Sequel: Engulfed
Status: Completed!



Charlotte glared at Will as the front door slammed behind Azlynn and Dante. “What do you mean I’ll be working with them ? I don’t think so,” she said indignantly coming to a stand, brushing off invisible dust particles.

William followed suit crossing his arms in the process as well as blocking Charlotte’s only way out. She sighed thumping her foot in annoyance. “Yes you will if you want me to investigate the break in at your house.” His voice dropped as if he was ordering one of his fellow officers.

“I’m not one of your goons,” she turned to Andrew, “no offense Drew.” He just shrugged it off. “You can’t order me around. I’m not helping. I have jobs to do. I cancel them all to be apart of some rag tag team.”

“Yes you can and will. I’m tried of having to worry about you.” His shoulders slumped, for once showing how old he was. “You need to stop practicing Skin Walking and settle down. You have the skills to be a good officer.”

She rubbed her face in exasperation, “You don’t get it. I don’t want to work for you or with you, or with them. You act as if our blood linage is a humiliation, a genetic blunder. If you would just embrace it and understand it, there’s nothing to fear.”

“No you don’t understand. Our family stopped being practitioners when the art of Skin Walking entered the world of blood magic. We have gone under the radar, so much so that none of the hate groups out there ever suspect the Lawson line, but then you had to start practicing, the first one of our line in over a century in a half. What’s worst is that Amanda wants to follow in your foot steps. You need to stop this,” he through his hands up in outrage.

“Why do you think I left everything behind and came here? I didn’t want to influence her and tarnish mom and dads reputation. I would never risk the chance of True Form Society coming after them.”

"So you come down here? I'm pretty sure they will be able to make the connection." He shook his head in disgust.

"You're the one who said I should can come down here!" She shouted.

"Yeah in hopes that you would stop this madness, but then you go and find yourself a trainer. A freaking TRAINER!" He pointed at her, his finger tumbling as he tried to conceal his rage. Delia squeaked as the floor board creaked as she tried to leave the room undetected. Once she saw all eyes on her she fled. Charlotte looked away from William. It was her life she was going to live it her way.

She turned to Andrew. “Can you take me home?” Andrew jumped up from his chair, a red tint to his cheek. Charlotte felt embarrassed of what he just witnessed, but him and William were best friends he would find out sooner or later. It looks like sooner it was to be.

“Yeah sure,” he dug in his uniform for the keys to his cruiser, only to stop when he caught Williams gaze.

“What are you doing?” William demanded.

“Um...taking Charlotte home?” His statement sounded more like a question. Charlotte glared at William with a challenging gaze. He stared back with unblinking eyes. Passing between their gazes was anger, disappointment, rage, and regret.

Finally William moved aside, not submitting to her, but allowing her, her request. Charlotte swiftly moved pass him only slowing down when William said, “We will talk tomorrow.” The heat in his voice just made her more pissed. I'm not a child.

William looked away from her, “Andrew can you stay with Charlotte tonight, make sure nothing happens to her. Her robbery may be a result of True Form Society striking out against Skin Walkers in LA.”

“Yes sir,” Andrew said immediately. Charlotte rolled her eyes and walked out the front wanting to be as far as she could be from her brother. She opened the passenger side door of the cruiser, flopped down making the car shake. Slamming the door she watched Andrew say his good bye and a quick conversation about something she couldn't hear. Crossing her arms, she urged the will of the universe to make Andrew hurry.

Finally Andrew shut the door and hustled over to the cruiser. He hopped in, throwing Charlotte a smile and her skunk pelt. It fell in her lap as the cruiser pulled away from the curb. “Thanks, and don’t worry about staying the night I will be fine,” her tone was a lot colder than she intended. Andrew stiffened slightly, instead of turning down the road leading towards her house he kept going straight. “Where are you going?” She turned her head and watched the road disappear.

“If I’m staying the night, I’m getting a change of clothes," his tone said he was not arguing. She glared at the dash board. What is with men?

She’d known Andrew since she came to LA, she was his nearest neighbor. Living out in the boonies like they did, made them have to become friendly. When Ted was alive he would dealt mostly with Andrew, but as he got sicker Ted asked Charlotte to get to know him. She found it an odd request at the time. She thought he was trying to play match marker, but months later when Ted died and his will was revealed, she understood his motives.

She sat in the cruiser as Andrew disappeared into his house. Minutes later he came out with a black duffel bag and a pillow. He through his gear into her lap, giving her a playful smile. “Hey watch it.” She pushed his stuff onto the ground. “Why didn’t you change your clothes?”

“I was afraid you would drive off if I took to long.” Charlotte scoffed. “Oh come on, you know it’s true,” he teased. She shrugged her shoulders. It was true, she would’ve driven off, but he would’ve just followed her in his tiger form.

