Status: rewriting and will start posting again soon!

If I Die Young


Louis' POV;

"Fallon!" Could you come and help set the table?!" Her mum called from downstairs and Fallon sighed, slumping her shoulders and rolled her eyes but got up anyway.

"I swear I can't… nevermind, just don't break or get into anything, Louis," she left her bedroom, leaving me all alone.

I looked around, noticing her room hadn't changed since the last time I was in the Montgomery household. It was still as messy as ever, but it always has been. Fallon was never a neat freak, just like I was. "Oh my, what is this?" I asked out loud as my eyes landed on a light blue folded sheet of paper that sat atop a folder.

I unfolded it and saw a written lost of 10 things—a bucket list of sorts? The title said 'Things I Want to Do Before I Die' and that made my heart sink into my stomach, knowing that Fallon actually made a list because she knew she wasn't going to be able to do all these things she really wanted to since the cancer was really going to take her away.

1. Ride a roller coaster
2. Do something crazy and out of character
3. Get a tattoo— reasoning behind #2
4. Learn to knit. Make scarves, hats and whatnot
5. Get a puppy
6. Go to the zoo (I know, I'm 20 and haven't been. Pretty shameful.)
7. Kiss in the rain
8. See Ed Sheeran live
9. Fall in love
10. Die happy (The most important of them all you could say.)

"Lou, lunch is rea— what are you doing?" I fumbled with the piece of paper, stuffing it back into the back pocket of my jeans when I heard her soft voice out of nowhere.

I spun around and saw her standing in the doorway with a confused look on her face. "I seemed to have misplaced my phone."

Her blue eyes narrowed and I followed her finger as it pointed to my pocket. "It's right there in your pocket."

"Oh right! Thank you, you're such a lifesaver!" I exclaimed, giving her another side hug, this time adding a kiss on the cheek to throw her off some more. "Come on, let's go eat because I'm about as hungry as Niall."

I followed Fallon down the stairs and instantly the smell of Mrs. Montgomery's delicious home cooking filled my senses and made my stomach growl. I knew I was hungry, but didn't exactly realize how hungry I was until I saw all the food laid out across the table. I took a seat next to Fallon before everyone else took their places.

As everyone ate and sometimes conversed about random things, I didn't say a word; all I could think about was that list in my back pocket and what I was going to do with it.

Because I had to do something.

I wanted to make everything on that list happen for the girl I called my best friend.


After lunch, I went home with my mum, but not before saying goodbye to Fallon and her parents and hugging them all, saying I'd be over tomorrow sometime.

I was mostly quiet on the way home, and even though I knew my mum was worried, she thankfully didn't say anything.

As she pulled into our driveway, I greeted my sisters with an enthusiastic hellos, picking them up and spinning them around in the air before going up to my old bedroom to ring up my mates to ask them a very important question that could make or break what I was planning in my head because I couldn't do it alone.

“Hazza? I have a brilliant idea and I need you to round up the lads and come out to Doncaster for a few weeks.”

“What? Lou, that’s mental. I can’t just do that.”

“Please, Harry. It’s for Fallon.”

Harry sighed but after some time, ended up agreeing. “I’ll see what I can do, mate, but I’m not promising anything.”

“Thank you. I’ll explain everything when you lot are here.”