Sequel: Engulfed
Status: Completed!



“I know we’re gonna have a great time tonight, working and all,” Dante said sarcastically as he followed the others out of the building, “but we have a slight problem.”

“What’s that, DeMarco?” Miller asked dryly.

“Well there’s five of us, and I’ve only got four seats. So you girls can play rock paper scissors or some shit to decide who gets a seat, and whichever one of you unlucky bastards draws the short straw gets to either ride in the trunk or on the hood. Take your pick.”

“We have SUV’s, DeMarco.”

“Hey, if you plan to go investigate and be subtle about it, then we shouldn’t drive up in something that screams ‘I’m a cop! Come stick this pig!’” Dante replied.

Miller shot him a dark look. “Because a Charger is so subtle.”

“Well it’s not a cop car.”

“I’ll ride with you,” Miller said. “The others can follow in something else. They can park down the block.”

“What’s the matter, officer? Don’t want all the other kids at the party to see you show up with mommy and daddy?”

“DeMarco, shove it before I shove you back into a holding cell.”

Dante and Miller climbed into the car, and Miller winced as the rock music blared out of the speakers at full volume. He shot Dante a scowl. Dante smirked and slid his sunglasses on. “So, where are we going?”

“Only the most vile little Hell-hole in L.A.”

“The DMV?”

“No, smartass. The Sud House.”

“That rank looking little bar off of Thomas Street?”

“That’s the one.”

“So there is a fun side to you after all,” Dante said, grabbing a lower gear and stomping on the throttle. Miller’s head slammed hard against the headrest. They pulled into the parking lot with all the subtlety of a thunder storm.

“One-forty, DeMarco?” Miller asked incredulously. “On public roads? In L.A.?”

“I won’t tell if you won’t,” Dante said with a grin.

“I think I just saw my life flash before my eyes,” Miller muttered.

“Not much to see, I take it?”

“You think you’re clever, don’t you, DeMarco?”

“I think I’m adorable.”

“So we can add delusional to your list of faults.”

“You wound me, Sergeant.”

“Not yet, but I do have my gun on me. The night is young.”

Dante decided to like Miller in spite of himself. The others caught up to them a few minutes later, and the five of them made their way into the bar, the human, Bobby, stared at the busty bartender, and the shaved-headed, tattooed clientele with skepticism. “What exactly are we supposed to accomplish here?”

“Getting laid, if the look on that bartender’s face is any indication,” Rico said, wagging his eyebrows at her. Miller rolled his eyes. “We’re here to find out about the vandalism that’s been taking place here, and the threatening phone calls,” he said. “A lot of shifters, as well as other supernatural creatures, frequent this bar. Be subtle in your questioning, gentlemen.”

“And we’re also most likely going to shoot some pool, talk some shit, and see how many shots Tiny over here can get in him before he’s singing ’Raining Men’ on the table over there,” Dante added, nodding at Darren. The witch scowled at him, flipping him off.

“Well I don’t know about you losers, but I’m gonna go snag me that sweet piece of ass over there,” Rico said. He sauntered across the room and started chatting up a brunette with mile-high legs. At first she seemed interested, but then he must have said something that pissed her off, because she slapped him across the face and stalked off. Dante snorted with laughter.

“Okay, for every time he gets slapped tonight, we’re taking a shot.”

“It’s gonna be a long night,” Miller sighed.


“Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
Don’t you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
Don’t cha?”

“Okay, so it’s not Raining Men, but it’s close enough,” Dante chimed as he took another swallow of Tequila. Darren was standing up at the karaoke stage. Well, he was stumbling around on the karaoke stage, anyway.

“He doesn’t sound that bad,” Bobby remarked.

“You are officially wasted, my friend,” Dante said.

“I think you may be right,” Bobby replied, resting his head on the bar and going silent.

“Bobby?” Dante asked after several moments. He shook his shoulder. “Bobby?” A snore answered him. “Well, good night then.”

Miller strolled up to the bar then. “Aren’t you all a pretty sight,” he said, shaking his head. “Had enough yet?”

“Are you kidding? We’re just getting started.”


“Ah, come on, Sarge,” Dante said, kicking out a stool. “Live a little. Have a drink.”

“Maybe you forgot but we’re supposed to be working here.”

“Just because we’re working doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves. Besides, when in Rome, and all that. What better way to get people talking than to be one of them?”

“DeMarco, I’m not gonna get shitfaced, like the rest of you.”

“All right, all right fine; you don’t have to get wasted. But loosen up a bit.”

“Fine. One drink.” Miller took a seat on the barstool Dante offered him.

“Hey, you girls got Everclear here?” Dante asked the bartender.

“What the Hell is that?” Miller asked.

“Oh, you’ll see,” Dante replied with a smirk. I can’t guarantee you’ll remember in the morning, he thought with a laugh. The bartender came over and plunked down two shot glasses full of a clear liquid in front of them.

“All right,” Dante said excitedly. He grabbed his glass and downed it in one gulp. He slammed the glass back down on the bar, then pounded his fist twice against the table as the liquid burned its way down his throat. Miller stared at his own drink with unease.

“Come on man, don’t be a pussy,” Dante mocked.

“Okay fine, delinquent. Let’s see if you can keep up.” Miller chugged his drink, shuddering slightly and coughing. Dante laughed. “Looks like I’m already ahead.”

