Sequel: Engulfed
Status: Completed!



“How the Hell did you blow your cover?” Charlotte asked, eyeing Azlynn with a look of disbelief. Azlynn pursed her lips, not liking her tone.

“They tried to inject us with something, and wouldn’t tell us what it was,” Azlynn replied coolly. “I panicked; I had to get us out of there somehow. God only knows what was in those syringes.”

“Yes, you see, Azlynn is actually capable of understanding the situation, and giving a damn,” Chief Lawson said scathingly, glaring at his sister. Color flooded Charlotte’s face.

“Shut the fuck up, Will. Don’t pretend you know me,” she snarled.

“I know that you’ve been a selfish, self-indulgent brat,” he shouted back. Azlynn and the others shifted awkwardly, looking at everything but Lawson and Charlotte.

“I’m selfish?” Charlotte demanded, fists clenched at her sides. “You’re the one who can’t accept the fact that I skin walk! It’s my goddamn life, but can you leave it alone? No, you have to shove your piousness down my throat, no matter how many times I’ve told you that I can take care of myself. Just because you’re too afraid to use your power doesn’t mean I have to be afraid too!”

“You can take care of yourself, can you?” Lawson laughed sarcastically. “I told you to stay at the safe house, and instead you ran off to parade around as a fucking show pony and disappeared for three days. You walked right into the arms of True Form. You could have gotten yourself killed, because you didn’t listen to me.” His eyes flashed triumphantly. If looks could kill, Charlotte’s gaze right then probably would have reduced him to cinders.

“You agreed to work with us on this case, little sister, and whether you like it or not, I’m heading this investigation. That means the next time I give you an assignment, you damn well better do as I say.”

“That’s enough,” Azlynn murmured in a low voice. She sent a wave of Compulsion over the two of them, working to calm them down. After several tense seconds, their defensive postures relaxed. Charlotte huffed, blowing hair out of her face, and Lawson sighed.

“I’m sorry, Charlotte,” he said. “You just really had us all worried.”

“I know,” Charlotte said grudgingly. “I’m sorry I ran out.”

“Am I dreaming?” Miller said, staring from one to the other. “Did you two really just apologize to one another?”

“Shut up,” Charlotte muttered. “So, now what?”

“Well, for starters, I want to inform you that, given the circumstances, that you, Dante, Azlynn, and Drew are going to be staying somewhere out of town for a while.”

“What?” Charlotte yelped. “I am so not-” She broke off as Lawson folded his arms and gave her a stern look. She sighed in aggravation. “Fine.”

Lawson looked smug. “Good. But before you go, you have to go to The Hot Spot with me tonight. Drew can drive you to the hideout afterwards.”

“The Hot Spot?” Azlynn asked, puzzled.

“That hot new club downtown?” Dante said, arching his eyebrow. “Why the fuck do we have to go there?”

“It’s Delia’s birthday tonight,” Lawson replied. Charlotte looked sick. “You’re making me go to Delia’s birthday?” she choked. “At a club? Will, come on.”

“She wanted me to ask you personally, Charlotte. You’re going.”

“I don’t have anything to wear to a club,” she said triumphantly.

“I don’t either,” Azlynn piped up, mentally balking at the idea of going into a club.

“I figured as much, and Delia that,” Lawson said, a grin slowly spreading across his face. “That’s why, this afternoon before the party, you’re going shopping in Beverly Hills with her.”

Charlotte groaned while Drew and Dante snickered.


“Come on sugar, come on out and let us see you!” Delia called through the fitting room door. Azlynn stared at herself in the full-length mirror. She was wearing the outfit that Delia had specifically picked out for her while they had combed the entire the length of the store about ten times. Delia insisted that you needed to put the whole outfit together before you tried on even one garment.

Azlynn scarcely recognized herself in the scanty clothes. The top was dark purple; laced up the back with matching ribbons and low-cut in the front and thin straps that tied behind her neck. The skirt was solid black and only reached mid-thigh, with tiny black bows going up the sides. The shoes were three inches high, and covered in black lace.

“Delia, I haven’t been this naked in public since birth,” she said in a strangled voice.

“Dollface, I’m sure you look amazing. Now get out of there and let us see you!”

“I’m sure you’ve got nothing on me,” Charlotte said dryly. Azlynn opened the door and stepped timidly out of the fitting room.

“Okay, maybe you sort of do,” Charlotte conceded. She was wearing a bright green, thin strapped tank top that reached just above her belly button, with a pair of skin tight black jeans and a pair of black stilettos with spikes on the heels.

“You look completely amazing,” Delia gushed. “Go on, Az baby, do a spin.”

