Sequel: Engulfed
Status: Completed!



Charlotte looked over the rest of the people, ignoring Williams blabbering. She swiveled in her chair in a wide circle knocking into the man next her. He curled his lip showing off a pair of gnarly fangs. Great a vampire.

She briefly took in the rest of the room. Eleven men stared at William like he was their god. They all looked normal, but she learned form past experience that looks were deceiving. One part weak, be rehabilitated with two parts physique, Charlotte whispered in her mind. A slight warmth built from her inner chamber, spreading the energy through here veins until it came to rest in the bone hidden in her nostrils.

The bone was from an adult black bear, it was actually one of it‘s K-9‘s. She had to file it down to a thin short piece, but she needed a creature with uncanny smelling abilities. The bone was surgically implanted in her nose in such a way that it wasn’t noticeable. This made her life easier, by activating it her sense of smell was heightened in a matter of seconds. No need to shift into an animal. She learned that some things were better hidden, if people knew that Skin Walkers didn’t have to shift to improve their sense they would be monitored more closely.

The five men at the end of the table were human, they reeked of grease and fear. Charlotte found it quite sickening. Obviously the man next to her was a vampire, the scent of death just proved it. Dante smelled like wood smoke. Great an Indian. Andrew smelled like snow, with of wild pine. Hmm. Whedon smelled like dried parchment paper, with a hint of underlying grease. The incubus, sitting next to Morrison, smelled like the morning after hot and sweaty sex. Tai food. Morrison smelled like the witch on the other side of him, sandalwood, but his seemed damper. Charlotte was expecting Azlynn to smell like grease instead was greeted with a hot scent of cinnamon oil. Last was here brother, he smelled like dry earth, like clay baking in the oven.

Charlotte cocked her head examining her. She had never encountered someone with that kind of smell. Suddenly the witch, Dante, Andrew, the incubus, Azlynn and three of the humans got up. She got up thinking that they were leaving. Finally.

“Charlotte what are you doing?” William asked. It was obvious her knew Charlotte didn’t listen to a thing they had said.

“Aren’t we leaving?”

“They are,” he pointed to the everyone gathering by the door. “You’re staying her, like I just said.” It was plain to tell he was annoyed. Charlotte stared at him in confusion. He rubbed in face, sighing. “Dante, Andrew, Bobby, Rico, and Darren are leaving to investigate local vandalism cases that are suspected to be done by True Form Society. Sven, Shane, Craig, Timothy, and Harry are staying here with you to research and find connections and clues. Azlynn, Ronnie, and Carl are going undercover as True Form Society initiates.”

Charlotte shook her, “No way I’m I staying here. I will help with Dante or Azlynn.” She started to move but William stepped in front of her, his arms crossed with a challenging stare. “I’m going,” she demanded.

“No. It’s to dangerous,” William and Andrew said in unison. Charlotte slowly turned her head giving Andrew the evil eye. He stared back. He too was challenging her.

“What about Azlynn and the other two? They’re just humans. You’re sending them to the sharks. They are more likely to die than me.” Ronnie and Carl’s jaws dropped in shock; Azlynn just shook her head, hiding her face.

“Maybe so, but they are human. True Form Society only lets in humans. Each initiate is examined to confirm that they’re human. You’re be suspected right away.” Williams nostrils flared. Charlotte could smell the anger rolling off of him, searing metal.

“Their weak, they’re the most defenseless.” Charlotte’s outrage was clearly noted, but that didn’t stop the humans.

“Hey we’re standing right here.” She rolled her eyes. She didn’t need this right now.

“You’re staying and that is final.” William turned away, walking to the door.

“Fuck it! You can come with us, just stop your wining,” Dante said calmly, blowing a smoke ring. Charlotte’s eye twitched. Asshole! She opened her mouth but was cut off.

“She staying here, that is final.” William gave Dante a warning look, Dante responded by giving him the bird. Other than him no one else said anything. Fucking sheep. They left the room, leaving Charlotte with Sven the vampire, Timothy the nerd, Craig aka Morrison, and Shane and Harry the last two humans.

