Status: I had a debate whether I should rate this PG or PG-13, but I decided PG-13 simply because of certain words even though I know none of you will even pay attention to the rating more than likely.

Life With Austin

This is not a chapter, this is an excerpt of the SHORT STORY I may put up here if people like it. No

I never really realized that I wanted my best friend so badly until now. We’re standing in the hallway, talking talking talking, and he’s smiling his cute little smile and I’m trying to act like I hear what he’s saying, but it’s hard to focus on everything all at once. His hair is the perfect shade of blond and his eyes are the perfect shade of brown and his shirt is the perfect size and he’s just all around perfect and listening to his perfect voice is making it hard to understand the not-so-perfect words coming out of his mouth. I believe he’s saying something about how he failed his geometry test, but I wouldn’t know because I’m too busy staring at his lips and wondering what it would be like to kiss him right then and there.
“Fuck you, Ally.” This is a thing we do; we never mean it seriously when we cuss each other out or yell or scream or cry in the others’ face. Life with Austin is jokes and fun and work and music and there is really no time for anything else besides maybe some food here and there and the usual Trish and Dez fights that constantly take place. Life with Austin is exhausting, fun, and basically life with Austin is just life with Austin and that’s all it really is. Only Austin is my best friend and he means more to me than the whole entire world and the stars and the universe put together so it really isn’t really life with Austin much as it is Life With Austin. I ignore his comment and laugh a little, hoping he will continue talking like he usually does, but when he doesn’t and just keeps staring I start to panic.
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Tell me if I should continue with this?