Status: An old oneshot from '07. Reposted.

30 Seconds


Apparently, thirty seconds is all it takes. All it takes to live, love and lose. Never thought it would be true (love) though..

Have you ever watched those horror movies where someone is haunted and sees the person everywhere in a crowd? And when someone walks by, the ghost is gone. That happened to me, but in a good way..

"Chelseaaa!" I whined. "I want to go home! You know I don’t like shopping!" She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Bullshit Cassie, you’re female, shopping is in your genes.."

I sighed and started browsing again. "I’m going outside for a smoke Chels, you alright in here?" I asked. She just waved at me from behind a pile of pants and dresses. I softly snickered. Simple, simple soul.. She’s way to easy to manipulate. She knows I quit smoking two months ago. At least, I thinks he knows..

I decided to just walk around the city for a bit. I didn’t like shopping, but just walking and observing people is always fun.

With my hands in my pockets, I walked for nearly an hour. Until now, I was kind of lost in my own world. That changed when I passed a giant bus in front of a hotel. A crowd of squealing girls was surrounding one guy. He was taller than the girls. He was Jared Leto. I liked the music he and the band made, but saw that I didn’t stand a chance against that crowd of girls. I started walking again. Surprisingly, he caught me glancing and smiled. I smiled back and walked on.

10 seconds

That night, after Chelsea was done yelling at me for leaving, we went out.

"I’ll get drinks!" Chelsea shouted over the music that was playing. I pointed to the dance floor and she nodded. I didn’t mind dancing alone, it was just as fun as dancing with a guy. The next song came on, I started swaying my hips. That was until someone grabbed my wrist and twirled me around. Believe it or not, it really was Jared Leto. He smiled again and we danced. He made sure that he didn’t block any of my moves. He let me dance and he’d follow. He twirled me around once more but when I turned he was gone. Looking out over the crowd, I saw him being dragged away by one of his band mates. It wasn’t an apologising glance he sent my way, but a smile. I smiled back.

20 seconds

The next moth went by rather slowly. The whole Jared situation went to the back of my mind a little. That was until Chelsea surprised me with tickets to their concert. She never knew about my meeting with him.

At the concert we almost stood front row. I thought I caught his eye a couple of times, but I could have imagined it. Because we where almost in the front, it took us a while to get out after the concert was over. Almost out the door, Chelsea decided that she had to go to the bathroom. Fate? I wouldn’t know. So, we walked back in. The place was deserted, with the exception of a few roadies. Suddenly I heard some kind of whistle. I turned around. Jared sat on the edge of the stage, swaying his legs back and forth. He had an, even from this distance, unmistakeable smirk on his face. I walked up to the stage and leant on one of the fences in front of him, I realised I was smirking too. "Don’t feel special" I said with a laugh. "Jared." He said. "Cassie." I responded. He smiled, I smiled back.

30 seconds
♠ ♠ ♠
An old oneshot, but I like the concept of it. Found it, going through my story folder.

Hope you enjoy :)
