What Are You So Scared Of?

You sexual predator.

Duce's POV.

What the fuck.
I am currently sitting on the floor of a girl I've just met's house, surrounded with people I barely know, watching Mean Girls.
They were all eating vinegar chips and drinking Dr Pepper, and that Sean boy was sniffling in a pile of tissues while Jenna comforted him.
Mike was giggling like a girl at the film - isn't he supposed to be straight? - Lee was eating mini tomatoes "for his diet", and that Jamie boy was cuddled into a blanket, snuggling to susmentionned Lee. And Lee didn't seem to mind. Aren't they both supposed to be in a relationship?
Then there was this Fraser boy I'd never seen, comforting Sean also.
And there's... Aled.

My stomach churned.
What the fuck is up with this guy? His green fucking eyes, his curly, cute fucking brown hair, his adorable chubby face... He was just, incredibly amazingly pretty. I had never looked at someone like that. And it's confusing, cause he's a boy.
Since my parents moved here anyway, I miss all my friends. I miss Dec and Nic and Ben and Eddy and Jamesy and even if they only two hours away it feels so far away.
I looked up, listening to Sean's sobbing.

"He-he basically told me he and I couldn't work out with him abroad" he said in a strangled voice.

"Shhht, Seanie, that's okay..." Jenna said soothingly.

Lee and Jamie were starting to get really, really touchy-feely. As in, hugging really tight and resting their heads on eachother. I shifted uncomfortably as Mike's phone buzzed.

He picked up.

"Hello? Amber! You okay? ... Oh, just watching Mean Girls with the guys and Jen. Yeah, Mean Girls! I love it!"

Yeah, that's what I guessed.

"Really?! We should watch it together one of those days! Oh wait, I'll call you back, it's the moment where Cady gives Regina the calorie bars! Yeah! You're the best! Yeah, skate tomorrow! Kisses!"

Aled snorted as Mike focused back on the film.

"You have the weirdest relationship with your girl, man."

"It's cause he's camp." Fraser chanted.

"I'm not!" Mike protested.

True, apart from the Mean Girls thing, he seems pretty manly.
We all turned back to screen, and Aled slipped off the sofa, sitting next to me. I froze, glancing at Lee and Jamie. They weren't really touching inappropriately, just snuggling but it was weird.
I heard Aled giggle.

"You're asking yourself what they're doing eh?"

I nodded, and jolted as I saw their lips connecting briefly, before Jamie pulled away a bit, and got back to hugging Lee tenderly.

"Lee and Jamie have been friends since nursery. They're very close. They kiss and hug but never do... Sexual stuff, y'know."

"And their... The people they're in a relationship with don't mind?" I asked, staring into his beautiful eyes.

Aled shrugged, shaking his head.

"No, not really. They're just being cuddly, it's been like that for years."

"But they're kissing and all"

"Kissing someone isn't a big deal" Aled laughed softly. "See."

And he leaned in, and pressed his lips to mine.

His soft lips were gone as soon as they had arrived, and he was smiling cheekily at my confused face. What a fucking bastard. I was so confused I couldn't say anything. I didn't even know what I thought or was feeling.
Aled was turning me upside down and I hated it.

"I-Is that some kind of custom you guys have to keep kissing random people?" I scoffed.

Aled laughed.

"Nah. I was just fooling around with you. You're probably hetero, anyway, mm?"

I just nodded.

"That's almost a first then."

"Nobody's a hetero in your friends?"

"They're all sexually confused as fuck. Even LEE likes dick."

"Piss off" Lee mumbled.

"Admit it. You think we didn't see you last year running into the toilets with Max Helyer you sexual predator"

"He was 16 and he was helping me to wash my jumper after I puked myself you idiot"

"You puked yourself?" I scowled.

"A few times." Lee grimaced. "I get really bad migraines and they make me puke. Most of the time I can go to the toilet in time but sometimes everything just ends up on the floor, table or on myself."

"Ewww" I just said.

"Get used to it. Not only does he puke everywhere but he gets extra pissy. It's like a girl on her period." Fraser smirked.

Lee hissed.

"What about I get pissy on YOU, Mr I'm -scared-of-giving-my-boyfriend-head?"

Jamie just chuckled as Fraser reddened, looking furious.

"Really, Fraser? It's not THAT hard, and, it's not like Simon is that big down there!"

"5 inches hard, it's clearly bigger than yours!" Fraser barked, fuming.

Jamie grabbed his crotch, red at the cheeks.

"Well at least I can take 6 1/2 inches, you pussy!"

Jenna, Mike and Sean were watching the scene with curious looks. It was visibly so interesting it had detached Mike from the Mean Girls storyline, which I guess means it was an important conversation.

"And Lee, it's not like you ever gave someone head before, Mr Vagina-Lover, or rather, Mrs Dyke!"

"Shut your mouth up!" Lee hissed. "Don't even go there, Fraser, don't even think..."

"...Oh yeah, Lee the little girl!" Fraser continued.

Lee had tears going in his eyes.

"Shut up, you bastard!"

"It's okay Lee, no need to hide the fact you like dick, we all KNOW you're not a real guy!"

"SHUT UP!" Lee screamed, rushing on Fraser, as they tumbled off the sofa.

"Whoah guys! Calm the fuck down!" Jenna tried to separate them.

Jamie and Aled went to help, and held a furious, crying Lee back.

You know what, I don't understand. At all.

Aled suddenly grabbed my arm and took me away, locking us in the bathroom.

"I... What the fuck just happened?" I stuttered.

Aled bit his lip.

"There's something about Lee I guess you should know... You weren't supposed to know I mean, we had sworn no one would know from now on but... Well, Fraser can get really pissy when it's about Simon."

"What... What is it?"

"Lee was born... With both a vagina and a penis. He's a hermaphrodite." Aled said. "His parents raised him as a little girl, but then, when Lee started growing up -I'm his neighbour- he started just... Behaving like a boy. So they changed everything and suddenly he was a boy. He got a lot of hate for it, even parents were sending threats... We were like, 8. So Lee's more than a bit touchy about it, he's a fully functionning man, he got an operation to correct some things up, but he has a vagina, and ovaries. Which are functionning less well, but Jamie knows better about that than me."

I was honestly fascinated. It was so weird. But, I don't know. It made me feel sorry for Lee.

"Does he have, like, boobs?" I asked slowly.

"I think so. Small though. You'll have to ask Jamie. Anyway, sorry this got a bit out of hand, it's not like that usually."

Well I hope so.
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I'd like to thank everyone who commented on this story. I didn't think people would read it at all but in the end... Thank you ily