Status: I am currently awesome. leave me a comment to save a kitten



As I woke up I felt the bed next to me was empty, I shot up in a panic and looked around, relaxing when I saw Alan in the corner of the room, picking up a towel and turning to face me “hey beautiful” he smiled at me, walking towards me and placing a light kiss on my forehead “I’ll take a shower and we’ll go get lunch, okay?” I smiled “sure” he left the room and I stretched, popping my joints and standing up slowly.

I walked downstairs and found my way into the kitchen, there was a beautiful smell coming from the stove, I walked inside and saw Austin cooking a pot of eggs. “smells great Austin” I told him, inhaling the beautiful smell into my nose. He turned and grinned “you want some?” he asked “as tempted as I am, Alan and I are going to eat something out” he nodded, “good, cos there’s only enough for me” I chuckled and he sat down with his breakfast. I sat next to him and gave him a cheesy smile, he sighed and held out his fork, which had a piece of egg on it. I grinned at him and ate it off the fork,, giving him a kiss on the cheek “mmm, that IS good!” he chuckled “well thank you”

I felt a pair of arms around my waist and smiled, I turned and kissed Alan, who slipped his tongue into my mouth, when we pulled away, Austin looked super uncomfortable “well that’s not something that you wanna see in the morning” I chuckled and Alan pulled me off my chair “we’re going out, might be back later” I smiled and followed him out the door, waving to Austin as I went.

We drove to a little café, Alan pulled me in and sat me down, I ordered a Caesar Salad, while he ordered a pizza. The door opened and a girl walked in, she had blonde hair and a small, thin face, she had tattoo’s all up her arms, she was absolutely stunning, I looked away to notice Alan staring at her. He noticed me looking and stood up “I’ll be back in a second” I forced a smile and nodded as he walked over to her and pulled her tiny frame into a bone crushing hug. They talked for about ten minutes, in fact I was almost finished my meal by the time he returned, pulling the girl along with him. “skye, this is my ex-girlfriend stacy” I tried not to scowl as he looked at her with eyes full of love “I held my hand out, trying to be polite “nice to meet you” she shook my hand with a kind smile on her face.
“stacy, skye is my..” he cleared his throat, “um, my close friend” my eyes widened and I stood up, “it was nice to meet you, but I have to leave” I stormed out, pushing past Alan as I went. I pulled out my phone as I walked, tears spilling over my eyes. I dialled the number I was looking for “hello?”
“hey Zacky, can you come pick me up?”

**alan’s P.O.V**

I pulled Skye into the little café, she was so beautiful, It felt nice to hang with her, but her lunch. My beautiful girlfriend. She got a salad, while I went for a pizza, I was hungry. Just then, the doors opened and in walked someone I recognised. My ex girlfriend, Stacy, she was hot as fuck, the girl I missed the most. She had tattoo’s and a badass attitude, though she never came off as mean or bitchy. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t still in love with her.

I stood up, knowing I was being a total dick to Skye, but I couldn’t help it. I walked up to her and pulled her into a hug, she was so tiny! She grinned and hugged me “Alan! Haven’t seen you in forever! How are you?!” she grinned at me. “im great! How are you?” she smiled and nodded “yeah, im good”

We sent a few minutes catching up, then I remembered my girlfriend, my eyes widened, I pulled her over to Skye, her plate was half empty, weird. . “skye, this is my ex-girlfriend stacy” I looked at stacy, smiling at her utter beauty. Skye reached out her hand to shake Stacy’s“nice to meet you” they smiled and shook hands

“stacy, skye is my..” I cleared my throat, “um, my close friend” Shit! Shit! Why did I say that, me and Stacy would never work, and I had a gorgeous girlfriend right here! “it was nice to meet you, but I have to leave” My eyes widened and skye stormed out, pushing past me. “shit” I murmured, I turned to Stacy, who looked at me “what was that about?” she sounded guilty, I shrugged my shoulders “I’ll catch up with her later” I cursed myself at my words, I needed to find her and apologize, beg that she would forgive me and I could kiss her and hold her again. But I knew I had already fucked up.