Delia seemed so excited that Azlynn complied, turning in a slow circle.

“Whoa,” Charlotte exclaimed, and she froze, body going stiff. “What?”

“Sweet tat,” Charlotte said. “How long did it take to get that done?”

Azlynn relaxed, relieved. Her wings. “Probably not as long as you might think,” she said, smiling to herself.

“It’s gorgeous,” Delia confirmed. “And so are the two of you, darlings.” She beamed. “Let’s get this stuff and go. We’re supposed to meet the boys at the club in a couple of hours.”

“Uh, Delia? I’m not exactly dolled up for club hopping,” Charlotte said, gesturing to her make-up free face and waist-length tumble of flame red curls. Delia herself looked primped and perfect in a strapless black wrap dress that didn’t even reach her knees.

“I have just the solution for that, sugar,” she said.


The three of them emerged from the salon, Charlotte and Azlynn both looking a little stunned. Delia had chatted away with the hairdressers as though they’d been friends forever. Charlotte had seemed uncomfortable the entire time, and Azlynn hadn’t the faintest idea what to say or how to act. Fortunately Delia talked enough for all of them. They had straightened Charlotte’s mass of curls, then wound it into two stylish braids. Azlynn’s own long raven hair had been tied into a braided crown, and the rest fell in loose waves down her back.

They now rode in her bubblegum pink VW Beetle as she drove downtown to meet the others at the club. Azlynn had begged off any accessories other than silver hoop earrings and her amulet, but Delia had insisted on doing both hers and Charlotte’s makeup.
Azlynn’s eyes were rimmed in smoky silvers and pale blue-violet, and Charlotte’s light brown eyes were accented in dark gold.

Delia tugged them up to the velvet rope at the front door, typing furiously on her cell phone. Azlynn had no trouble with her towering heels despite not having worn them much, but Charlotte kept stumbling and cursing. Delia told the massive bouncer at the door that they were there for the party, and he waved them through. The club was dim and full of pulsing rhythms.

Strobe lights flashed overhead as bodies thrashed wildly on the floor. Delia ushered Azlynn through the crowd toward the bar, Charlotte falling slightly behind as she tried to maneuver in her heels.

“We’re here!” Delia sang out, wrapping her arms around Lawson. It was strange seeing Lawson and Miller out of their uniforms; they were both dressed in button up, silky shirts and dark jeans; Lawson’s shirt was black and Miller’s was dark blue. Azlynn stood awkwardly at Delia’s side. Dante gawked at her with his mouth slightly open, and even Miller did a double take.

“How did you manage to get into that get-up?” Dante asked finally. He was wearing a tight black T-shirt, a leather jacket, dark jeans. Azlynn shot him a withering look and didn’t reply. Charlotte appeared then, and Miller choked on his drink when he saw her in her tight pants and skimpy shirt.

Dante pounded him on the back, smirking. They were saved from any small talk when a shrieking group of women, all also dressed in ridiculously small article of clothing, swarmed the bar, planting kisses on Delia’s cheeks and telling her happy birthday.

Azlynn scooted to the edge of the fray, finding an empty stool and sitting down. This was much different from anything else she had encountered so far on Earth. She felt out of place, and far from angelic. Not that angels were prudes; they often took lovers, although typically only younger or lower level angels ever had relations with humans or any other being from Earth. But Azlynn had no experience with a scene like this one, and her outfit was earning her more than a few leers from men in the club.

“Care for a drink?” the bartender asked, and Azlynn jumped. “Oh, um…”

“I’ll take another, barkeep!” Dante called, waving his glass in the air.

“I’ll have whatever he’s having,” Azlynn blurted. Dante’s eyes grew wide. The bartender set a glass full of a dark amber liquid in front of her,, and Azlynn gulped it down. She needed something to occupy herself with.

“Damn!” Azlynn set the glass down and turned to see two men standing near the bar, looking at her with appreciation. “You sure can chug, girl,” one of them said.

“Brian, Kyle!” Dante called out. “What are you guys doing here?”

“Trollin’ for chicks, man, what do you think?” The one who had complimented her laughed. Then he smiled at her. “I’m Kyle.”


“That’s an unusual name.”

“I’m unusual.”

That made them laugh, though Azlynn wasn’t sure why.

“Hey Brian, there’s a redhead at three o’ clock; green tank top,” Kyle said, nudging his companion and nodding toward Charlotte.

“She’s cute,” Brian observed. They pulled up stools and started talking to Dante. Azlynn kept ordering drinks, trying a bunch of different ones. Soon her shot-taking attracted the attention of the rest of the party.

“I never pictured you as a partier,” Charlotte said, watching Azlynn down her sixth shot of Tequila.

