Sequel: Engulfed
Status: Completed!



Charlotte awakened in a dark room. The shades were drawn, blocking out any outside light. She couldn’t tell if it was day or night. Everything in the room looked ominous, but there was a sense of familiarity. She tried to remember how she got there, but nothing came to mind. Only the face of McNitt blessed her memory.

His pale skin looked ash gray, almost sickly. His shoulder length bleak black hair framed his face, highlighting his sunken eyes. The darkest eyes she had ever seen, they were bottomless black holes. Thinking back on it, Charlotte never understood why so many women swoon over his. He looked like a vampire but less sexy and more disturbing.

Charlotte sat up, swaying from side to side. She felt like her body had been thrown at a wall. Her whole been hurt, just swinging her legs around to the edge the bed made her feel like she just participated in a triathlon. Even though she had no idea where she was or what happened she was oddly calm.

Swinging her arms in a wide arch her left hand brush by something. With some wild groping, she finally figure out it was a lamp. One quick tug of the beaded cord illuminated the room with a yellowish glow. It was her room.

Her rural earth colored shades blocked her large windows. The hardwood floor gleamed something akin to gold. Her closet door was cracked enough to show an inky darkness. The only light was the reflection off of some of her hangers, jars, and bones. Scattered along her wall were her own drawing of many different species of animals, ranging from normal to mythical. Some were done in ink and others in charcoal.

Realizing that she was in her room only made her more confused. How did I get here? And why the hell do I feel like I was hit by a train? That’s when she saw the blinking red light. Her land line phone continued to flash, telling her she had missed messages. She clicked the listen button.

Five missed messages. First message. Mr. McNitt’s voice flowed through the speakers. Ms. Lawson I hope you are feeling better. You were so wiped out from shedding the winter horse pelt that you passed out. I tried to wake you yet no avail. Finally I asked one of my guests to look at you. He said you were exhausted but fine, so I took you home. Please call me and tell me how you’re doing.” Next message William’s voice filtered through the machine. How nice of you, sis. I try helping you out, try keeping you safe and what do you do? You throw back in my face. When you stop being selfish give me a call. Next message. Azlynn’s voice spilled out into the air. Hey Charlotte we got a lead. We need you. Next message. William’s voice with concern boomed out of the speaker. Charlotte where are you? It’s been three days. Damn it call me. I’m worried. We all are. Last message. Dante’s voice came to life. Yo girl, I’m just giving you a heads up. Run. Andrew is freaking out. He’s a man on a mission. If you’re not hurt, you better get hurt, because he’s going to kill. End of messages.

Charlotte’s head throbbed. Have I really been missing? She was beyond confused. Something didn’t add up and she wanted to get to the bottom of it. She struggled to her feet, carefully making her way towards her bathroom. The house was cold and smelled dusty, like no one ever lived there.

After a quick hot shower, Charlotte grabbed her cell. It was time to make a few calls and see what was going on. Before she even hit one button there was a loud banging. Her heart skipped a beat fearing the worst. She sat there, listening as the banging continued.

“Charlotte are you in?! Open the door.” She instantly got up, it was Andrew. She was slightly surprised that he was at her door and not William. The banging paused and she opened the door. Andrew stood there wide eyed. His claws were slightly extended and his eyes were narrowed to freezing cold blue slits that slightly warmed at the sight of her.

Before she could say or do anything, Andrew was holding her in a tight embrace. Behind him were Azlynn, Dante, William, and Morrison. She stiffened as Andrew nuzzled her neck and stroked her head. “I was worried about you,” he whispered so only she could hear him. His voice sent an expectant shiver through straight through her core.

She quickly said, “I was just going to call.” She tried to pull away from Andrew, for a second he tightened his grip but then let go.

“Where have you been?” William demanded.

“I assume I must’ve been here. McNitt left a message-”

“Wait you mean Stanton McNitt?” Azlynn asked. Charlotte nodded. “Black hair, sickly completion, really possessive?” Charlotte nodded again.

“Anyways he said he dropped me off here. I must’ve used a lot more energy than I thought.” Charlotte absently rubbed her arm. Most of her soreness was gone except for her arm. It just kept throbbing.

“That’s not possibale,” William said.

“Why not?”

“You really think this is the first time in three days that we came to your house.” Dante stated causally. Then if as on cue he blew two rigs of cigarette smoke into the air.

“What do you mean?” Charlotte was beyond confused, she was lost. “McNitt said he dropped me off.”

“Unless you were hiding from us you haven’t been here for three days.” William rubbed his face. He was worried.

“How do you know McNitt?” Azlynn asked. Charlotte wringed her hands together in nervousness.

“He was the guy who hired me to shift into a winter horse,” she said sheepishly. William’s eye twitched.

“You ditched my think tank to work for him,” he shouted. He stormed forward as if to choke her but Andrew stopped him.

“I needed the money. What’s so bad about him anyways?”

“He’s the head of the True Form Society, or at least this branch,” Azylnn explained. Charlotte’s face dropped.

“He knew what I am, why didn’t he kill me?”

“Remember that led I was talking about on my message.” Charlotte nodded. “One of the humans who had been snooping found out they are killing only certain creatures, while enslaving or recruiting others to their side.”

“So,” said Dante.

“So remember all those freak attacks by the shifters. I think it was TFS and their recruits. As for you Charlotte, I think you would be dead, but he might be trying to recruit you…or enslave you. Either way, you might be able to be our inside person.” Her cheeks turned slightly pink. “I blew my cover. “