I Am Lightning

Alter City

It had been 300 years since my world was destroyed.
I walked through the town gate, the rising sun behind my back, with guards gawking at me on either side. Yes, I am over 600 years old, and don’t look a day over fifteen. It’s not because I’m 738 years old that they’re staring at me. They’re staring at me because of my rather horrid appearance.

Townsfolk squint at me as I pass, the sun being behind me, and all recoil slightly. I yawn and stretch, trotting towards the town hall, letting my fingers reach towards the bluest blue of skies before allowing my right hand to go back to fingering the hilt of my blade, my left hand swinging at my side. After being alive for hundreds of years, you stop feeling very self-conscious.

I try not to think of that time, so many long years ago, when everything turned upside down for me. I had felt the dark energies stirring in the land, and yet I had been so unprepared for what happened... and even now, a faint sense of those same energies reach me. I know they’re still out there. But I shake my head and ignore it, instead focusing on the bright, glorious day. There are only a couple of clouds in the sky, and ripe fruit hang from the beautiful leafy trees around the path I walk through the city. I have always liked Alter City. Not because I was the one who suggested building the place here, on this lovely big hillside, but for the beautiful nature and peace of the place. And yes, the reason this place is peaceful is also because of me, but I’m trying hard not to be self-absorbed here. I’m really just enjoying the scenery.

The town hall is really the entrance hall to Alter Castle, which sits upon the hill like a crown upon a King’s head. But not THE King’s head. I don’t like King Edmund very much. So I’m quite glad right now that I’m not in the capital city of Majestic. I mean, really? What sort of dumb name is that for the capital city? I know it’s the King’s city and all, but that’s why I think that’s really pushing it a little. Anyway, Alter Castle is quite a lovely castle, with strong foundations set into the hillside, and dungeons all through it. It has a few tall towers and the design is really quite lovely. It almost seems styled off the old Air Realm. But again that brings back memories, and I shake my head. I don’t want to think about those dark days.

The path starts to tilt upwards as I reach the edge of the markets and most of the houses, and start the trek up towards the castle. It’s been quite a while since I’ve been here, and I’m curious to find out what the new Lord is like. I know his name is Martin, and all the rumours I’ve heard from the other town inns has been positive, but I like to judge people’s character for myself. I tend to live in one city for a while, disappear out into the wilderness for a few years, then emerge in another city, so sometimes I lose track of who does what and who is important. But this is something I need to do, simply so that people don’t remember me. I don’t want people knowing how old I am, they’ll attempt to clap me in irons and drag me out to the College of Mages. Yeah, no thanks!

I blink and look around, finding myself already at the top, standing in front of the entrance to the town hall with guards on either side. Wow, I shouldn’t let my thoughts take me away places because before I realise it, I’m where I need to be. I should pay more attention next time. There are a few other people around me, huffing and puffing from the climb up, but it takes a lot more than a little climb to get me in such a state. My right hand goes from fiddling with my hilt to playing with the corner of my bow at my back. The smooth wooden texture feels rather nice beneath my fingers. The people around me state their intentions to the guards, between breaths, and finally it is my turn. I see their eyes go wide and their jaws drop as they take in my appearance.

Yeah, people don’t think much of my yellow eyes, and my face pocketed with scars.
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So I definitely know where this is heading, but I want people to let me know if they like it first before I actually head there. XD