Sequel: Engulfed
Status: Completed!



“Who the Hell are these clowns?” Dante asked, eyeing all the suits in the room with a sense of apprehension. “I thought it was just going to be the three of us.”

They all turned to glare at him. “I see I missed the welcoming committee.”

“These people have been working on the case for months,” Chief Lawson explained.

“Great, then I can go now.”

“Sit down, DeMarco,” Lawson said.

He reluctantly slouched into a seat between Azlynn and the chief’s sister. Chief Lawson made introductions, which Dante didn’t bother listening to. He had no interest in remembering the names of a bunch of cops.

“So exactly what are we here to discuss?” Dante asked finally. “Or are we just here for tea and small talk?”

“You’re here because we need you to help us figure out who’s behind all the murders lately and where they’ll strike next.”

“And if you guys can’t do that, what makes you think we can?” Dante scoffed. “Do I look like a PI to you?”

“What you look like, DeMarco, is completely beside the point,” Lawson said dryly. “But the fact that you’re not cops or FBI is actually why we need you.”

“Come again?”

“First off, we’ve all been working on this case for months; we’ve pored over every note, every detail, every scrap of evidence a hundred times. We need fresh eyes to look it over; fresh ideas. And besides that, it would be much easier for a Were or a skin walker, or,” he flicked a glance at Azlynn, “a remarkably lucky human, to blend in and not seem like they were working undercover.”

“Because I ‘blend’ so well,” Dante sneered.

“In Los Angeles? Yes I’d say you do DeMarco.”

Dante scowled. “So you want me to go undercover. Like a narc or something.”

“Catches on quick, doesn’t he?” Azlynn muttered.

“And exactly who am I trying to get close to?” Dante asked, folding his arms in front of him.

“I think you already know,” the chief answered.

Dante’s eyes flashed.

“That’s not a request for a slaughter, DeMarco, I only want you to get close to them; gather information, and maybe find out who’s the head of their little operation, try to maintain some self control. If there are any injuries, and or deaths, you will be held responsible,” Chief Lawson said.

“I’m not gonna make any promises, Chief. If they give me a reason, don’t think I won’t take it,” Dante growled, turning for the door.

“Leaving already?” Morrison chimed. “I guess it’s only natural for a Weredragon to want to back out; being the cowardly race they were. Too busy hiding in the mountains to be bothered by the issues of the world.”

Dante rushed across the room grabbing the detective by throat, pinning on the wall, feet dangling.

“Cowardly? What about me strikes you as cowardly?” Dante said, calmly. “One more stupid ass comment like that, and I’ll tear your head off those shoulders, Do you understand me?” Morrison nodded slightly. Dante tightened his grip, and shoved hard against the wall a second time. “Answer me when I talk to you!” Dante snarled.

“That’s enough, Demarco!” Chief Lawson commanded, gun drawn. Dante dropped the quivering detective on the ground with a thud.

“Don’t let me work with that little bitch alone, unless you want to downsize your staff.”

“Back off, DeMarco,” Lawson growled. Dante slowly backed away from the choking Special Agent, eyes gleaming angrily.

“Now then, if the bullshit is over with,” Lawson said, holstering his gun and shooting Dante a warning look, “we can get down to business. I already have your first assignment.”