What Are You So Scared Of?

She kissed me

Jenna's POV.

Jamie was the worst moving house organiser ever. Usually, he'd be so minutious and rigorous, but there he was so hyper and nonsensical I had to ask Stu if he was on speeds again.

Which he was not, otherwise apparently he would have collapsed and started clawing at the carpet, crying. Substances have a bad effect on thid boy, but even with the number of bad trips he had and how emotional and depressed he got when he was drunk, he continued.

So he was running everywhere, stopping to kiss Stu, giggling excitedly, his long black hair let loose.

And I had to move dozens of boxes, because "No! This one goes there!" or "Careful! Don't put it here!". Man, if you gave me any explainations I would put everything in its right place.
Once it was done, we sat into the unfurnitured appartment, between Stu and Jamie's boxes, and ate noddles. Lee told us how Syirin's brother had caught him with his girlfriend. Sean spent the while checking if Ian didn't have any louses. Becca recounted her first day at college.

Midway through we noticed Jamie and Stu were getting very touchy-feely, as in, Jamie was snogging Stuart, his hands under his tee-shirt.


We decided it was time to fuck off, so they could christen the appartment or something in the taste.
We found ourselves in the street, and recalled Ben Bruce was doing a party in the evening. So Sean decided to come at mines to dye our hair together. Ian went away with Lee, and Mike whined about being forever alone before going home.

So here we were, applying the dye on our hair in my bathroom. I stood in my bra, and Sean was bare torso. My phone vibrated, announcing me that Mike had apparently found the "perfect clothes" for tonight. I snorted.

"Knowing Mike, it will either be his usual skate clothes."

Sean laughed, checking if he could wash the dye out of his hair, and his smile enlarged.

"What is making you smile my Seanie?"


"Ooooh and why?"

"Politically incorrect things." He grinned pervertedly.

"Oh god, you only ever think about this don't you?"

"The sex is good, I'm allowed to think about it!" He smiled deviously.

I rolled my eyes, and Sean just chuckled.


I'm not putting a dress on, ever, so I went in skinny jeans, with a tank top, and ballerina shoes. Heels aren't for me.

Ben opened to us, grinning, a beer in hand. Sean slapped his arse when he passed, and Ian gave him the death glare.

And on the sofa, sitting her legs crossed, her hair perfect, her makeup discrete, Taylor.

I immediately blushed, and Sean pushed me lightly towards her.

"Go" he smiled.

I shrugged and walked towards her. She was speaking to Josh. Oli was next to him, speaking to Sam, and Tom Searle was glaring in their direction. Well I think it was Tom, it might have been Dan. Never been good with twins.

Anyway, here I go.

"Oh hi Josh!"

"Hey Jenna! A'ite?"

"Yeah, yeah... You?"

"Well and good... Tay, here is Jenna McDougall ; Jenna, here is Taylor Jardine" he presented us.

"Hi!" She smiled, and what a beautiful smile, fuck.


Oli popped up behind Josh.

"Joshie, you hear that song? You HAVE to come and dance with me on it."

Josh rolled his eyes, and waved at us as he was tugged away.
I smiled, and looked at Tay.

"Uh so... I never saw you before... Nor your friends..."

She smiled again.

"I'm from Poughkeepsie, New York, and the boys are from Baltimore, Maryland."

"Is that bad if I don't know where it is?"

She chuckled.

"That's okay. It's on the east coast of the USA. My dad is a diplomate. So we moved. And you have a weird accent, it's not totally British..."

"I'm from Sydney in Australia."

"Oh so everybody's from other places than London?"

"Well, we're particularly parasited by sheep-shaggers..." I grinned.

"HEY! I HEARD YOU!" Ian yelled from the dancefloor.

"Sheep-shaggers?" Tay frowned, a smirk on her face.

"Welsh people." I grinned.

"Oh... There's loads in the school yes?"

"Yes. And loads of gay's and bi's too."

Tay smiled widely.


"Yes, I'm bi myself." Aaah I said it.

"Well, I'm bi too ha!" She smiled.

My heart made a looping in my chest and I grinned, pointing at the dancefloor towards the already tightly intertwined Lee and Syirin.

"Ain't they cute?"

"Aw yes, they haven't let go of eachother since the start of the song."

"This is Lee and his girlfriend Syirin. They're in uni. The welshie there is Ian, with Sean there, and the two sluts are Jamie and Stuart. The boy there speaking with Ali is Mike ; Sam and Tom, Oli and Josh you know, Becca and Dan and Max ; Simon and Fraser ; the guy who keeps knocking everyone's food on the floor is John, Fraser's brother. The guys kissing are Ben J and Gus - you know how there's Ben B well that's Ben J - Uh, and there are Alan and Austin."

Tay nodded slowly, as we watched the others dance. The tune changed, to some Fall Out Boy.

"I like this song" Tay said.


"Yeah... I do too."

Ugh silence again.

"Wanna dance?" I blurted out.

Oh god. Jenna what what even why don't you shut up.
But Tay smiled, and took my hand, tugging me off the sofa.


She brought me in the middle of Ben's giant living room, and put her arms around my neck, as I put my hands onto her hips shyly. We started dancing, oh god that was awkward at first, but then... Well then she kissed me.