Status: I am currently awesome. leave me a comment to save a kitten



Skye’s P.O.V
I sat with Zacky as I told him what had happened in the pizza restaurant “he’s a total dick, what’d you expect?” he chuckled, putting his arm around me. I pushed it off and stood up, “where you going?” he asked “shower” I grunted, walking into the bathroom. I stripped down and stepped into the shower and standing there for about 20 minutes before I realised that I actually needed to clean myself. I took another 20 minutes to do so and stepped out of the shower, feeling refreshed.

That feeling lasted for about four seconds before I felt my stomach drop. I rushed to the toilet and let the contents of my stomach spill out of me. I groaned and rested my head on the toilet seat breathing slowly in and out, trying to make the nauseas feeling disappear. It did after a few minutes and I stood up, drying myself off and dressing myself slowly, hoping the sickening feeling wouldn’t return. As I was pulling on my pants, I noticed my stomach had grown slightly, probably from the huge meal that Jimmy had made me eat, the pizza with Brian, not to mention the salad that I had had during my lunch with Alan. I frowned and shook my head, I must have eaten more in the past three days than I would in a month that they were gone. I had to cut back, a LOT.

I finished dressing myself and walked out into the living room, Zacky sat on the couch, smiling at me, I smiled back and sat next to him. “You okay? You were in there for a while” I nodded “im not feeling so good, I vomited just a second ago” he narrowed his eyes, “I told the guys not to push it too hard with the food thing, they’ve just made you sick, I’ll tell them to lay off?” I nodded and smiled at him in thanks. “I’m gonna go lie down for a while” he nodded and I stood up, walking to my room and crashing onto my bed.


The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I snatched it up and answered “ello?” I asked groggily. “skye, baby, where are you?” a panicked Alan asked on the other end “im at home” I replied shortly, earning a sigh of relief from him. “where’d you go yesterday?! I was so worried!” he groaned, I rolled my eyes, remembering the way he stared at sophie, or, whatever her name was. “yeah, I bet you were oh so worried” I said sarcastically. Suddenly, that feeling from last night invaded me again, I shot up, running to the bathroom, dropping my phone in the process. I hunched over the bowl, emptying my already empty stomach. “skye?” a groggy Zacky asked, stumbling to stand outside the bathroom door “woah” he said “come on, doctors, now. this isn’t healthy” he said, waking up, a sense of urgency to his words now. I nodded and stood up, stumbling, and losing my balance. “Whoa, you okay kiddo?” he asked me, catching me and helping me stand upright. The feeling left me in an instant, I stood upright “never mind, I feel fine now, what do you want for breakfast?” I walked out of the bathroom, having a strange craving for mayo, bacon and chicken. I pulled the three ingredients out of the fridge and stared to them, looking for a way to combine them in a breakfast recipe.

Zacky trailed after me “you were vomiting a few seconds ago, now you’re looking at eating mayo and bacon?! What’s going on?” he asked me. I shook my head, “now sick anymore, hungry now” he shook his head, “we’ll pick something up on our way back from the doctors” he told me firmly, warning me not to argue. He pulled me to the car and we set off to the doctors.
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what's wrong with skye?!

i am so sorry for taking so long to update. i had no motivation, then i went camping, but i'll try to update again soon :)