Status: rewriting and will start posting again soon!

If I Die Young


Louis' POV;

I got a call from Fallon while I was in the shower. I knew it was her because she personalized her ringtone herself. Livin' La Vida Loca. She even said, the day she programmed it, that I wasn't allowed to change it and if I ever did, she wouldn't refrain from giving me a swift slap across the head. Or worse, a kick between the legs.

Not being able to answer because I was shampooing my hair, I let the call go to voicemail because I figured she just wanted to probably hang out or something. If it was super important she'd leave a message, text me or even have her mum call me.

Because if there was one thing Fallon was, it was impatient.

It wasn't like she could be in the hospital. Because she's been fine. Amazing, even, since she gave everyone the dreadful news.

10 minutes later when I finally got out and dried off my body, I reached for my phone and saw I did, in fact, have a voicemail. Pressing play, I brought it up to my ear, expecting to hear Fallon's light, carefree voice, but instead, I heard her mum's. And it sounded frantic, worried, scared. That worried me a lot. Why else would Fallon's mum be calling me on her daughter's phone unless something bad happened?

"Hi, Louis. It's Mary. I needed to call and let you know that Fallon's getting taken to the hospital by ambulance right now. Her nose is bleeding quite badly and she's losing a lot of blood. She's scared and she wants you here so if you could drive down and meet us that'd be lovely because I think you being here could help calm her down. Anyway, if you need anything, give me a ring."

"Oh God."

I threw on some clothes, not even bothering to see what they were, and grabbed my mum's car keys when I got downstairs, and ran out to her car, starting it and driving off towards the hospital as fast as I could. And of course, I got stopped at all the stoplights and got stuck behind an elderly woman whom I couldn't pass for a few minutes, but I finally made it to the hospital fairly quickly and ran into the emergency room, breathing heavily.

"Fallon Montgomery," I breathed out.

One of the nurses at the desk looked up from the computer. "What?"

"Fallon Montgomery. She was coming here on an ambulance with a bad bloody nose. I'm her… boyfriend and I want to know where she is."

Facing the computer again, she typed in what I assumed was Fallon's name. "She arrived here about half an hour ago. Room 238. It's upstairs. Second floor."

"Thank you."

I felt like the lift wouldn't go fast enough. Even though it was only one floor, it was like it was taking an eternity to go up to that one floor. When the lift dinged and the doors opened, I ran out and went on a search for room 238.

I knocked when I found it, impatiently waiting for whoever was inside to open the door. Seconds later, Mary slowly opened it, and reached for me, wrapping me in a tight hug. "Lou."


"You can see her if you want. She won't be able to talk to you or see you but she may still be able to hear."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll understand when you see her."

Nodding, I moved past her mum and went into the room. I saw her lying there, not moving, a breathing tube shoved down her throat. What was going on? Why was there a a machine breathing for her?

"She lost a lot of blood. The doctors put her in an induced coma so her body could regenerate the new blood they gave her. They said they'd keep her like this for a few days."


It was all I could say. I didn't think a bloody nose could do all of this. She said she was fine just a few days ago. She told me nothing was wrong. Was she lying? Lying to make me feel better and not worry about her?

"Fallon," I sighed, moving to the side of the bed and taking both of her hands in mine. "Push through this, okay? I know you can."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooo? Don't hate me!
I'm gonna try and write the next chapter and have it out pretty quickly, but coming from me, who knows if that will even happen because lately I've been having trouble writing for all my stories.

Maybe it's because I've been too caught up watching Supernatural… maybe. Probably.

Thank you for your comments last chapter!:
Infinity and Beyond;

I'm gonna start a new story soon! It's called Only Place I Call Home. Check it out?