Status: I am currently awesome. leave me a comment to save a kitten



I hadn’t talked to any of the guys in three months, they would call me every day, but I would ignore them, I didn’t want their pity. I talked to Austin briefly, who passed me onto Alan, they were both worried about me, I felt a small tug in my heart as I heard his voice, as I smiled and reassure him that I was absolutely safe and sound at home. They were all getting back from tour next week; I figured I needed to find a new place to stay before that time came.

I was struggling to survive, I couldn’t eat, sleep, or feel happy, I just couldn’t, I had a job now, waitressing, which filled some of my time, I hated having spare time, it was only filled with painful nothingness. I only ate at work, because my boss was worried about my weight and would make me eat lunch. I spent most nights crying myself to sleep; I had lost my family, they were pretty much the only people that i felt supported me.

Despite this, I was still friends with Alex, we were getting closer and closer by the day, he offered for me to stay with him when the guys got back, I was stil looking for other options, but I felt like that was my only option at his point. Though there was nothing between us, romantically, at least, I could help but feel absolutely safe in his warm, happy presence.

I was supposed to be meeting Alex tonight, after my shift, he was coming back to my apartment and we were gonna watch a few movies together, eating junk food and getting drunk. He would stay the night, like we did most nights. he kept me sane, making me smile, even when I was in my darkest moments. He was also probably the only reason I was still alive right now, at this moment, so I owed him a lot for that.

As I cleaned the last of my tables at the restaurant, I looked at the clock, it read; 7.29, one minute until my shift would end. Just then the door opened and Alex stepped through, shaking rain out of his long black hair. He smiled at me and walked over to my side, pulling me into his chest “hey beautiful, nearly done?” he asked me. I nodded at him “one sec” I walked into the kitchen and clocked out, pulling my apron off and waving to my boss and co-workers. Alex put his arm around me and we walked out to his car “what movie we gonna be watching tonight babe?” he asked me, I shrugged at him “you choose, im not fussed” he chuckled at me “you’re never fussed” he shook his head but put his thoughtful face on, “hmmm, how about we watch…The Avengers?” he asked, looking at me out of the corner of his eye “yes that’s fine, now look at the road you doofus!” I chuckled, making him roll his eyes “yes mom”

We pulled into my apartment and he led me up to my floor, his arm around my waist. I pulled the door open and we stepped through, sitting him on the couch, he pulled the movie out of my cabinet and put it in, he went to make popcorn and I sighed, he always made popcorn, hoping that I would have some, but I never would.

As we sat together, cuddling close, I heard some movement outside the apartment. I looked over and froze in fear, Alex’s arms tightened around me and we watched at the door slammed open. I gasped when Jimmy ran through, catching sight of me and running to my side, pulling me into his chest, I felt his tears on my neck, I didn’t know whether they were happy or sad tears. I pushed him away slightly, “what are you doing?” I asked him coldly, I looked behind him to see all the guys standing awkwardly by the front door, Matt and Zacky were glaring at Alex, Brian and Johnny were glaring at me. I swallowed and Jimmy blinked down at me in disbelief “why did you leave skye!? I haven’t stopped worrying about you! God, you scared me” I felt a tug at my heart, then I remembered what he said, and my heart closed up and I glared up at him.

“why would YOU be worried about me?” the guys looked at me, surprise on their faces, “why wouldn’t I worry about you? You’re my best friend! Always will be!” I pulled out my phone “really? Because according to this text that you sent me the night I left I’m a ‘stupid bitch’, and that it’s ‘No wonder Zacky raped me, because I’m just a worthless whore’” I used air quotations around the insults. There was a collective gasp throughout the room and all glares turned to Jimmy, he looked awestruck and horrified “ I NEVER said that” he promised me, emphasising the word never “what? Who sent this to me then?” I asked, confused. My face went blank and I shook my head, sighing “what, who sent it Skye?” Matt asked me, a look of hope in his eyes, no one wanted to think Jimmy would say those things to me, they all hoped it was someone else.

My eyes narrowed “it was your fucking girlfriend!” I glared at him and he groaned “skye, don’t start this again, Leana’s been just as worried about you as I have” no, he could not be like this still. I shook my head “maybe I’ll just go” I stood up and pulled Alex off the couch. I heard them yelling at me to wait, but I ignored them, walking out the door, and getting into Alex’s car. The ride to his apartment was silent, the way I liked it, I didn’t like to talk in situations like this, and Alex knew this.

We got to his apartment and I walked straight into his bedroom, flopping onto the bed. I felt Alex fall next to me on the bed and i slowly fell asleep in his strong grip.
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im trying to make my chapters longer :) thanks for your nice comments. give me ideas cos i dont have motivation. im going to sleep. night x