Sequel: Engulfed
Status: Completed!



A body retching convolution ripped through Charlotte as her soul raced back together. If she thought it hurt to disperse her soul though out her body, bringing it back together hurt even more. She opened her eyes to a blinding bright light and a horrific shrieking. Within a second the room was plunged into darkness and silence.

“Damn girl, that’s one way to barbecue.” Charlotte rolled her head to the side opening her eyes. Both Dante and Azlynn had their backs to her. Dante was bent over poking a stick at the pile of ashes.

“Having fun?” Her voice came out strangled. Before Dante and Azlynn could turn around, Andrew was in front of her, in all his tiger glory. He pawed her arm and leaned down nuzzling her neck. On their on Charlotte’s eyes closed, having Andrew so close, touching her, gave her comfort. Her soreness seemed to evaporate as his warmth sunk into her skin.

Soon his furry body was no more. “Charlotte,” he whispered her name desperately. He pulled her into his arms, kissing her and rubbing his skin against hers. He was putting his scent all over her. “You were died. I couldn’t feel you or smell you.” He gripped her chin forcing her to look at him, “Don’t ever do that again.” His voice rang with authority, an order she was to follow.

“Would you rather me be dead? It was either fake it or die, if survive it was to be enslaved. Your choice?” Charlotte tried to make fun of what happened, but Andrew didn’t seem to like it. “I can’t promise you I won’t, but I will only use it in a life or death situation.” His eyes softened. Then his lips were on hers, claiming them.

He pulled away, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip. “If I lost I would die.” He leaned his forehead against hers.

Charlotte wrinkled her forehead in confusion. “Why?” Andrew’s cheeks turned red.

“You’re joking right?” Dante crouched next to them, glancing between them.

“Andrew, does she not know?” Charlotte glanced away from Dante’s grinning face to Azlynn’s smirk. Azlynn’s eyes were violet with a ring of blue, her face was covered in tattoos, and her skin looked like moonlight.

“Wow, you look…different.” Azlynn frowned. “No not a bad different, more of a cool different.” Azlynn rolled her eyes but smiled. “Now, back to what I’m missing. Why is it funny that Andrew would die it if I…” Charlotte’s face fell in realization.

“There you go, use that brain,” Dante teased.

Charlotte looked at Andre, “But how? I thought mates had to…you know…consummate it under a full moon.” Charlotte could feel her cheeks, they were red hot. Dante stood up, bellowing. Azlynn smacked Dante up the head, silencing him.

“That is part of it. That’s when mates become connected body and soul, but true mates only need a bite.” Andrew rubbed circles into her shoulders, trying to sooth her.

“So why are you assuming that we are mated?” Charlotte wanted to deny what they were saying, but it just felt right. Andrew shifted his hand to her neck, rubbing circles into her bite mark.

“True mates, when bitten, take on the scent of the one who bit them and the mark’s scar develops into a design.” He pauses to let the information sink in. “My family mark is a circle within a circle within a circle with a line through it.”

“Azlynn, check my neck please.” Charlotte closes her eyes, waiting for the results.

“It his mark.” Charlotte smiles and grabs Andrew by the neck, pulling him down for a kiss. With no resistance he kisses her back.

“That’s great in all, but seriously get a room,” Dante huffed, looking away in false disgust. In reality he was glad Andrew finally got his girl.

“Yes save it for later. Charlotte were you thinking when you cast that spell?” Azlynn had her hands on her hips.

“Yeah. I knew you would figure out who Ted was and demand his help.” Charlotte quickly looked around. “Where is Ted?”

“Shit! He’s gone. Why would he run off like that?” Dante asked in frustration.

Azlynn shrugged her shoulders, “Death claimed him years ago, banishing him to this place. Our presence may have canceled out the spell keeping him here.”

“But why would he run, especially when he just helped Charlotte?” Andrew asked standing up, pulling Charlotte with him. He held her tight against him. Charlotte knew he wasn’t going to let her out of his sight again.

“I don’t know.” Azlynn paced the floor trying to figure out the puzzle.

Then something hit Charlotte. “I think I know why. When he was trying me, he always talked about the Leviathan. I assumed it was a creature of some type not a person. He was always complaining how, when his time was right, when death was no longer an issue he would kill the Leviathan.”

“You stayed with this guy, even though he was spouting stuff like that?” Dante shook his head in disbelief. “You’re crazy. I would’ve been out of there in heart beat.”

“In my defense, I had no where else to go. And before you stay anything, I wasn’t going to William’s. He wouldn’t let me practice.” She gave Azlynn a pointed look. Azlynn just looked away.

“Is there anything else Ted said?” Andrew asked, giving her a slight squeeze. Charlotte looked down in thought.

“Azlynn do angels use blood magic?”

“Not the dark stuff you’re into, but they do use a type. Why?” Azlynn stopped her pacing to look at her.

“I vaguely remember some remarks he made. He said if he could he would punish the angels for casting out Lucifer.” Dante looked at her as if she sprouted a second head.

“Tell me again. Why in the world would you stay with this nut bag?”

“That’s just it. I thought he was spewing random things. I never took it to heart.”

“Let me get this right. You think Ted was trapped here by death to prevent him from exacting his revenge on both my father and the angles?” Azlynn shook her head. It was the craziest thing she ever heard of.

Charlotte nodded. “Ted bottles his anger, and since all his ramblings are true. He is doing this for Lucifer. Lucifer is trapped here, so he uses Ted as his weapon.”

“Great. Now instead of worrying about Leviathan and TFS, we have to worry about an all out war.” Dante through his hands up walking away from everyone.