His Venomous Lips


The female officer, whose name I had yet to learn, returned my belongings to me herself. She didn't question me, threaten me or attack me like I had imagined her doing when I let my thoughts run wild, instead she bared her teeth in a half smile and bid me good-day. The politeness of the situation was marred only by the formidable expression lurking beneath the half smile, she still didn't like me but I wasn't concerned enough to find out why, I had more pressing matters on my mind.

It was only after I had gone shopping and restocked my cupboards that I allowed my mind to wonder to the issues yet to be resolved. Only, I didn't know where to start. Quickly I brewed myself a coffee before settling onto the couch and letting the familiar warmth swarm over me, the scent of coffee quickly aiding me into relaxing. I was so glad to be back at home, I thought I wouldn't feel safe, I thought I'd have killers lurking behind every closed door, but I was wrong. I had never felt safer. Sighing in contentment, I set my mind straight and thought about the task at hand.

I knew that I would have to go back to the garage when I could; although it did seemed like an impossible task. When it was finally released from police hands it was to fall back into the hands of the owner who, apparently, was not at the scene during the time of the shooting. He wouldn't recognise who I was -well unless he was permitted to view the security tapes of the incident- and even if he had, he'd probably have been as secretive as Sean and Bobby. I could have broken in and taken a look around but I'd never committed a breaking and entering before and I didn't feel the urge to break that trend. So that left me with one choice that I could see, I would have to do it in the day, while everyone was working. I'd sneak around back, into Jeb's old office and search his desk. It was a long-shot that I would find anything but it would be a start.

Frowning slightly, I sipped at my cooling drink noticing that the mug had nearly been emptied. I'd been sat for ten minutes contemplating how to start and even though I had a plan it wasn't one that I liked. The risks involved were endless, I could be caught, handed to the police, threatened, even killed it seemed. But I had to know the truth. Something from deep within my very core urged me forward, praying for an answer. One that, I'll admit, I probably wasn't ready for. Downing the last of the contents in my cup, I rose from the chair and rinsed the remaining coffee out before going to bed, my mind still preoccupied with the plan I would execute two days later.

The next day I returned to work, a familiar face greeting me at the front of the line.

“We need to talk.” He demanded, the sinister expression painting his face encouraging the shivers that travelled through me.

“We do?” I feigned innocently.

“Yes. We do.”

“Well, now isn't the best time. As you can see there is a line forming behind you and I'm currently working. So if you don't mind either order or leave.” It took all my strength to try and sound intimidating when I myself felt intimidated, and I didn't quite pull it off as my voice sounded more monotone than anything.

“I see.” He said with narrowed eyes. “I'll have a strong coffee please.” Reaching in his pocket he began to sort out money before I shot my hand forward and stilled his, my eyes wide with my actions.

“Erm... I got this.” I stuttered breathlessly as the uncomfortable buzz from the touch of his skin reverberated up my arm. A sly smile lit up his features as he eyed my face.

“As you wish.” Sean chuckled quietly before walking towards the serving area, his fingers tapping across his leg with unspoken irritation.

The rest of the morning shift dragged on and it didn't help that I was all too aware of the bright blue eyes drifting in my direction every few minutes. Every second that dragged by weighed me down with dread, I didn't know what he wanted to talk about but I hoped to God that it didn't interfere with my plans or that it wasn't bad news. I had wished Jason was on the same shift as me but sadly he'd traded off with Maria, a small quiet girl that was useless at her job and who shouldn't have been hired in the first place. She was nice though and I think that was the only reason she hadn't been fired.

As soon as the clock reached my lunch break I slowed down my activities. I served customers slower and passed orders to Maria slower and did everything I could possibly think of slower. But when the boss walked over with a puzzled look across her flawless face I knew that I was going to have to man up -metaphorically speaking of course- and talk to Sean about whatever it was that he wanted. Sighing I hung up my apron and shuffled towards him and his tapping fingers.

The rhythmic beat across the table reminded me of the car journey towards the hospital, how he was so wound up over me being involved in something I shouldn't have been. I wondered if it was the same thing plaguing his mind as before. It would make sense, I supposed. He didn't like my involvement then and I couldn't imagine that anything had changed over the course of one night. Of course, that could mean that he was going to try and talk me out of my newly raised plan, although knowing about it would be impossible, especially since I hadn't told a soul about it. Cheerlessly I fell into the seat in front of him, looking straight into his beautiful eyes before cowering away from his look and glancing around at the pale walls instead.

“You looked quite busy today.” Sean smirked, instantly making my cheeks flame. Unfortunately it hadn't been busy at all that day, in fact it had been quiet the opposite. There had been a lull in customers all morning until the usual lunch time rush. Sadly that had meant I had a lot of free time. Time which of course was spent looking for work to do just so I could avoid the penetrating stare that was focussed in my direction most of the day.

