Sequel: Engulfed
Status: Completed!



“Azlynn, what the fuck?! Where were you keeping that thing?” Dante looked Azlynn up and down stopping on her crotch. A sly smile light up his face. Azlynn looked serious for a minute then blushed like a school girl catching her first glimpse of a man’s member.

“DeMarco, focus. This is not the time.” Andrew crouched by the dead shifter and started examining it.

“What are you talking about? A girl dressed in PJ’s with no bra pulls a blade out of nowhere and your telling me to focus. Dude that is fucking hot.” Dante’s eyes radiated lust as he leered as Azlynn. Shockingly enough she did nothing to deter him. Andrew scoffed as he stood, shaking his head silently.

Charlotte was beyond confused. She felt like she was on page one while everyone else was almost done with the book. Andrew looked at here and sighed. “Later,” he told her.

“So back on topic, does anyone know why a shifter just attacked? I thought True Form Society was just human’s, trying to enforce the old way by eradicating anything different from them,” Azlynn asked with her hand propped on her hip and her other hand hanging to her side with the blade.

“Honestly I don’t know,” Andrew replied with a shake of his head. Azlynn looked at Dante; he quickly glanced up into her eyes shaking his head then went back to her crotch. “Charlotte?” she asked hopefully.

“Nothing, but one thing I want to know is how did they find us?” As if on cue the windows shattered. Dante was on Azlynn in a second. Charlotte felt Andrew grab her, using his body to take the brunt of the shattered glass.

There was a loud roar as Dante was tackled by a huge Wendigo. The creature had the skin color of a bruise after three days; it was so transparent that the bones and veins were visible. Its teeth with needle sharp and jagged as hell, most of them overlapped each other. Azlynn was thrown off to the side as the Wendigo and Dante wrestled.

“Get the fuck off me you big zit.” The Wendigo laughed and raked its claws across Dante’s chest. Dante returned the favor and clawed its chest. Instead of blood spewing out it was a yellowish green puss. “Oh that’s just nasty man!” Dante twisted to avoid the puss and its teeth as it tried to eat him.

Azlynn sprung to help him but was stopped by a thick scaly tail. Charlotte followed the tail out the window. Suddenly the wall crumbled like a game Jenga. Andrew drew Charlotte closer. Before the dust could clear a six limbed overgrown lizard crawled in, a Basilisk. Along its back were large quill looking spikes. The skin on its face was thin showing off its bizarre bone structure.

The Basilisk closed in on Azlynn, waving its tongue back and forth, smelling her. “You better not even try anything or your snake skin,” Azlynn warned, but it had no effect. The Basilisk wrapped its tail around her like a coil and started squeezing. The scales were so sharp that Azlynn’s blood was seeping through the scales. She gasped and struggled against the pressure. “I…Warned…You,” she huffed.

Before Charlotte knew it she was out of Andrew’s arms, sprinting to help Azlynn. However, it was hopeless. Before she even got five feet from Azlynn she was charged. A pure white unicorn with a glittering gold horn, stormed the room. Its horn aimed at Charlottes gut. She stood their thinking, Aren’t unicorns existent?

“Are you blooming mad! Fucking move!” Dante’s voice shook her back to reality, giving her enough time to miss the lethal gouging to the stomach. Unfortunately the unicorn grazed her side by her hip, in the process taking a chunk of flesh.

“Son of a bitch!” Charlotte shrieked as pain seared through her right side. She stumbled back before her leg gave out, making her fall to the ground. She groaned in agony as she put pressure on her side. Unlike Dante and Andrew, both Azlynn and Charlotte couldn’t heal fast.

The unicorn rounded to attack again, but was stopped. Andrew grabbed it by the horn yanking it hard enough to cause blood to well up around the horn. The unicorn shrieked as its eyes rolled back, showing the whites.

As Andrew continued to try to rip off the glittering horn, he started to shift. His hands were enlarging with the nail turning black and long. His once tan skin was trying white and black. His blue eyes narrowed and a deep growl rolled out of his throat.

Charlotte, knowing that Andrew could handle himself turned to try and help one of the other two. Even though she was pretty much, physical useless, she might be able to use some of her blood magic. “God knows that there’s enough blood around here.” Then she caught movement from the corner of her eye. “Fuck!”

