Status: I am currently awesome. leave me a comment to save a kitten



I had work early the next morning, at 9.00am. I was opening the restaurant, which is something I had to do often. With the guys coming back home early I was a little stressed and agitated, I couldn’t help but snap at my co-workers and a few difficult customers throughout the morning. I was bringing an old woman her coffee when the bell attached to the door dinged, and two familiar looking men walked in. I smiled and ran to Austin, jumping into his arms, he grinned and gave me a kiss on the top of my head. “missed you buttercup” he said grinning at me “ I missed you too Austin!” I laughed. I was pulled away from Austin and hugged from behind by Alan, who held me to him from behind. “tour was so boring without you kiddo!”

After I had removed myself from their grasp I continued to clean tables. I saw my boss looking at Alan and Austin, they winked at him and my eyes widened. “Skye, we don’t need you In today, go spend time with your friends” he told me. I shook my head “that’s okay, I can stay longer” he shook his head, “I’d rather not have to pay you” I nodded and took off my apron. Grabbing my bag and walking out the door. I turned to Alan “where are we going?” I asked him suspiciously, he didn’t meet my eyes as he answered “just to mine and Austin’s apartment, let just hang out, you better not disappear on us this time!” I nodded and chuckled as Alan held the door of the car open for me.

We got to his apartment and they led me up, we were joking and mucking around, my suspicion was fading. Until we walked through the door and it slammed shut, the guys were outside and I was inside. I had no idea what was going on, I tried opening the door but they had locked it from the outside. “guys? What’s going on?!” they just giggled like maniacs “you guys can come out when you make up!” Austin yelled. My eyes widened and I turned around, Jimmy stood there sheepishly, looking guilty. He ran to me and hugged me. I gasped but hugged him back “are you okay?!” He asked me, panic clearly in his voice “you have to stop running off! You keep scaring me!”

He grabbed my wrists, looking them over, sighing in relief to find them clean. He wrapped a hand around my left wrist to see that his fingers overlapped. He gasped and stepped back, pulling my shirt up and looking at my stomach. “how much do you fucking eat! You look like you’re dying! Holy shit kid! What are you thinking!?” he glared at me, “it’s none of your concern how much I eat James” I told him matter of factly, my arms crossed over my chest and pushing him off “like hell! We’re getting something to eat later, but first we’re gonna talk about this. Tell me what’s going on, why don’t you like my girlfriend!?” I shook my head “you don’t believe me when I tell you, so I won’t say anything about it” I said stubbornly, making him groan “you need to talk to me-“

“I do! Every time! And you always yell At me! ” I sighed and he groaned “I promise not to yell at you” he promised me, clearly annoyed. “fine!” I groaned “your girlfriend hates me, she acts all nice to me in front of you and acts like a bitch as soon as you guys leave! She’s the one who texted me! telling me im a worthless whore who deserved to be raped, she ruined tour! I hate her! And you’re blinded by love or whatever the fuck! For fuck sakes, she’s not all nice and lovely like you think she is! You sure care her about her more than you care about me! I don’t even give a shit anymore, she can have you! I’m fucking done.” I finished my speech and glared at him, I turned to storm out, the guys weren’t holding it closed anymore, in fact they were no where to be seen.

jimmy grabbed my arm “please! Stop! Skye! I’m sorry for being a total dick to you! But I need you to give a shit, because you’ve been my best friend for nearly five years and I need you in my life, okay? I need you! We all do! I don’t know what I would do without you! I’ll pay more attention to you! I won’t let her give you a hard time! I promise! Just stay”

“They’re just words Jimmy, you can say you need me but you’ll just ignore me later, and let Leana walk all over me, call me names. And I’ll get worse.”

“Please, don’t leave, I need you Skye. I won’t let you leave. I won’t.” He was in tears by now. He pulled me to his chest “I’m so sorry, I can’t see you broken like this” a tear ran down my cheek, seeing the happy, carefree man in hysterics was terrifying “jimmy” I said softly, he looked at me “I miss you so much” he smiled and buried his face in my hair “I miss you too, so, so much”


We calmed down and he took me to his car, we drove to McDonalds we waited in line and he turned to me “what do you want?” he asked me, I looked down “nothing, im not really that hungry” he looked sadder than ever, I groaned. “Fine, a small cheeseburger meal” he groaned and ordered something huge for himself, “and a large double cheeseburger meal with extra fries” I rolled my eyes and he grinned at me, raising an eyebrow.

Once we sat down, I could hardly look at the huge burger that had been placed in front of me, I sighed and pulled out a fry, placing it in my mouth and chewing it slowly. Jimmy, who was about to take a bite out of his burger saw this, stopped, placing it in front of him on the table. “I’ll eat as much as you” he said, taking a fry and placing it in his mouth “now, eat.” He said firmly, narrowing his eyes at me. I took the wrapping off my burger and took a small bite, making him do the same with his monstrous burger. Then he placed it down again, waiting for me to take another bite. We continued this way for another hour and a half, It took so long because I was having trouble keeping the food down. I felt utterly vile when I thought about the amount of food going into my body.

We finished and he smiled at me “that’s my girl” he grinned, reaching over to ruffle my hair. I laughed and pushed his hand away “you suck.” Just then, a little girl leaned over and asked “are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?” I laughed and shook my head “she wishes” Jimmy grinned at her “well you two would make a cute couple” I smiled at her as she left. I rolled my eyes at Jimmy and checked my watch. My eyes widened and I gasped, standing up quickly “what’s wrong?” he asked me, worry filled his voice “I’m supposed to meet Alex in ten minutes at work!” he laughed, “we can make it in time, no sweat. I need to meet this guy anyway” I hissed nonchalantly “I dunno if that’s such a good idea” Jimmy’s smile faded, “why not?”

“he hates you guys, all of you. I told him everything about what happened after I left my dad” his eyes widened “even when I punched you?” he asked me sadly. I nodded and he smiled at me, “I’d still like to meet him” I shrugged my shoulders “whatever, it’s your funeral” I warned him. he chuckled and led me out to his car and drove me quickly to work. I jumped out and walked inside, hoping Jimmy wouldn’t follow me, of course he didn’t think clearly and walked right in behind me.

Alex was standing at the counter talking to my boss, looking confused. “oh here she is now!” he pointed to me and Alex turned around walking towards me and giving me a bear hug “he said you left! I got worried…. Who’s this?” he asked, looking at Jimmy behind me. I cleared my throat and turned to Jimmy “Alex, this is Jimmy, Jimmy, meet Alex” they shook hands. Jimmy shot Alex a smile but Alex remained stony, not cracking any emotion in his face. I grabbed Alex’s hand and pulled him out the door “lets go” Jimmy laughed “where’s my hug babe?” I turned and gave him a quick hug but he held me to him and gave me a kiss on the cheek “Zacky’s expecting you home tonight” he warned me. I nodded and pulled Alex out of the restaurant.


Alex and I walked into his apartment and I flopped onto the bed, Alex gave me a hard look “what’s wrong?” I asked him “you’ve been quiet” he looked at his feet and back at me “you’re gonna hang out with them now aren’t you? After everything they put you through? Really? I just can’t stand to see you hurt anymore!” I shook my head, “I promise, if anything happens I’ll come live with you, okay? They’re my oldest friends and I can’t stand not to see them anymore. Jimmy and I talked it out and we’re good, he listened and he understands where I’m coming from” Alex just shook his head “don’t blame me when you get hurt”
♠ ♠ ♠
a long chapter yay!! sorry if i dont update as often, my school blocked mibba on their internet :L comments??