Sequel: Engulfed
Status: Completed!



Charlotte left the room as William took the floor, trying to come up with a plan. She limped down the hallway, using the wall to support her. In the rush to meet up with William, Charlotte forgot she was wounded. When the pain started to rear its head, she excused herself to the bathroom.

Each step she took got harder and harder. The dull pain turned into a spearing flame. The flow of blood had lessened from not moving, but now it was flowing freely. She took one more step and collapsed; she braced herself, waiting for the ice cold floor but it never came.

“You could’ve just asked for help.” Charlotte’s breath hitched as Andrews’s breath ceased the back of her neck. His voice was like a babbling brook, soothing. He pulled her away from the wall, wrapping his arms around her waist. She flinched as he squeezed her wounded hip.

“Andrew…my hip,” she said breathily. Between the pain and his nearness she was just a bundle of nerves.

He adjusted his arm, but never let her go. “Sorry, is that better?” Charlotte as her body relaxed slightly. He led her turn the safe and away from everyone else. Charlotte assumed he was taking her to the bathroom or the medical area, but he took her to a bedroom.

Charlotte hesitated in the thrash hold, unsure of why he chose a bedroom. Her sudden stop mad Andrew press his body against her. The heat between them instantly sored, to scorching. Suddenly, she no longer wanted to be in a bedroom with him. “There is a bathroom back down the way we came.” She hopped he would get the hint, but he shuffled her resisting body towards the bed. If she wasn’t so tried, he wouldn’t have been able to push her around. “No seriously I saw one…it’s just a few doors down.”

“I know but we are going to need more room, so stop stalling.” He spun her around, forcing her to sit on the bed. “Now take off your shirt.” Charlotte’s eyes bugled at his bluntness. At least he had the decency to blush.

“Wow you and Dante must be really close. In all the years I’ve known you, you never been so pig headed.” Charlotte went to stand, but Andrew stopped her.

“I wasn’t trying to pull a move; I want to check your wound and try to fix it.” Charlotte eyed his suspiciously then nodded. There was some part of her that wished her was making a more for her.

“The last time I checked you’re a police officer not a medic.” Her eyebrow raised in a teasing manner.

“I’m also a shifter, now off with it. That’s an order.” He looked stern but his teasing voice gave him away. Charlotte rolled her eyes but complied. As soon as her shirt was off she felt completely naked with the way Andrew’s eyes roamed over her. Unconsciously she covered her breast, even though she was wearing a bar. “I never figured you as a lacily kind of gal.” after a second he chuckled trying to hide his husky voice but it was too late.

“I didn’t take my shirt off so you can eye rape me,” Charlotte said seriously. If she didn’t try to put a stop to her feeling and bodily reactions, something might happen.

He got on his knees and was eye level with Charlotte. “I would never,” he teased. That’s when Charlotte noticed his fangs had lengthened and his eyes were tiger wild. She tensed as he lowered his head towards her bleeding hip. She didn’t know what to suspect, but when she felt him licking her hips she was shocked.

At first he was just licking around the wound, but that didn’t last. With long strokes, he lathered down Charlotte’s wound with saliva. She would gasp in pain every time he pushed his tongue into the wound and when his fangs brushed against the tinder skin. Slowly the pain started to ebb away, making his licking less and less, until he completely stopped.

Charlotte looked down when he didn’t move and was met with lustful eyes. Slowly every so tenderly he kissed her wound then made a trail of kisses up her torso. He never blinked or broke eye contact. Charlotte’s knew it would’ve been wise to pull away, but she was already too far gone. She wanted the kisses as much as he wanted to give them. He kissed her hand then jumped to her collar bone. Instead of kissing her neck nuzzled it, finally breaking eye contact. As he nuzzled she gripped his shoulders. That’s when he bit down on her sweet spot. The bite itself should’ve been painful as hell, but it wasn’t. A muffled moan left her mouth. She groaned as Andrew removed his fangs from her flesh, quickly licking over it. She held onto his shoulders like he was a life line.

“Mine.” The word was just a whisper. A word that would normally make her enraged, but hearing it come out of Andrew made her feel…wanted, needed.

“Yes.” Before she could think of what she had just said, Andrews’s lips were on hers. They were warm and soft with a hint of salt. Their lips moved against each other perfectly, like they were the half the other was missing. As the kiss deepened it was clear to Charlotte he was claiming her.

“Whoa! I would say get a room, but you already did.” A low growl ripped through the air as Andrew whipped his head around putting himself between Dante and Charlotte. “Yo calm down tiger, don’t eat the messenger.”

Charlotte peered around Andrew to see a shit eating grin on Dante’s face. He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Dante, don’t. I can’t promise I won’t attack you. I’m very…possessive right now.”

“Believe me do I know.” He took a drag of his cigarette, letting the smoke escape through his grin.

Andrew sighed, handing charlotte back her shirt. She spared a quick glance at it; it had stopped bleeding and was scaring over already. She knew shifters could heal themselves but not others. “Let me guess Lawson sent you to find me.”

“No he sent me to make sure, his little sister still had her cherry.” Charlotte blushed, hiding behind Andrew.

“Ass,” Andrew growled.

“No weredragon.” Andrew sighed, causing Dante to laugh. “Oh and Lawson wants you two back in the think tank. We might have a plan.”