The rest of the way they rode in silence. Every once in a while Andrew would glance over at Charlotte and smile. He was excited to finally get to hang out with Charlotte…alone at her house. As soon as he shut off the car she jumped out, ignoring Andrew.

As she entered her house she flicked on all the lights. The door swung shut, but was stopped short as Andrew entered. “Thanks,” he called out sarcastically. Charlotte spared him a glance as she entered her room. Throwing her bag pelt on her desk, she sighed. All the wariness from skin shedding hit her like a brick. She dreaded the next day. No doubt Will will come by and try to convince me to join the team again. She rolled her shoulders trying to relax.

She peeked her head out again, “I’m going to..." the words abruptly stopped. Andrew turned his head around, while he was unbuttoning his pants. He was shirtless. From the back Charlotte could tell he was ripped in front. She had never seen him in anything other than his uniform, much less his bare skin.Charlotte shut her mouth once she noticed Andrew's smirk. She looked away. Did i just ogle him? The thought of that made her feel weird.

"What?" His voice was lower now and sweet. He turned full towards her. Oh not good. Just looking at his ripped stomach was making her thinks things that weren't allowed in her life. Slowly she brought her eyes up, gripping the door frame to keep balance. Look at those shoulders? They're so broad, big enough to hold onto while... She shook herself in horror.

"Bed. I'm going to bed. You can take the couch. No wait one of the spare rooms is better,” her voice was a little breathy. She didn't want to wake up and see what he sleeps in. Him smile grew wider. She knew that he knew what she was thinking. Before Andrew could respond Charlotte shut her door, cutting off her thoughts and his body.


Charlotte dressed in a loose pair of shorts with a button up shirt, it was much easier to skin shift and shed in baggy clothes. She grabbed her backpack, opening her door. She stumbled backwards as Andrew fell towards her. His eyes shot open.

Was he sleeping against my door? He caught himself then slipped on his pillow. Charlotte fell backwards against her bed the edge of the it hit the back of her knees, making her collapse. Andrew tried to catch his balance, by stepping forward but continued to fall.

She closed her eyes, waiting for him to crush her, but all she felt was the bed dip. Slowly she opened her eyes. Andrew was propped up on his hands watching her.

“What are you doing?” Charlotte said trying to keep her voice from betraying her. They laid there staring at each other. His breathing started to speed up, slightly. “Are you just going so stay on top of me?” Her voice came out a little husky. Even though he wasn't directly on top of her, she could feel the heat rolling off of him as well as his musty scent.

“Um Sorry.” His voice sounded breathy as he pushed off the bed. He stumbled backwards, leaning against the wall. Charlotte propped herself up, wishing he didn't have a shirt on. “William called last night. He called your temp agency and cancelled all your clients.”

“He what?!” She lunged to her feet getting in Andrews face, all happy thoughts gone. He growled slightly. Charlotte knew she was pushing him with being so close, so she took a step back. “Why?” Her voice was much calmer this time.

His eyes held a hint of his tiger. “He wants you to work with Azlynn and Dante.”

“You heard me yesterday; I’m not working for him.” She headed for the door, but Andrew stepped in front of her.

“How about this, you go get Azlynn and I will find Dante. While we are gone William will send some people over to investigate.”

“It’s a little late. Everything is contaminated by you and me .”

“There sending people over who can feel auras and track energy signatures.”

Charlotte scoffed. “Still I’m not helping.” Andrew finally broke, between the sexual tension and Charlotte's attitude.

“For once in the twelve years that I’ve known you, stop being stubborn and being selfish. Your brother wants your help; it’s no skin off your nose. He is even paying you.” Charlotte looked away. She didn’t want to admit it but he was right. “So?” he demanded, stepping closer to her. He was just begging for her to disagree again. Charlotte knew he was at his limit and gave in.

“Fine. Okay. Fine.” He moved aside, letting Charlotte passed. She searched her house looking for any totems that weren’t stolen. She found her kangaroo rat, snake, and rabbit totem. Then she gathered her skunk and the only other pelt she had, the winter horse. All the while Andrew was right behind her.

“Ready?” he asked. She sighed then nodded.


Charlotte walked down the hallway, looking for room 534. Every person she passed gave her odd looks, like she wasn’t supposed to be there. She turned the corner, spotting the room at the end of the hall. The four men she passed earlier were all gorgeous, but the last man she passed was a hunk but in a subtle way. He was built similar to Andrew, but his hair was like liquid gold, unlike Andrew's Auburn, and his eyes were cobalt blue. He was quite the looker.

“Can I help you miss?” His voice was like a slice of heaven.

“No, I’m good. Thanks.” Charlotte gave him one last look then walked to the door. The man turned watching Charlotte with curiosity. She ignored him and knocked at the door. Seconds later Azlynn opened the door with a shocked expression. Why was she so surprised? .