“Oh... yeah. Cleaning and stuff. Have to keep on top of it you know?” I explained lamely knowing it was a lost cause. He knew what I'd been doing, the sly look on his face said much more than his words could.

“Yeah I know how it is. But the reason I'm here.” Suddenly his eyes turned dark making his skin seem shades paler which in turn made his hair look darker, he looked dangerous. Frightening even. “They've took in Marcell. He's the gang leader who initiated the attack on the garage. Usually this would be good news but for you and Bobby it's not.”

“Why?” I manage to ask through the lump that had formed in my throat, the name Marcell echoing thunderously in my head.

“Because they've only took in Marcell. They haven't got enough evidence to place any more of his gang there. The problem is that Marcell has very loyal followers who will do anything to keep him out of prison. Anything.”

I think it was the shock more than anything but my mind just couldn't make sense of his words. All I could hear was the warning in his voice and the name of the gang leader that had tried to murder me and that had succeeded in killing several others. He was the first piece of the puzzle. If I was to find information out about him then surely information about everything else would soon follow. Well in theory anyway.

“Grace! Are you even listening?” Sean growled, the furious tenor in his voice only vaguely concealed. Tensing up, I nodded my head and tried to keep my face from betraying just how much he scared me. “Oh really? Please, explain to me what I just said.”

Silently I gawked at him knowing that for the life of me I couldn't repeat what he had said. My mind had shut down before his explanation and I wasn't really sure that I wanted to know what he had to say, something within the pit of my stomach rolled over from the thought. But despite my reluctance I gestured for him to continue, worried my voice wouldn't work if I'd used it instead.

“You're in danger Grace. Like I said, these guys will stop at nothing. They could try to kill you just so you wouldn't be able to testify against Marcell. I implore you to get away from here, lay low until the court case, get police protection, anything!” My mind reeled at the thought of being killed but quickly I pushed it away, a question springing to mind that probably shouldn't have been highest on my list of concerns.

“Why do you care anyway? I mean seriously, I could die and it wouldn't effect you in the slightest, you could go on with your life and pretend I never existed. So please, do enlighten me.”

I watched as his face faltered slightly before quickly recovering, a look of rage taking place of the previous surprise.

“Grace, do you think I would have saved your life just to watch you die later? Sure, I don't know you and after this whole ordeal then we can go our separate ways and it'll be no skin off my back. But you listen to me, just because you don't like me it doesn't mean I'm a bad guy. Sure, I may be a monster, a freak, whatever! But I wouldn't willingly let someone die if I can stop it. So stop being so stubborn, stop looking for answers which'll put you at risk further and do yourself a favour. Get help, get protection. Fucking grow up and look after yourself!” During his entire rant it was only one thing that caught my attention, the rest was alarming, sure, but not nearly as interesting as how he'd described himself...

“A monster?” I repeated. “What do you mean by that?” As soon as the words left my mouth he seemed unnaturally still. His fingers ceased their endless taping an his mouth remained slightly ajar, the look of shock on his face almost engraved to the bone.

I waited for a full ten seconds before he seemed to snap out of his trance with his face turning back to normal.

“I meant nothing. Think about what I said Grace.” He snapped before storming out of the café, my eyes following him the entire time.

For once I wanted to be rid of the aversion I had towards Sean, I wanted to be able to put aside my fear of him and chase after his retreating figure so I could demand answers. But that was never going to happen, especially when the more rational part of my brain screamed at me that he was dangerous, that I should stay away. Just the memory of how he'd looked at the blood trickling down my face sent renewed shivers down my spine. He just wasn't right.

Blowing out a gust of air, I rose from my seat and made my way behind the till, my head too preoccupied with new information to actually work. I had no doubt that a quick search online would aid me in finding answers, the only problem was that I only knew Marcell's first name. Even with his last name using a search engine would bring up a load of completely unrelated searches. I would need to be specific in my search which meant that I would need more information.

And that brought me back to my garage idea. The plan was fraught with things that could go wrong, from being caught to not getting what I needed, I could get lost, locked in, hurt... Was I really willing to go that far just for a few answers that probably wouldn't make a difference to my life?
Sadly, I knew I would.

Biting my lip, I decided to clear my mind for the rest of the day, well, at least while I was at work anyway, and think about less urgent things instead. And it would have worked well except when I wasn't thinking about the garage I was thinking about Sean.

It was beginning to seem like he was a puzzle that needed solving too.
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Kinda sad that this story is getting no feedback! But I'll live with it :)