“Another,” Miller called to the bartender. The two of them entered a fierce battle of inebriation, and the drinks kept coming. Eventually they were both slumped against the bar, barely able to hold their heads up. Dante asked for another and the bartender shook his head. “We’re out.”


“You guys drank it all.”

“That sucks,” Dante said, looking down at his glass forlornly.

“Would you like a Shirley Temple?” the bartender suggested with a smirk.

“If she’s hot,” Rico said, appearing at the bar.

“Rico, if you get slapped one more time, I think I’m gonna pass out,” Dante said.

“Are you kidding, man? I already got five phone numbers.”

“From the bathroom stalls?”

“Hey bro, it counts,” Rico said with a grin. “You guys want one?” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Some of these girls really have a thing for the handcuffs.”

“No,” Miller said quickly. “No thanks.”

“What? Come on, man, you need to get laid,” Rico insisted. “How long has it been?”

“And Rosy Palm and her five sisters don’t count,” Dante added with a snicker.

Miller shot him a glower. “I already have someone in mind,” he muttered.

Dante and Rico instantly leaned in, eyebrows raised.

“Really now?” Dante asked.

“So the tom cat found a pussy,” Rico crowed.

“Shut up,” Miller snapped.

“So who is it?” Dante pressed. Miller flushed.

“Oh come on, Sarge. We’re all friends here. Who is it? Maybe….that one?” Dante grinned wickedly and pointed to one of the massive bouncers. Rico fell off his stool laughing and Miller threatened to shoot them both.

“Okay, okay,” Dante said. “I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse. You tell us who it is, and I’ll shut up for the rest of the night.”

“That sounds tempting, DeMarco. Too bad it’s physically impossible.”

“Hey, dragon’s honor,” Dante said, raising one hand.

“You’re crossing your fingers, DeMarco.”

“Isn’t that the ‘I swear’ sign?” Dante asked innocently. Miller stared stonily back at him. Then he sighed. “Okay I’ll tell you. But if either of you ever breathes a word about this, I will hogtie you, drive you out into the desert, and allow a cactus to make a man out of you.”

“Duly noted,” Dante said. “Now spill.”

“It’s Charlotte,” Miller said quietly, a blush creeping up his neck.

“No shit, skunk woman?” Dante laughed.

“What happened to dragon’s honor?”

“My God, Sarge wants to get porky with Pepe LePew!”

“That’s enough out of you DeMarco. At least I have someone in mind. Key word being one. A concept you would never be able to understand.”

“Hey that’s not entirely true,” Dante protested.

“What’s this, are you suggesting that there’s actually a monogamous being somewhere within this shell of sleaziness?”

“Whoa now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

“Nope, nope, you’re not getting out of it, DeMarco. You made me tell, it’s your turn now bitch.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“As a heart attack.”

“Son of a bitch.”

“Come on, out with it,” Miller demanded.

“Fuck it,” Dante sighed. “Azlynn.”

Miller’s eyebrows shot up. “Azlynn?” he said incredulously. “Seriously?”

“She’s different,” Dante said defensively. “There’s something about her that…intrigues me.”

“Yeah, probably three things, and I can guess what they are,” Rico interrupted, smirking.

“You are no longer a part of this conversation,” Dante said, shoving him in the chest. Rico went away laughing.

“There’s just something about her that I can’t quite figure out,” Dante added. “But I want to. And that’s the part that gets to me the most.” Miller was smirking at him. “I don’t know, man. Everyone loves a good mystery once in a while.”

As though the conversation had somehow summoned her, the door of the bar flew open, and the two human agents who had been put on assignment with Azlynn burst into the bar, Azlynn trailing behind them.

“Am I getting arrested again?” Dante asked. “What are you wearing?” That was directed to Azlynn, who was dressed in a fancy red number. “You didn’t need to get all dressed up for me.”

“I see Sergeant Miller forgot to bring your leash and muzzle,” Azlynn replied, wrinkling her nose at him.

“Yeah, sorry, we left that in the truck,” Dante said mildly. “So, why are you here?”

“We have a lead,” Donaldson said eagerly. “The chief sent us to get you.”

“But we’re having so much fun!” Miller complained. The agents stared at him.

“What the Hell happened to you?”

“I’ll tell you what happened to me,” Miller said, clapping Dante on the back. “This guy right here is all right.”

“What did you do to him?” Azlynn asked, staring at Miller as though he might explode.

“Oh nothing, we were just having a good time-” He broke off, covering his mouth and making unpleasant gagging noises. Azlynn and the agents backed up.

“Oh, shit. Everclear,” Dante said, scooting away.


“Everyone clear the way!”

“The bathroom!” the bartender shouted, panicked. “Use the bathroom!”

Miller stumbled to his feet, starting for the bathroom. He staggered against the bar, and promptly spewed his stomach contents all over the floor.

“Oh shit, gotta go,” Dante exclaimed, heading for the door.

“You’re not leaving here without paying for all of this,” barked the bartender.

“Can’t you just put it on my tab?”

“Who’s tab?”

“William Lawson.” Dante winked, grabbing an unconscious Bobby and a nearly comatose Darren and flinging them easily over his shoulders. Rico helped the green-faced Miller stagger toward the door. Azlynn and the other agents walked after them, looking perplexed.