers
    The stone was split
  18. Rise and Fall
    Some training while travelling
  19. Majestic City
    The two finally get to the city and discover there whereabouts of the first shard of stone