Status: I am currently awesome. leave me a comment to save a kitten



I heard a knock on the front door and grinned, for some reason the little kid in me came out whenever I was with Jimmy, I pulled open the door and threw my arms around his waist. He chuckled and hugged me back, “how’s it goin’ princess?” he asked I shrugged, my face nuzzled into his chest. he frowned, and pulled me out of the apartment and led me down the stairs, pulling me into his car and starting it up, peeling out of the car park.

After about 10 minutes of silence, Jimmy cleared his throat, looking at me pointedly “you know, you need to tell me what’s wrong sooner or later” I nodded and sighed “I dunno, it’s stupid” he smiled down at me “if it’s making you this sad it’s not stupid. You’ve been my best friend for nearly four years, tell me, I’ll understand” I looked up at him as we pulled into the coffee shop, parking the car.

I followed him inside and let him pull me to a booth, he went to order and I looked down at the table, messing with my hands. After about 5 minutes, he sat back down next to me and smiled softly, passing me a large mochacchino, my favourite “thanks Jimmy” I smiled sadly. He frowned at me “now, tell me what’s bothering you?” he told me, a sense on annoyance in his voice. “I dunno, I cant stand living with Zacky anymore!” I placed my hands over my mouth and he looked shocked, why had I said that, I hadn’t meant to say that. “What are you talking about?! What did he do?!” he sounded angry now.

“I don’t know, we’re just always fighting and yelling at each other, I can’t stand it! I’m never happy anymore, and I can’t have a normal conversation with him because he always ends up getting mad about something stupid” I put my head in my hands and he pulled my chin up, looking me straight in the eye “listen to me, don’t let him get to you, okay? If he does anything, or hurts you, I’ll rip his dick off, okay? You have nothing to worry about. Come stay with me tonight okay?” I nodded, but then frowned, he noticed “what’s wrong?” I sighed, thinking of Leana. “I can’t” he got a sad look and I avoided his gaze “please? Leana’s going away for the weekend and I want to spend some time with you.

I sighed, nodding, I could go to Jimmy’s for a few nights, I hadn’t for a while. There was always Leana there to ruin everything. I stood up and pulled out some money to pay for the coffee, but Jimmy pushed my hand away “I got it, this is my way of thanking you, I haven’t seen you in ages” I stood up and hugged him, I felt him kiss the top of my head and I smiled in content. He pulled me to his car “Jimmy, are you taking me to get stuff from my place?” he chuckled lightly, starting the car “you don’t need anything, I’ll get pizza and beer, it’s not like we’re gonna sleep. You can even pick the movies we watch” I laughed and nodded.
Suddenly, my phone rang and I looked down, it was Zacky. I stopped laughing and looked down at it sadly “is that him?” Jimmy asked me, noticing my change in mood straight away. I nodded and pressed decline “he’ll probably just yell at me anyway” Jimmy smiled at me sympathetically as I curled into a ball, looking sad.

**Zacky’s P.O.V**

As I sat in matt’s kitchen, a beer in hand, I came to regret the things that I had said to Skye. I had been on edge lately, and I was taking it out on her, I had seen her crying as I walked past her room, and I felt terrible, but I couldn’t help it, I was just so angry. I realised that I needed to get back and apologise to her face to face.
Matt walked back into the kitchen, a worried look on his face “so why did you need to talk to me?” he asked me, pulling open the fridge and passing me a beer. I sighed and looked down “I know why Skye has seemed a bit off lately” Matt stiffened “you do?! What’s wrong with her?” I looked down at my hands, fiddling with them on the table top. “we’ve been fighting. a lot. well mostly me, just, uh, yelling at her” he looked up, an angry expression on his face “ why are you yelling at her?” he asked “I don’t know, I’m stressed I guess, I keep taking out my frustration on her. The look on her face when I left almost killed me”

He looked mad “well, what did you say to her?” I frowned “I had a go at her for leaving dirty dishes in the sink, I think I made her cry” I could see matt tense up, she was like his little sister, he got protective of her. “well come on” he gestured for me to follow him out the front door “where are we going?” I asked him. he glared at me “you’re going to apologise to her, you know how fragile she is when it comes to this sort of stuff” I nodded in understanding and followed him out the door.


We reached the apartment and made our way inside, I called out her name but she didn’t answer. After searching the apartment I began to panic, remembering her past, she wouldn’t hurt herself again would she? I walked into the kitchen and noticed that the sink was empty. I frowned, I could lose her over something this stupid? Fuck! I pulled out my Phone and dialled her, but she didn’t pick up. I saw matt glaring at me and I frowned “we need to find her” I told him solemnly “no shit!” he growled, storming out of the apartment.
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commmmeeeeeents please? 5 more comments for chapter 3? hope you enjoy, looove you :)