Sequel: Engulfed
Status: Completed!



Charlotte gripped Delia’s hand, giving it a slight squeeze. She was so happy to see Delia awake. Her skin was no longer a pale hue. She was a little thin from not eating but other than that she looked really healthy. Charlotte didn’t understand why she was being so affectionate considering everything that had happened, but she needed something good in her life.

The small hospital room was filled with enough people to make it hot. Charlotte gave Delia one last smile and stood allowing the William to take her place. She looked up as William squeezed her shoulder.

“Thanks Charlotte, you have no idea how much this means to me and Delia that you’re here.” Charlotte ducked her head as her cheeks heated up. Getting her brothers approval felt weird for her, she wanted to say she came because Azlynn and Dante wanted to talk to him but she was glad she was here now. They were his family.

“Yeah well…you know.” William let out a small chuckle them headed over to Delia. Charlotte looked up trying to find a free spot. Dante and Azlynn were leaning on the wall closest to the exit. A few of Delia’s friends were hovering near the bed. Some of Williams and Charlottes relatives were standing around as well. More were to come, but Charlotte made sure she wasn’t going to be there when they showed up.

As she stepped around Delia’s cooing friends, she stopped short as she realized the only stop to stand was by Andrew or outside. She didn’t understand why he was acting like they were lovers. For twelve years they had been friends, and then he pulled that stunt. He acted like they had meant something more to each other. Charlotte couldn’t bare the look he was giving her. He looked so wounded, like she had betrayed him. What was worst was behind those eyes were longing, hope, forgiveness, and unconditional…love.

Sighing, Charlotte went passed Azlynn and Dante to wait outside. Out of the corner of her eye she saw both Azlynn and Dante follow her. The hallway in this part of the hospital wasn’t very wide, so they both leaned across for her.

“How you doing?” Azlynn asked; her voice laced with concern. Both of them had been giving her looks of concern ever since Andrew tried to kiss her and she rejected him.

Charlotte shrugged, “I’m fine. It’s Delia you should be worried about.” Dante gave raised his eyebrow with a ‘are you serious’ look. Charlotte shot him a ‘yes now leave it be look’.

“Bullshit, Charlotte you can’t just stand there and act as if nothing happened. The tense between you two is unbearably depressing.” He pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and, putting it to his lips.

“Once again there is nothing going on between us. He isn’t my soul mate. I swear I think I’ve entered the twilight zone.” Charlotte pushed off the wall running her hands through her hair in frustration. “Can we just go?” Charlotte leaned her head against the wall, letting her hair hang around her face.

Without warning she felt a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes shot open as a rush of heat sweep through her. Instantly her body responded with desire and her hands became sweaty. “Everything is fine, just relax okay. No need to get upset. But we do have to wait for William and see what going to happen now.” Charlotte swallowed a lump in her throat, if there was any almighty power she was pleading with now that the person on her shoulder wasn’t Azlynn. Slowly she turned her head and to her horror it was.

Charlotte never really looked at Azlynn before, but now she couldn’t look away. Long flowing raven black hair framed her face making her face even more beautiful. Her canines glistened in the light; they protruded enough to make her plush pink lips even more kissable. Her pale skin seemed to glow making her rose and snake tattoo even more prominent. Charlotte had to force her hand to stay down. She badly wanted to run her fingers over her tattoo, feeling her warm skin under her hands. What entranced her even more was her pure violet yes. The ring of blue shone like a gem.

“Charlotte? Are you okay?” Azlynn released her hold only to lean closers. Charlotte quickly jumped back. The urge to wrap Azlynn in her arms and kiss her was beyond disturbing. Her entire life she knew she was straight, but right then she was questioning that. She felt like her sister.

“I’m fine. I’m just tried.” Dante scoffed and Azlynn gave a disbelieving look, but they let her be. As they stood there in silence waiting for William to come out, Charlotte couldn’t tear her eyes from Azlynn. Her body was aching to grab her. No matter how much her body wanted Azlynn her mind rebelled. It was the only thing keeping her from pinning Azlynn to the wall and ravaging her and the fear of what Dante would do.

“Thanks for waiting.” William walked out followed by Andrew, closing the door. “Considering that all of you are standing her with me now, I take it that you stopped True Form Society and any other problems you had.” He looked at Dante, Andrew, Azlynn, and Charlotte each in turn. They each nodded in response.

“So what now? Are we done with saving the world?” Dante asked taking a deep drag.

“Yes and if you’re interested I’m pretty sure we can find a few things for you to do,” William smirked. “I can see all of your talents being useful in many particular areas.” He looked at Charlotte. “Even you dear sister. Your blood magic is more useful than I thought. I have a little more respect for our lineage.” Charlotte cracked a grin. “So what your guys say?”

Charlotte was about to take a rain check, but Azlynn spoke first. “Give us some time to think about it.” William looked a little shocked, he was expecting them to flat out deny.

“Okay. You get two days.” Then he went back into the room. Andrew moved to fill in the circle; he never once took his eye off of Charlotte.

“Are you serious?” Dante asked blowing to circles of smoke out.

“Yes, we are all good at helping so we should keep doing it.” Dante just rolled his eyes. Charlotte knew he would do anything she asked. To her horror, she would to. That did not set easy with her; she would not be a puppet…not again.


Charlotte set her bags downs by the door then started to cover her furniture with sheets. She couldn’t stay in California anymore. Her mind was betraying her. She couldn’t sleep for every time she closed her eyes, she blood, death…hell. It was worse than any blood magic she had done. Her memories always played over and over; Leviathan marking her and loving every minute of it. The tension between her and Andrew was thicker than ever. He was always around. He kept trying to push their relationship, but she just couldn’t. All she could think about was Azlynn. She wanted to sever her do as she wished. It was sickening.

It had only been three days since the hospital, but she couldn’t wait any longer. She had put all her bills on hold, shut off her phone service, TV…everything. She was going to disappear. She got a call from an old friend up north, actually she always got at least three calls a year. The Canadian Werewolf pack had been looking for a Skinwalker to help with their problems. Charlotte had a friend back in college, she was apart of the Alpha pack. For six years she had been trying to get her up there, finally Charlotte agreed.

Somewhere new was what she needed. She would leave no trace. Her friend understood she was trying to disappear and she was okay with that. So much so that they sent her a new passport, social, birth certificate, and ID. They were willing to do anything as long as she came.

Charlotte heard the cabby honk the horn. She quickly grabbed her bags and went outside. The cabby put her things in the trunk. She gave the house one last look. She would miss the place but it was time for a new beginning. She locked the front down with and pad lock…and that was it. She was dust on the wind.