Status: I am currently awesome. leave me a comment to save a kitten



I walked up to my apartment building, I had no excuses to put off going home anymore. Jimmy was annoyed that I wouldn’t tell him what was bothering, and wanted to talk to Zacky about it, I had assured him that nothing was wrong. I had talked to Zacky on the phone, and it seems that he had no memory of the other night. I calmed myself as I walked up the stairs to my apartment, as I opened the door I saw that the living room was dark, light was pouring out of the kitchen. I walked towards it and saw Zacky cutting up tomatoes on the kitchen counter. I stopped and looked at him, watching him for a while, he hadn’t seen or heard me enter so I was content with watching him work in the kitchen.

He turned around and spotted me, a smile came across his face and he walked over, abandoning the tomatoes and folding me into his arms, resting his chin on the top of my head, I felt him kiss me and hold me closer. “hey, I missed you” he murmured quietly into my ear, I shivered, uncomfortable from his touch. The other night flashed in the front of my mind, and my body convulsed, pushing him away from me, causing him to frown down at me, he looked slightly hurt.

“sweetie, are you okay?!” he sounded concerned. I nodded and forced a smile, but he wasn’t convinced, so I tried to start a conversation “so, uhm… what are you –uh- cooking?” I asked him. I could hear my voice break and he sighed, but let it go, turning to the tomatoes “pasta” I nodded, giving him a small smile “can’t wait” I walked to the island and pushed myself up, sitting on the counter top, watching his every move, when he make a sudden movement I flinched.

He frowned again walked towards me and I felt my palms begin to sweat, I avoided looking at him and attempted to get off of the counter top, but he put his arms on either side of me, trapping me in place. ** I tried again to crawl away, but he held me in place, holding me down, his urgent hands on my hips**. I started to hyperventilate, trying to escape his touch “Skye! It’s okay!! calm down”

“ZACKY LET ME GO!” he released my hips and I flew off the counter, running to the corner and curling up, burying my head in my knees. I looked up and he looked terrified “Skye” he walked towards me and I heard a small, terrified squeak come from my lips “you need to calm down, what the fuck is going on?” I couldn’t smile and deny it now, it was too late for that. Everything about a man’s touch terrified me now, I was beyond broken.

Zacky sighed and walked towards me again, he knelt down, I noticed my shaking hands. He reached out and touched me on the shoulder, my whole body convulsed as he touched me. “everything’s okay Skye” he reassured me, but they felt like empty words. He growled lowly “what the fuck happened Skye!?” his voice came out angry and concerned. I shook my head, I couldn’t say anything, he clearly didn’t remember, This would ruin everything.

When I didn’t answer, he pulled out his phone and Dialled a number, after a few seconds he stood up, walking into the living room. As soon as he was out of sight I felt my body relax. I heard someone pick up the phone and Zacky began to talk to the person.

“dude! What the fuck happened to Skye?” he asked, his voice screamed anger. I looked down as he continued, “Jimmy! she won’t even let me touch her man! She’s curled up in the corner of the kitchen crying cos I hugged her!!” he frowned. “I didn’t hurt her! Why would it?! Well she seemed fine on Friday!” he waited for a second “what are you talking about?! She didn’t come to see me Saturday…” I listened in silent horror. “fine, I’ll see you soon” I heard him hang up and sigh.

Walking into the kitchen, he looked at me, he seemed slightly afraid, I stared up at him. “skye” he said firmly “what happened on Saturday?”
♠ ♠ ♠
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