Status: rewriting and will start posting again soon!

If I Die Young


Louis’ POV;

Yesterday was great.

The lads and I spent entirety of the day with Fallon because it had been a while since the six of us had been together (a few weeks to be exact, since she was able to come to America and visit us on our tour). We ended up staying at my house for the majority of the day, save the time we left to grab some lunch—because Niall kept protesting how hungry he was and wouldn’t shut up about it—and do some shopping.

Surprisingly though, we didn’t get caught by many fans, which I was pretty thankful for because today was a day for just the six of us to be together. Fallon needed to spend this time with us and definitely without the screaming fans and the big crowds that came along with them.

But today was just going to be a lads’ day because she had yet another doctors’ appointment, apparently this one was another check-up or something along those lines, and she said she’d come over when the appointment was finished.

Whenever that would be because it was nearing 4 o'clock and her appointment was at 1 in the afternoon.


Fallon’s POV;

This appointment had me even more worried than I was during the initial one that started all of this. My knees were all shaky and my palms were so sweaty that I had to keep rubbing them on my jeans to keep them dry.

Dr. Esan kept performing different tests on me. He wouldn't even tell me why when I asked him.

And that's what made me the most nervous.

After waiting another half an hour in the quiet room with my mum—who hadn't said a word since the doctor left the last time—the door creaked open and he walked in with his clipboard clutched to his chest. He took a seat and crossed his legs before looking up at me with those sad, solemn brown eyes that he had the first time he had to tell me I was terminal.

“I’m sorry to say this but I’ve got more bad news.”

Those two words 'bad news' had become all too familiar to me lately.

“Due to the cancer being terminal this time, it's spreading much more rapidly than we anticipated," he began. "We took another x-ray and found spots in your liver and kidneys."

I was too stunned to even speak.

"So… what are you saying exactly?" My mum's voice brought me back.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, “yeah, what are you saying? I’m already terminal, we know I'm going to die. What more could there be?”

"We've come to the conclusion that with how quickly everything is progressing, that Fallon has only got about one to three months to live."

I didn’t end up going to Louis’ house like I told him I would.

I couldn't.

Instead I spent the night crying in my bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my god I am so sorry it’s been so long since I’ve updated! I haven’t been able to write for this story and then I kinda forgot about it (which is horrible I know). I hope this is okay—despite its shortness (and shittiness because let's be honest it's not my best)—and you all like it, though.

And I vaguely remember telling people on the last author’s note (it's not there anymore because I deleted them all because I rewrote the story) that this chapter would make people cry. But this isn’t what I actually intended to happen… so I don’t think there will be any tears. Maybe.

But, expect more frequent updates (hopefully) because I’m back!