“I’m not,” Azlynn replied. “I’ve never drunk before.” She kicked herself as soon as the words left her mouth; everyone stared at her as though she’d just sprouted an extra head.

“And you can hold your liquor that well?” Drew said, gaping at her. “You’re not even tipsy.”

And she wouldn’t get tipsy, no matter how much alcohol she consumed. Angels couldn’t get drunk; their bodies and metabolisms didn’t work like humans,’ or even shifters, mages, Were’s, or almost any other creature on Earth. Azlynn just shrugged in response, not knowing what to say.

The night progressed, and she drank several men under the table. Her inhibitions started to fade, and she felt slightly giddy in the smoky, breathless atmosphere of the club.

When a handsome stranger asked her to dance, she agreed. She raised her arms in the air and moved sinuously to the hard beats pounding through the speakers. Her partner kept changing, but she didn’t care. She barely noticed them. Until one of them mashed his body against hers, trying to press his beer-flavored lips against hers in a sloppy kiss. Annoyed, Azlynn shoved him away. When he moved toward her again, his gait drunken and clumsy, she balled her fist, ramming it hard into his throat. He choked and sputtered, backing away from her. Azlynn felt a smug satisfaction in seeing the fear in his eyes. When she spun away and found herself facing another dance partner, she reveled in the desire she saw in his gaze.

They all wanted to be close to her, she realized. Wanted to touch her. Laughing, she turned them all away, letting them get close enough to think they had a chance, and then she would dance out of reach and turn her back on them, crushing their hope. She felt beautiful, wild, dangerous.

She felt alive.


Azlynn’s blood was still pounding as she rode in the backseat of Miller’s SUV, cruising down the interstate as they drove out of the heart of Los Angeles, and towards Laguna Beach. It was a fairly long trip, but Lawson wanted them to stay in a secluded beach house there until things were safer.

“You never told me you could dance,” Dante remarked as they drove.

“I didn’t know,” Azlynn replied dreamily, resting her head against the cool glass of her window. Miller and Charlotte rode up front and Charlotte kept fiddling with the radio. There was little talking as they drove. Finally they reached the house, and they clambered out of the SUV. Lawson had had them all get their essentials together beforehand, and everything was in the trunk.

Azlynn had tried to insist that she didn’t need to stay at the beach house; her apartment was perfectly safe; but Lawson had insisted, and Azlynn had decided against arguing too much.

She stretched her arms over her head as they trudged across the sand to the front door.

“Who drove my car?” Dante yelped, seeing his Charger parked in the drive.

“Rico drove it over earlier,” Miller said. “He insisted that you shouldn’t have to go without it just because we’re in hiding.”

“Good man,” Dante nodded. “So what do you say, Sarge? You wanna watch me smoke your ass at Guitar Hero?”

“No one plays that anymore, DeMarco,” Miller said, laughing. Azlynn and Charlotte both eyed the two men in bewilderment; when had Miller and Dante become such good friends?

After depositing her things in her room, Azlynn kicked off her shoes and went to sit on the front porch. The stars twinkled overhead like flaming diamonds.

“What are you doing out here?” Dante asked, appearing at her side and lighting a cigarette.

“Admiring the view.”

“Mmm. Me too,” he smirked, eyes flicking up and down. Azlynn lowered her lashes and stared at him. “You’re pretty shameless, aren’t you Dante?” she said, her voice low. Some of the arrogance went out of his expression. He looked slightly confused, but there was also something dark and hot smoldering in his eyes.

“I suppose so,” he said, casually leaning against the porch railing. There was silence for several moments, no sound except for the waves crashing against the shore. Azlynn slid closer to him, taking the cigarette from between his fingers and tossing it into the sand.

“That’s a fire hazard, you know,” Dante said. “And I was smoking it.”

Azlynn rolled her eyes, grabbing his arm and spinning him around so that he was facing her. He looked startled. Azlynn’s heart was pounding and something, some feeling she didn’t recognize, took control of her. She leaned up and pressed her lips against his. He tasted like whiskey and wood smoke.

Dante jerked in surprise, then wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing himself closer to her. Azlynn tangled her fingers in his hair, taking his bottom lip between hers. He made a faint growling noise in his throat, then lifted her off her feet, setting her on the railing and kissing her harder. She wrapped her knees around his waist, trailing kisses down his throat. His hands slid up her legs, then gripped her waist. Azlynn returned her lips to his, the unknown thing skipping through her blood starting to hum.

She slipped her hands beneath his shirt, her fingers trailing across his stomach. He shivered faintly. She could feel his heart pounding against his chest. Azlynn sighed softly against his mouth.

And it was then that the front door banged open.