Status: rewriting and will start posting again soon!

If I Die Young


Louis' POV;

I entered a craft store two days later.

I wanted to wait before I started working on beginning Fallon's bucket list until I got a confirming or denying call from Harry. And I received that call yesterday, and thankfully it was in my favor and he told me his and the lads' flights were booked for Saturday morning. I was excited for their arrival; I couldn't wait to see the look on Fallon's face when she saw the lads.

I figured that most of the items on the list would be easier to do with the help of the guys, hence the reason of their coming, and there was only two I could easily do on my own. I'd be doing numbers 4 and 5.

Learn to knit.
Get a puppy.

I looked around the large store and felt overwhelmed with all the crafts supplies available as I wandered down the aisles. Finally finding the aisle with yarn, I stopped and stood in front of them, I crossed my arms over my chest as my eyes travelled across all the numerous choices I could make in front of me.

"Could I help you with anything?" An elder woman, I guess she was near her 60s, joined me in the aisle.

"Uh, yeah actually… Eden," I looked down at her name tag. "I'm um, wanting to learn how to… knit. And I need supplies to do that…"

Eden smiled. "Anything in particular?"

I nodded. "Scarves, hats… yeah."

I heard Eden chuckle to herself as she lead me to the next aisle with the knitting needles and books about knitting. "It's not you who wants to lean is it?"

I shook his head sheepishly. "Not really. It's for a friend of mine."

"A girl?" I nodded. "It always is."

I smiled. "Yeah, I guess you're right. She always wanted to learn and uh, she found out her cancer came back so I'm trying to help her with the things she wants to do."

"That's very sweet of you. I'm sure your friend will appreciate you doing this for her."

Eden helped me gather all the items I needed, along with some books that had very good instructions on learning how to knit. I spent almost 20 minutes picking the perfect colors before settling on 5 different ones; a bright yellow, orange, navy blue, light green, and teal. All of Fallon's favorite colors.

When I got to the register to pay, Eden was there with a smile. "Got everything?"

"I did. Thank you again."

"No problem, love. Go woo the socks off that girl, yeah?"

My eyes widened. "Oh, it's not—" I stopped myself, because, was it like that? Was I doing all of this because I wanted Fallon to accomplish the list before the cancer takes her life, or was I doing it because I, might possibly, have feelings for my best friend?

I didn't even know.


Fallon's POV;

When I arrived home from a spa day with my mum, a special treat that Louis insisted on. I found a note taped to my bedroom door.


Had to run an errand! I'll be over soon. Don't miss me too much, yeah? ;)

— Louis

A laugh escaped my lips as I took down the note and entered my room, changing from the black yoga pants and slouchy top I wore to the spa and putting on a collared sleeveless white shirt that I tucked into a pair of denim high waisted shorts. I slipped my feet into a pair of sandals. A cute, simple outfit for how relax and rejuvenated the spa made me feel thanks to the amazing day from my best friend.

All the sudden, a loud boom sounded the house and I ran out of my room, looked down to the first story of the house from the top of the stairs to see Louis standing there in front of the door.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to make such a ruckus," he apologized. I motioned for him to come upstairs and noticed a grey bag in his hand. I wondered what was inside.

"Thanks for the note," I said as the two sat on her bed. I crossed her legs and rested my hands in my lap. "Just so you know, I didn't miss you all that much."

"I'm hurt, Fallon. I really am," Louis placed his hand over his heart and sighed dramatically.

"What's in the bag?" I asked, pointing to the grey bag I noticed from minutes earlier.

"Drugs. And alcohol."

"From… a crafts store? Makes sense to me," I replied sarcastically.

With a roll of his eyes, Louis tossed the bag near my desk. "We'll talk about that later. But now I'm taking you away for a little."

"I just got home!" I whined.

"Don't make me kidnap you," Louis threatened, narrowing his eyes and pointing a finger at me. "Because I will."

"Fine. Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!" Louis exclaimed, grabbing a blindfold from his back pocket and putting it around my eyes. "I'm gonna lead you to my car. Don't worry, I won't let you fall," he said as he got behind me, putting his hands on my arms and guiding me to his car.

Once he managed to get me inside—after nearly directing me to walk right into the mailbox—he shut the door, started up the car and began driving to whatever destination he so desperately wanted to keep a secret.

; Critter Corner. It was a small pet store that Louis went to a lot when he was younger, and he brought his younger sisters to the store quite a lot to see the animals. You could even say it was one of his favorite places.

A short twenty minute drive later, I heard him turn off his car and the passenger side door open. He grabbed my hand and helped me out, still keeping on the blindfold, much to my dismay. We entered a building and I scrunched my nose when I was met with a distinct smell hit my nose.

"Where the bloody hell did you bring me, Louis?"

Stopping, he finally pulled the blindfold off of my eyes. I had to blink multiple times to adjust them to the light, but when I did, my face lit up when I saw the puppy cages ahead of me.

But along with the happiness, came confusion.

"Lou, why am I here?"

"I know you've always wanted a small pup. Consider it an early birthday gift, yeah?"

I squealed in surprise and wrapped my arms around Louis' body, pressing my body against his and squeezing him tightly. I kissed his cheek before pulling away. "Come on then, help me pick!"

Almost instantly, my eyes found a small Yorkie and I fell in love with it. The puppy jumped up and put its paws against the glass and began to lick where my hand was. I didn't even have, or want, to look at the other dogs because I knew I wanted this pup and there was no doubt about it.

"You want this one?" Lou's voice brought me out of her trance and I nodded with a grin as I kept my gaze on the pup. "Alright. I'll go get someone."

Not even an hour later the pair were leaving with the small dog. The dog was sitting in my lap as I stroked it's brown and black fur.

"What are you going to name it?"

"Piper. I think she looks like a Piper. Don't you?" Louis nodded, agreeing with the name choice. "Thanks again, Louis. You didn't have to do this."

"Yeah I did, Fallon." He replied with a grin that had me worried.

He was up to something.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the puppy.