Can't Pretend That We're Nothing Special

I'll start to pretend im okay.

Zacky's P.O.V

I sighed to myself and sunk back into the uncomfortable chair and looked out the window. Through the clouds I could see the bluey-green glinting and shimmery waters of the atlantic ocean. Tears seeped their way out of my eyes. I thought of everyone I was going to leave behind in Southampton. All my friends and most importantly my girlfriend. Well my ex-girlfriend now. We decided that long-distance relationships will never work, plus she'd never be allowed to come over to America to visit me. I wiped the tears away before they started to flow thick and fast.

All of this just because my mum got fired and ended up getting a job as an manager of a band in a place in California called Huntington Beach. I've never heard of it, but now we're going to live there.

I turned my Ipod up louder as the captain announced we were going to land in Los Angeles airport in under 10 minutes. I just wanted to go home as I was feeling homesick already. I felt my mum poke me in the back as she was sat behind me.

"Hey, you've been quiet all journey. Are you alright?" She whispered, not wanting to wake the big, fat, bald guy next to me. I just nodded and clicked my seatbelt so it locked. I hated the turbulence so much but the landing, it was far worse. I screwed my eyes shut and hoped it would go quicker to get it over and done with.

The plane had landed and everyone was getting off really slowly. I just wanna get my ass off this plane and go. I get agitated on planes because I hate them so much. I grabbed my two suitases and jumped in the cab with mum.

Well, here goes my new life in Huntington Beach...
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Sorry it's not long. Just explaining. I'll get into the full story after a few chapters.