“Why don’t you take a seat?” Craig pointed to the seat next to him. Charlotte took the seat across from him, setting herself away from the others. Craig smiled, but she could smell his disappointment, sour milk. She closed her eyes, as the fear from the two humans filled the room instantly. How can Sven handle all these smells? She released the energy activating the bone. A sigh of relief let her mouth as all the smells disappeared. Upon opening her eye, she noticed Craig watching her.

“So Shane and I will go through the incident reports,” Harry stated nervously. They weren’t used to being around so few humans.

“That’s fine. I will look into any connections the victims might have had.” Sven grabbed the stack of folders holding information on every victim. Charlotte tapped her fingers on the table, slouching in her chair.

“So you do you use blood magic?” Craig asked innocently. Charlotte’s head lolled back. “Me being a witch in all, I thought we could trade some tips, a fellow magic users to magic-”

“Fuck this!” Charlotte got up bag in hand, she headed for the door. She had already waited long enough, by now they had left the building. She had enough time to Skin shift and make it to her client.

“Excuse me?” Craig stood up with anger written all over his face.

“I’m not trying to be rude but I have a job to do. I would like to say, I want to stay but to be honest I really don’t. See yah!” Charlotte slammed the door on their protests, hustling back the way she came. “Why would I stay here when I could do this one job and get enough money to last me a week?” She asked allowed to herself.


She was led forward. She kept her head up high. She had to look good, the whole point of the job was to show off how rich and powerful Stanton McNitt was. Charlotte was wearing her winter horse pelt. She was a pure white horse with a shaggy silky coat.

Most people knew it was a Skin walker, but being able summon enough energy to hold an animal form for so long took talent. The main thing that impressed his guest was that she was a winter horse. They were existent, they were the only other nature cousin to unicorns. They were killed off for their power, in the process the whole horse was usually burned. Only a few pelts of the creature existed.

“McNitt, where in the world did you find this beauty?” Charlotte would’ve loved to take all the credit, but the pelt did most of the work. Only some of the Skin walkers actually appearance showed through.

McNitt rubbed her neck in a loving gesture, a little to loving. Charlotte neighed at her discomfort, but he kept stroking her. “Well it took a lot of time, but I was finally about to get this lovely lady to come to me. She is in high demand.” His nodded then went to stroke Charlotte, but before he could lay a grubby finger on her it was slapped away by McNitt. “Don’t touch,” he snarled.

“Sorry.” The man put his hand up in surrender. McNitt was a powerful man, actually Charlotte didn’t know what he was but he paid well. That was at least what she heard. He was also a very possessive man and he got what he wanted.

“Let me take you back to the house I wouldn’t want anyone else trying to touch you,” he whispered into her ear. He was rather a tall man to be able to accomplish that. His black hair brushed across her cheek, sending shivers through her. She was getting an easy feeling about him.

He led her into a room and placed her pack on the table then leaned against the door, waiting. She shifted from hoof to hoof, waiting for him to leave but he stayed watching her. The look in his eyes freaked her out. She shook her head towards the door throwing her mane.

“I want to see you shift. That one of the reasons I’m paying you so much.” Perv . When she neighed again he cocked his eyebrow in amusement. “I’m not leaving unless, you only want half. I kept wandering hands off you.” But yours. .

She didn’t want to change in front of him, because she would be weaker than usually. She could already feel the wariness setting in. She huffed, walking over to the table and grabbed her bag. She walked behind the couch to hid, somewhat, but he moved as well to get a better view.

She ignored him. She released the energy binding her to the pelt. Slowly she shrunk. She trembled on her knees, the pelt was still on her back covering her. She reached for her bag, that’s when he saw McNitt move. One second her was leaning against the door, the next her was kneeling next to her injecting something in her arm.

Instantly her body started to sway. McNitt put an arm around her waist to steady her. Little whimpers escaped her mouth as her body shut down. “Shh, shh everything is fine. Let it take you. I will keep you safe.” She tried to fight but whatever was in the shot was forcing everything to stop working right. He pulled her against him cooing then she blacked out.