Coast of Maine

Inside Of You

" What am I suppose to do
When the best part of me was always you and
What am I suppose to say
When I'm all choked up and you're okay "

I placed Jayden on the bed before I screamed Emily name. She was in my room in a flash with a half dressed Caroline attached on her side. I motioned to the phone in my hand and for her to answer it. She gave me a questioning glance before she reached for the phone in my hands anyways. However, but time she had my phone the call ended. I let out a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding. The panic that have overtaken my body, quickly left. I turned back around to pick up Jayden off the bed, only to hear my phone go off once again. I stood straight and quickly made my way back over to Emily who was still holding my phone in her hand.

Once again the caller ID said Kennedys name. I’m mentally slapped myself in the head. How could I think he would easily give up after one call? If Kennedy was one thing he was persistent, he didn’t stop until he got what he wanted and I was pretty sure he wouldn’t stop calling until I answered his call. I looked up at Emily and gave her my best puppy dog look. I didn’t want to answer this call at all, but if I didn’t my phone will constantly be ringing and that would drive me completely mad. Emily rolled her eyes at me, before pressing talk on the phone and pressing it to her ear.
“Hello” she answered in a polite tone.
I could hear Kennedys gruff voice float from the phone.

"My names Emily and who are you?" pause "Tom I see and who may I ask you are calling for?" pause "Kelsey?"

Emily looked silently asking me if she should give me the phone or not. I shook my head no, fast making me look like a bobble head doll. I didn’t want to talk to him at all it didn’t matter if we were close friends in the past. Talking to him would lead to questions, questions I did not want to answer.

"Kelsey's in the-" She started but was cut off.

She sighed before she removed the phone from her ear and offered it towards me. I looked at her with utter horror. I waved my hand in a no fashion, signaling that I didn’t want the phone. She just shook her head and began to thrust the phone in my direction once again. I held back in a groan before I took the phone from her. It was oblivious from the Emily was acting Kennedy knew I was standing right in front of her. I mentally cursed him for knowing me so well. I snapped my finger in Emily direction to get her attention, before pointing my finger towards Jayden. She nodded in understanding before taking Jayden off of my hip and walking out the room.

"Hello" I said, my voice coming out timid.

"KELSEY ADILECE DANIELS!" Kennedy voice screeched into the phone, causing me to pull the phone back from my ear a little.

"Yes?" I answered quietly.

"What the hell is going on with you, I leave for tour and I didn’t hear from you once. I called you only to find that your number was disconnected. I come back home only to find that you were gone and your parents wouldn’t tell me where you where. Do you know how long I had to beg them before your mama caved and gave me your number? What the hell Kels I thought we were bestfriends” Kennedy ranted, his voice dripping with such sadness and anger.

"I’m sorry" I said my voice coming out smaller than before.

"Sorry doesn’t change crap!" He screeched. "We were all worried sick about you, Pat was a mess you know he thought of you like a sister, even John was worried and confused."

My heart gave an extra thump at the mention of his name. I wasn't in love with John, but he was the father of my kids, the only person I have ever slept with. As Kennedy words began to sink in, I couldn’t help but feel like I was just hit by a tractor full of guilt. I didn’t mean to make them worried. I had honestly thought they wouldn’t notice with their busy band schedule.

"Why would you be worried, you know I can handle myself?" I asked trying to keep my voice even.

Before he could even answer a huge wail erupted from down the hall, followed by hiccups and soft baby yells of mama. Following behind, Emily screamed for me saying she needed help with my kids. I felt my heart completely stop when she said that. I was silently praying to the heavens above that Kennedy did not hear anything that just happened. My prayers weren’t answered.

"Kelsey" Kennedys hesitant voice came out. "Did I just-"

"I have to go!" I cut him off before he was able to respond, my heart beating a mile a minute from panic.

I quickly pressed end before opening the back of my phone and pulling out the battery. If he wasn’t on a mission before I knew he was on a mission know. Kennedy would definitely have more questions for me, and I was not about to stick around for an interrogation. I was a terrible liar, and Kennedy knew exactly what button to press to get me to spill my entire guts out to him.

I must have been lost in my thoughts because I heard Emily call for me again. I quickly threw the pieces to my phone onto my bed before making my way across the hall into Jayden’s and Jenny nursery. I entered to the nursery to see a blubbering Jayden trying to be changed by a frustrated looking Emily. He really was such a mama’s boy. I couldn’t help but crack a small smile at the site, well that and the fact Jenny was standing in her crib staring at Jayden and Emily as she munched on an animal cracker.

Jayden noticed me walking towards him. He shifted his body in my direction before opening and closing his chubby finger indicating he wanted me to pick him up. I made my way over to him and picked up him, these were one of the few times I allowed myself to truly baby him. I started rocking him back and forth; placing butterfly kisses around his face in attempt to calm him down. His slowly sobs subsided and turned into small hiccups and whines.

"Shh, mommy’s got the baby. Don't cry Jay" I cooed, pushing his soft hair back from his forehead.

When he was finally calmed, I sat him down on the changing table and began to do Emily’s failed job at changing his dirty clothes. I wasn't surprised when he didn't put a huge fuss as I got him dressed, but instead stared up at me with his big doe like eyes. When I finished getting him dressed I placed him back on my hips and started my way down the stairs, Emily trailing behind me with Jenny in her arms. Just as I made it to the bottom step Alex shouted something that made my heart stop yet at the same time skip a beat.

"KELSEY, they’re in California!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Emily and Alex

Not that long, but i like this chapter [:

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