Running through the back door was a Chimera. The golden body was that of a lion, but the fur was hairless in some spots and the rest was matted. Instead of having one head it had two. Where the chest would be was the lion’s head, above it where it would normally be was the head of a goat. The horn was blacken with disease and went straight back like ice picks. Its forearms were that of a bird and its hind legs were that of horse. Last animal thrown into the mix was a thick tail that curved over the body, it was a snake.

The Chimera leaped over me and tackled Andrew. Within second Andrew had fully shifted and the two of them were going at it like wild animals, which they were. The unicorn shook its head and stocked towards Charlotte with its head low and horn aimed. Charlotte stiffened as she realized she was backed into a wall. She closed her eyes bracing herself. If she was to die she would bring the unicorn with her.

Charlotte could hear Dante cursing up and storm, while Azlynn grunted trying to get air, and Andrew was growling like there was no tomorrow.

“Well isn’t this cute. I thought you guys would be tougher than this.” The room went silent as they all looked towards the new comer. It was Morrison. He walked through the ruined wall holding a black device. “Don’t look so shocked.”

“You fucking bastard! Who do you work fo-” Dante was cut off as the Wendigo squeezed his wind pipe. Dante eyes narrowed and started to glow. He was enraged.

“Don’t kill him,” Morrison warned. “Who do you think, True Form Society.” This caused Andrew to growl, earning a swipe for the Chimera. “Now all of you behave.” He started chanted something under his breath, causing Charlotte’s hear to skip a beat. He was summoning black magic and a lot of it.

She spared a quick glance at the unicorn, its eyes were closed and its breathing harsh. Slowly she dipped her free hand in her wound, wincing she scooped up some blood and started to draw a symbol in the air. It would deflect the spell Morrison was casting and throw it back onto him three fold.

“You have served your purpose. We already have one Skinwalker, no need for two. Kill her Fred.” The unicorns eyes shot open and he charged. Charlotte was ready this time and moved. The Unicorn ran his horn into the wall. That’s when all hell broke loose. The Basilisk let out a head splitting screech. Azlynn had managed to dig her blade into one of the coils and cut down, separating the tail from its body. Coils side off her. At once she lunged at the Wendigo, stabbing him in the back. The Wendigo released Dante reaching behind him, trying to grab Azlynn.

“Get your fucking hands away from my girl!” Dante hand turned to a claw as he grabbed the creature’s arm and ripped it from its socket, clear off the body. The Wendigo stared in silent shock. Dante was still enraged. He opened his mouth and a jet of liquid fire spewed out engulfing the Wendigo in flames and setting the house on fire.

The Chimera was so distracted that it left its throat open. Andrew lunged forward gripping and ripping out the creature’s throat. Quickly the house was catching. The Basilisk was alight in flames, running in circles trying to put them out. Morrison stood shocked and his spell abandoned. Azlynn took the opportunity and tackled him with Dante right behind him.

Charlotte looked at Fred the unicorn and knew he was a shifted. She was going to loose all her pelts and totems in the fire, but she was going to take his. “The death of one passed to another; separate these two, letting blood smother.” Suddenly the horn receded, as well as the skin. The pelt slid to the floor. Charlotte quickly grabbed before the naked man fell on it. He convulsed as blood freely poured from his mouth. It was like a waterfall. He suffocated and collapsed to the floor. He couldn’t get a breath in.

“Dante leave him we have to get out of her the house is coming down!” Azlynn shouted pulling Dante from Morrison’s limp body. They quickly left the house. “Wait, where’s Charlotte?!” Charlotte tried to get up, but her leg was useless. It had grown stiff lying there. Then out of the flames came Andrew. He scooted her up against his chest, running through a wall of flames. They barely got out before the house fell.

“Shit Charlotte!” Andrew pulled her tighter against him. “Keep pressure on the wound. You’re going to be fine.” Charlotte nodded about to say something when Andrew cut her off with a kiss. It was gentle but urgent. “When that Unicorn stabbed you I lost it.” He leaned his forehead against Charlotte’s. His eyes were still wild, but they were his. She blushed slightly as he kissed her again.

“Finally man. What is it was near death situations that get people all mushy.” Charlotte and Andrew looked over to a grinning Dante and Azlynn.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, and quickly shifted the focus from her and Andrew. “So how did they find us?”

“With this little beauty.” Dante waved a little device in the air.