Status: Check Out Charisma Mar's New Story "KING"

Earth Before Catacombs 3

Battle Advances: Sorrow's Embrace

Name: "If you really want to know that's...Aria"
Sex: "Obviously a woman"
Eye Color: "Blue but if you look deep into my eyes you might see the fucking rainbow"
Skin Tone: "Moderate brown"
Height: "5'7"
Weight: "If you must know I weight 145 lbs"
Location: "Good Ol' New Jersey, why? because I hate New York!"
Date: 11/28/2014
Name: "Umm Hi, my name is Layla"
Sex: "I have a lot of that...okay I'm lying but I'm sure by now you know I'm all woman here and no I won't show you proof"
Eye Color: "Blue like Aria but I'm not sure why"
Skin Tone: "Some people say I'm dark brown"
Height: "I'm 5'6"
Weight: "Well I don't really like to tell people but I'm around 140 lbs"
Location: "New Jersey born and raised but it's not so nice anymore"
Date: 11/28/2014

Sorrow's Embrace:

Journal Entry - Day 1

"I'm not even sure who's journal this is but I assume whoever had it died. It has so many rips and tears at the edges and blood on a lot of the pages and on the cover. I guess I should continue this like some kind of tradition right? Anyway, that thing, that creature tried to eat me last week. It just came out of no where and so many of them. They just started killing and eating everyone. I was on the roof thinking about my life like always and it somehow made it's way through the building and roamed all the way up and busted down the door after a couple surprise ground shaking bangs. I froze, I didn't know what to do and then it jumped at me cracking the ground underneath us. I don't know why but it was bleeding when it leaned over me holding me down with it's paws. It was so heavy. I was screaming for help but then the most disgusting thing happened. It's blood fell into my mouth and it dripped a lot. I wanted to throw up but I couldn't. It just wouldn't come back up or out. It was in my fucking body now and then all of a sudden the roof underneath just crumbled beneath us and threw us into the pool below. I'm still not sure how the debris missed hitting me..well except for that one that hit me on my head and knocked me unconcious. I was lucky my best friend was there to save me. I love her a alot you know. The strangest thing about that day was that Aria told me the monster jumped out of the pool and let it this agonizing screech as if it was in excruciating pain, feel to the ground leaking a big portion of blood from it's mouth, and simply disappeared. That's weird right? That's not normal but then again that monster isn't normal. But I wonder, if water can kill it so easily, why would it come here to our planet if it really is an alien monster? Anyway, it's only been two days now but my insides are burning and I don't know why. My vision is starting to blur and it feels like my heart is trying to beat out of my chest. It hurts so much. I'm coughing up blood now. I wonder if I'm dying?"

Hey guys, this is the narrator speaking here, you know, Mr. Omniscient entity. I want you, yes you the reader, to imagine and visualize this. The crescent moonlight shines bright through the gray white clouds above. The streets are filled with cars zooming by in every direction scared to death about their oncoming doom from wherever they may think them to be. Soft snow layer the streets and sidewalks while the cool chills of the wind remind many of the harsh weather soon to come, making any escape even more difficult. There, in the middle of the room, a young black woman sits on an old fashioned wooded chair cracking, with lowered eyelids that show a small glimpse of her ever so powerful blue eyes, a shimmer flashes from the tears that fall. So much pain and sadness within. You could almost feel the torment she's gone through. Crouched over the table with a notebook in hand, wondering, and hoping but hoping for what? That, will remain unknown. Across the room sits another young black woman, a bit lighter in complexion, eyelids also narrowed, blue eyes showing just as well but this one, this girl here. There is something different about her. Her eyes seem so lost, so black but not black as in cold but black as in the deepest hole has been made, delved into and never surfaced again. There they sit in an almost empty room, one round table, one chair, an old matress, and an old swinging blinking lightbulb that sustains constant glow for 3 seconds at most.The rats appear too afraid to come out and search for crumbs so they continue to lie in wait in the comfort of the shadows. But wait, one moment, take this time to cease all movement and noise and notice, feel it, hear it, listen to that sound, both sounds, the sounds of their heart beats and the sounds of the tears that fall in inconsistent rhythm ever so loud and clear. All outside noise begin to fade out. Sight begins to visualize their hearts. Can hear them? Can you feel their sadness? It hurts, it hurts deeply, it only get louder, it just keeps getting louder and louder and...

"Aria..." said Layla "Remember back when we were in high school? And I was scared and worried about my future? When I said I don't think I'll make it in life because I don't think I'll ever become or amount to anything?...I was so right, so very right but that's not the point. I..."

