Status: rewriting and will start posting again soon!

If I Die Young


Louis' POV;

10 a.m. was a time I considered way too early to be woken up on a Saturday morning when my cell phone rang. I wasn't sure of who was ringing me at this early hour, or why exactly; something bad could be happening to Fallon now and her mum was calling to let me know to meet them at the hospital, or it was just one of the lads letting me know they were close since they were coming to Doncaster today.

With the realization that something could, in fact, be happening to my best friend I jumped up from the lying position I was previously in and fumbled around with shaky hands for my iPhone. I didn't even bother to look at who the caller was before answering, letting a breathy "hello?" pass his lips.

"Mate, are you alright? You're sounding a bit shaken up."

At the sound of Liam's caring voice my rapidly beating heart began to slow down as I took slow deep breaths to calm myself down. "I-I'm fine, Liam."

"We're about, what would you say Haz? Fifteen minutes from Lou's?" I could hear some muffled talking before Liam spoke again. "Yeah. Half an hour away."

Perking up some, my tone changed from tired and groggy to normal. "Great! I'll be ready and waiting!"


Fallon's POV;

I rushed out of bed on Saturday morning with a burning sensation in my throat and coughing, along with a sticky feeling on my chin. I ran to the bathroom, almost running head first into the doorframe because I didn't have my contacts in or glasses on. I stood in front of the mirror, disgusted with what was staring back at me.

"God," I groaned, looking at my reflection. My face was pale, my hair ratted like a bird's nest and then I realized what the sticky substance was.


After brushing my teeth, rinsing out my mouth, and wiping off my chin, I went back to my room and fell against the mattress, my head hitting the cloud-like pillows. I looked up at the ceiling and thought about everything that was happening.

Reality was driving like a freight train coming towards me at 100 miles per hour; everything was happening so quickly and I wasn't ready for it.

Not one bit.


I woke up again later in the day. I looked at the table near my bed and saw it was already noon. Remembering I was meeting Louis in two hours for some unknown reason, I was about to get in the shower but the laptop on my desk caught my eye.

So I decided to do make a vlog because I hadn't made one in a while.

"Hey," I started with. I looked at my appearance and cringed. "Maybe taking a shower before I recorded this would have been a brilliant idea because I look like absolute shit right now."

With a heavy sigh, I began my story from the morning. How I was woken up at a time most people were still in a deep slumber due to a burning throat and coughing up blood and looked like complete death afterward. And lastly when I came to the realization that it was all really happening.

"It's all starting to sink in finally. I've been waiting for this to happen since the doctor told me the cancer was back and terminal I just… I didn't think it would be so soon, you know?" Looking away from the camera for a few seconds because of tears threatening to spill, I regained composure and faced the blue light again. "I guess this is reality's way of telling me to suck it up because I'm going to die no matter what."

"Anyway, I'm meeting Louis in a couple of hours and I need to get ready. I don't think he'd want to be my friend with me looking like this," I said with a laugh. "I'll see ya 'round, I guess."

Taking a nice 1 hour shower, I mostly stood under the water letting the water cascade down my body for most of the time, just standing and thinking about everything that's bound to happen before finally getting out. My toes and fingers were all pruney. Before drying off my body I picked out an outfit; shorts and a maroon jumper I've had for years and was really comfortable.

With an hour still to wait before meeting Louis at the park the two used to go to all the time when we were younger, I decided to head to his house early. And with how beautiful the day was outside, instead of driving I opted to walk there.

And when I knocked on the door I wasn't expecting Niall to open it.

With wide eyes, I squealed and jumped into his open arms, squeezing him tight. "What in the bloody hell are you doing here?!"

He laughed against my cheek. His laugh was so infectious it made me chuckle as well. I loved Niall's laugh. "I'll leave that one to Lou because it was all his doin'."

Niall released me from his arms and I furrowed my eyebrows before heading up the stairs. Before reaching the top, a loud roar of laughter met my ears. And it wasn't just Louis' laugh, either.

"Louis William Tomlinson!" I exclaimed, my hand perched on her hip as I looked at the boy who was sitting on his bed. "What the hell is going on here!?"

Louis stood up and slowly walked over to me. "I figured you'd want to see the lads with everything going on so I asked them to come. Surprise!"

Tears started to fall down my cheeks because of my best friend's sincerity. He truly was a sweetheart.

"T-thank you so much, Louis. You have no idea how much this means to me."

All five of the boys walked to where I was standing. At that moment I was the happiest I've been in weeks; with all the news I've received lately having my five best friends around in the same place was the greatest thing that could happen right now.

"I love you guys."