Sequel: Engulfed
Status: Completed!



Charlotte had heard legends and myths about hellhounds, but she really didn’t understand what they could do. However, that didn’t last long. She was as tall as a full grown man, with a streamline body. Her whole body seemed to be just muscle. She wondered what the hellhound looked liked like before he was killed. She knew she was similar to it previous appearance, but as a skin walker certain things about her would break through the original mold.

As soon as the creature came within ten feet Dante was already spewing fire. One by one the creatures were incinerated. Before they knew, all around them was piles of black ash. The army of a few hundred was burned to a crisp in a matter of five seconds.

Dante huffed, releasing a breath of smoke. His cheeks were pulled back in a huge grin, revealing his pearl white fangs. He through back his head and roared. The sound thundered through the air, seeming to echo forever.

Charlotte padded forward sniffing at the piles of ash. They smelled like burnt hair and human waste. She reeled back and rubbed her muzzle into the ground, trying to wipe out the awful scent. As much as the smell disgusted her, the hellhound in her told her something else. Instead of feeling the relief, her body was tense. Her instincts were warning her of something. The problem was that the hellhound knew what was happening, but Charlotte couldn’t connect the dots.

“Dante quite, you don’t want to wake-”Gabriel was cut off, freezing in place. His mouth opened in a silent scream, his eyes held panic.

“How dare you?” The fallen ash swirled around, creating a black vortex. Slowly a body started to take shape. The man was only a few inches taller than the creatures. Where the creatures had flat noses he had none. His body arched like a snake, and he swayed like one as well. Every so often his skin would ripple, revealing scales.

Swaying in a hypnotic rhythm, he sauntered towards them. Even though he was a creature of hell he was as gracefully as a ballerina. “Gabby, who are your friends?” He swiveled his head in Charlotte and Dante’s direction. His tongue darted out, causing him to quirk an eyebrow. Suddenly his head moved side to side rapidly like a tail.

Charlotte let out a low growl out as he took a step towards them. Behind her she heard Dante growl as well. She cast a quick glance at Gabriel. He was stock still, his muscles quivered in repressed energy. Charlotte didn’t understand how an angel as powerful as him was at the mercy of that snake demon.

“Oh Gabby you don’t have to say anything. I can smell you on them and sweet Azlynn.” He kept twisting as if he was dancing. “Let’s see. You come down here, trying to get Azlynn back and you bring to mortal.” He twisted, showing them his wicked grin. “That’s against the rules. Oh and I can’t forget how your flame boy wiped out all my minions.” He kept dancing. All around his the ash started to swirl.

Charlotte was getting a very uneasy feeling in pit of her stomach. If only she could voice her opinion and figure out what they hell was happening. Within a second she could be human again, but at the cost of being left vulnerable. As if Dante read her mind she heard a roar. Turning in time, she saw his Dante in his common form.

“It’s Dante, you snake boy. And if I were you, I would release Gabriel!” Dante strode ahead of Charlotte with his fist clenched to his sides. Out of the corner of Charlotte’s eyes, she saw the ash reanimating the bulbous creatures. She shifted uneasily preparing to figure out what a hell hound could do. However, the creatures stayed in the shadows. They were waiting for his order.

“Don’t get huffy with me. You have no power here…especially Gabby. This is hell.” With a sudden jerk the man turned to Gabriel. A scream filled the air as Gabriel was ripped apart by shadows. With an almost blinding light, Gabriel imploded.

Once the light faded, Charlotte and Dante realized they were surrounded by the disturbing creatures and their snake master. “Oh by the way, names Sufjan. Not snake boy,” he hissed at Dante. Then shot Charlotte a sweet smile. “Why don’t you come out and even the playing field?”

Charlotte backed up as Sufjan slithered towards her. Then she saw Dante, he hadn’t moved or said any taunting remarks. Then she noticed he was as stiff at Gabriel. That when it hit her. They had no power down at this level cause they weren’t from hell, but since she was playing the part of a hellhound she had more resistant’s.

Sufjan’s eyes darkened as she realized she did have power. Even though it was hard to tell if she was smiling, she was. I wonder what else I can do? “Don’t get any ideas,” Sufjan warned.

The creatures were closing in, their awful smell driving her insane. Without warned they all attacked. Out of the corner of her eye, Sufjan slithered away, taking Dante with him. Within a matter of second, she felt rows and rows of sharp teeth impale her skin. A roar like none other exploded out of her mouth. Some of the creature actually stopped attacking. They took a few steps back trembling in fear. Interesting? Whose pelt was this?

Unfortunately as some backed away, more filled in. soon they weren’t just biting her but raking their claws all over her. Charlotte’s eyes hazed over in blood red. Without thinking her body reacted. She sunk her jaw into creature after creature, ripping their throats out, tearing them limb from limb. After awhile she felt no pain, only an unnatural bloodlust.

As bad as her bloodlust was, she couldn’t keep up with the hordes of creatures. Lucky for her, something of the hellhound came alive. She opened her mouth to roar, but a high pitched whine came forth. All the creatures stilled then they started to tremble. One by one their heads exploded. Even in the distance she could hear the explosions of the ones that tried to run.

Once she closed her mouth, all she could hear was an unbearable silence. That didn’t last long, for far off in the direction Sufjan fled was the sound of what sounded like cheering. Charlotte took off in a full out sprint. She barreled through the darkness, relying on her sense of hearing.

Without warning or fan fare she was suddenly in a huge cavernous room, with as far as the eye could see…demons. They were all shouting as two demons fought in the center of the room. Charlotte slide to a stop as she saw the last skin walker. Before she could turn around the skin walker grabbed her. Energy rippled through her being as she was forced apart from the pelt.

“You’re alive,” a shocked voice said. Charlotte twisted, trying to get free from the brute demon skin walker holding her. When she looked up she stilled. Leviathan stood their watching her with fascination. “Sufjan fetch me some silver bands. Look like we have a new member of my army.” Sufjan appeared out of no where holding two pairs of silver bands. One was for her the other was for…Dante stood off to the side. His body was unmoving but his eyes held pure anger and dragon rage.

Once Sufjan was close enough, Charlotte kicked out her legs. Sufjan flew into a nearby demon. The tow of them faced off before the other one backed down. “I will never work for you,” Charlotte spewed out.

“Well see about that. Let’s see if I can change your mind in the next half an hour.” He gave a disturbing grin them turned and head to the arena. Charlotte’s jaw dropped as she saw Azlynn enter the arena from the other side.
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Sorry everyone. I didn't mean to make everyone look so weak. I am still learning to write. Also sorry if it didn't make sense, it made sense in my mind. I have a hard time transferring my thoughts to paper.