"Don't ever say something like that again! You became a great person, you learned how to kickbox and learned a couple moves from jujitsu classes, you went to school and graduated and people love your personality. You're just in a rough spot financially or were if we don't make it out of this. So shut the fuck up about that and I mean it. I will smack some sense into you!" interrupted Aria

"Fine! I'll just go along with what you said but I wanted you to hear this. You were always there for me then. You always watched my back from dawn to sunset. You were the best friend I ever had. The sister I wished mine could have been like.You were even there for me after I was raped by those guys back in high school. Then you went off to the Navy and I was so alone, so lonely. I tried to make friends but I was too depressing for anyone to want to be around me. I eventually learned to open up but it just wasn't the same without you, not without my best friend..."

"Please!...Please just stop..." begged Aira

"No! I'm going to finish. Even with that monster two weeks ago. When it tried to kill..I mean eat me, you were there for me. You jumped in and saved me from drowning in the pool. You were there for me, even when I went through this change a couple days later. You were there for me so much you even went through the change with me you sneaky little bitch. I told you not to but you just had to inject yourself with my blood when I was sleeping...but still...thank you..I could never have imagined that I would have a friend as great as..."

Layla is interrupted by Aira's embrace. Aria kneels down and pulls in Layla's head into her chest and holds her tight. Layla is then stunned by this embrace and merely closes her eyes and allows the tears to flow. Aira herself attempts to fight back tears but to no avail and thus the two shed tears into the night until sleep plunges their minds within dreams til the morning sun envelops the world within its warmth.

The birds begin to chirp and chime to the rhythm of nature

The sun shines bright while the snow melts away it's top layers. Aria awakenings to see Layla sound asleep. Aria mumbles something of which seems to be a joking remark about Layla's sleeping. She then walks over to the table and begins to read the book to examine the contents inside hoping that maybe it will give some clues of any kind. Aria never knew where or why these monsters came here. The only thing she knew was that they came from the west side of the United States and made their way to New Jersey and New York. The news isn't much help and the army just can't handle these things. Live news feeds have shown that the military's weapons just can't kill these monsters and they're just destroying everything in sight and eating everyone.

2 hours have passed and Aria begins to awaken.

"Mhhmm Aria, what are you doing just sitting at the table for?"

"I'm reading this journal that you had found a few weeks ago. I thought that maybe it might have some clues in here."

"Well did you find anything?"

"I found out some stuff. It looks like it started in California definitely so we were right about that one. Some woman was writing in this jounral and she kept updating it after a couple weeks. She was also traveling with a group. Her friend calls the monsters Dellorites. I think that's a stupid name but whatever. Another guy wrote in this but he mostly wrote about sex. He and some woman think the news and the government were trying to cover up what happened in California. A couple others wrote in the journal but most of it was trivial. I guess whoever had this jounral last must have just left it here in NJ. It isn't much help but it did confirm that they don't like water. So we can use that to our advantage later."

Suddenly there's a big bang and the glass of the window shatters. There are a couple screams outside. Layla runs to the window and takes notice to the car that just exploded and the monster within the flames. It realizes that Layla is looking at it and lunges towards her breaking through the building walls. Layla doges the monster but is then buried underneath debris. Aria screams out to Layla but receives no response and is then attacked by the monster. To her surprise she realizes that she is now somewhat faster than she normally is but loses balances and is then slammed into the wall by the monster. Layla emerges from underneath the debris amazed she is unscathed without a single bodily injury. Aria is also amazed at her own durability but once again her brief realization is interrupted and in a last second attempt Aria kicks the monster in it's face and with a sudden bang the monster is the elevated off it's feet and thrust a couple feet through the building's wall. It is with this last wall being destroyed that the building as a whole begins to collapse. Aria and Layla run towards safety while adjusting to their new found enhanced speed.

"It's weird enough that we both have blue eyes now, but now we have..what?...powers?..or are we just genetically enhanced?" asked Layla

"I don't know but we better get out of here before that monster gets..."

The monster has taken a rapid leap towards Aria and has sunken it's teeth into Aria's shoulder and in agonizing pain, she falls to her knees onto the ground.
Layla, stunned she is currently at a lost of what to do.
The monster then opens it's mouth and it's second row of teeth emerge as it prepares to decapitate and devour her head.

In a mere second, a flash, blood has been spilled and filled the streets and onlookers are just absolutely stunned and dumbfounded by the scene they just witnessed. Unable to look away a woman just screams to the heavens.
♠ ♠ ♠
So how do you guys like the change up
Trying new elements here
I hope you like this chapter
Will be attempting to update again in the next 7-10days