Sequel: Engulfed
Status: Completed!



With a suddenly flick of McNitt’s wrist, he separated Azlynn from Charlotte, Dante, Andrew, and William. Azlynn was up in a matter of seconds, flying straight for McNitt. Unfortunately, she didn’t get very far; she slammed into an invisible wall.

“What the fuck?” She slammed her fist into it. Her power was beyond better than McNitt’s, meaning the barrier should’ve shattered like glass. Charlotte gasped as the barrier through Azlynn against the back wall. The sound of the support beam cracking echoed through the room.

“Azlynn!” Dante was on feet with a glowing ball of liquid molten in his head. He flung it at the barrier, just like he did earlier to the building. However, it did nothing. In a wisp of smoke the ball was gone. The room was silent except for the cackling of McNitt.

“How? You’re fucking weak,” Azlynn shouted. She popped out of the wall like a kernel of corn. Her wings ruffled, shaking off some of the rubble.

“I’m glad you noticed. Your father gave me a power boost. He wants his message understood. You either join or,” he gestured to her friends, mainly Dante, “they take your place.”

“You can’t make us do anything,” Dante shouted. He was facing McNitt; his hands were clenched by his sides. He was getting ready to spring.

“True, freewill is a bitch. Fortunately, for us we have something that works around it.” A twisted grin split his face, he snapped his fingers. At first nothing happened. Silence echoed through the room.

“Father must’ve not been to giving. Were you just trying to look stupid or are you that-” Azlynn broke off as Charlotte screamed.

Charlotte had never felt anything like. Her body felt like it was engulfed in flames. Every beat of her heart, seemed to pump more burning magma through her system. Sweat rolled off her, as she kneeled to the floor. In the back of her mind she knew black magic and more sinister things were at work. If she could push the pain away, just for a little bit, she could use her blood magic.

Black and blood magic were closely related. It just depended on how you used it. Even though she was against the darker stuff, Ted made it a clause in him training her. If she wanted to be a Skinwalker, she was going to learn everything, even the darker spells.

Other than Ted no one knew how deep into blood magic she truly was. She didn’t use it often; the lingering effects it created made it more noticeable. True blood practitioners started to develop certain body traits. Charlotte didn’t realize how far she gotten until she noticed the veins in her hands had started to turn black. After that she stopped cold turkey. The blackness disappeared…after almost a year.

“Charlotte!” William and Andrew shouted. William was closer; he ran forward to help her but was stopped. Around Charlotte was a barrier. William was thrown back into Andrew.

“Sorry boys, no touching. I don’t want her getting any ideas.” Charlotte barely had enough strength to look up. Azlynn and Dante looked pissed. Azlynn was banging on the barrier separating her from everyone else, trying to get through. Dante’s body seemed to glow like fire. Andrew was crouched, slowly shifting. “Now, now. Don’t think about trying anything. One snap of my fingers and she will keel over.” He stood right next to her.

“I’m going to rip your balls off and shove them down your throat, if you don’t release her,” Andrew growled deeply in his throat. That made McNitt laugh loudly.

“You can try, little kitten.”

“What did you do to me?” Charlotte managed to choke out. McNitt kneeled next to her.

“You think all those times we found you guys was by chance? I injected you with a tracking serum. Then Leviathan injected you with some of Qurtem.”

“What’s Qurtem?”

“Oh a little of Leviathan’s blood, black juju, and pain inducers.” He rubbed soothing circles into her back. “You’re our insurance that Azlynn crosses over. She would never let someone be punished for her problems. She’s too noble,” he whispered so low she barley heard what he said.

Charlotte met his eyes. This was their plan ever since the beginning. Hurt someone Azlynn knew; make her feel like it was her fault. They were trying to guilt her into it. They were willing to play dirty to get what they wanted.

“McNitt release her. Remove the Qurtem and then I will go with you.” Azlynn stopped pounding the barrier. Her body and eyes were the definition of anger. She was tense, and trembling. If she got the chance, the pain she would inflict on McNitt would make her father proud.

“You had your chance. Maybe later we will make a deal.” McNitt smiled wickedly as Azlynn through herself at the barrier. Finally it shattered. She and Dante rushed towards Charlotte with Andrew right behind them.

Charlotte winced as McNitt’s snicker. She didn’t like how he wasn’t worried one bit, and she defiantly didn’t like how he stepped behind her, gripping both shoulders. She tried to shrug him off, only to earn a searing pain through her being.

“You son of a bitch!” Andrew gurgled out before he went wild. Azlynn and Dante through fire at the barrier while Andrew raked his claws against it. Slowly the wall was weakening, but not fast enough.

“I would love to stay, but I have orders to keep.” The air thickened around both Charlotte and McNitt. Charlotte watched in horror as her surrounding became blurrier. He stomached rolled and unbearable pain echoed through her body. With her strength shot, she blacked out.


Charlotte came to, to the smell of sulfur. She swayed back and forth as she sat up. For some reason she was excepting to be in some underground cave, where it was cold and dark, but she awoke to a dimly lit room. She rubbed her eyes. Then she caught the glint of a silver band on her wrist.

“Well, well, well. The Skinwalker has wakened.” Charlotte turned to the voice. Leviathan stood in the middle of the room. Behind him in a semi-circle were thirteen dark figures, three of them had silver bands. They were his inner circle.

“Why am I alive?”

“Smart girl. Getting straight to the point.” Leviathan walked a circle around her. “Ted was a good teacher. He taught you blood magic of ancient. He never told you who he was did he, or how old he was?” It was more of a statement than a question. Charlotte trembled. She felt like a dog being examined.

“I take your silence as you don’t know.” he continued walking circles around her. “He’s was a millennium old until death himself took him. He’s the one who brought Lucifer back to life, when he almost died after his fall.”

“What’s this have to do with anything?” Charlotte asked. She was afraid to hear the answer. She knew Ted was into the darker stuff, and now it made more since. Some of the things he taught her, she’d never heard of.

“Blood magic is what saved Lucifer…it will also kill him. If you wish to live,” Leviathan snapped his fingers one of the dark figures without the silver band stepped forward, “then you will have to fight for it.” The twelve other figures spread out into a large circle.

Charlotte found her legs and stood. As the figure stepped into the light, she gasped. The thing had no eyes, his nose was flat, his bottom jar hung like a skeleton and he was ripped. She stepped back fear rolling through her.

“Whichever one of you survives will be in my inner cycles…by force if necessary.” Leviathan raised his arms. Charlotte steeled her fear; if a fight was needed to survive then she would fight. “Let the best Skinwalker live!”