Status: in the process of being re-written


Born to Die

Jade balled her fists as Sallow stuck a needle into her right forearm. She screamed in pain as a burning sensation ran through her body. It felt like lava was flowing through her veins. She cried out as it moved all around her body, driving her mad.

“What are you doing?” she asked through gritted teeth, her voice cracking due to the pain.

“I’m creating a wonderful surprise for your friends,” he answered as he prepared another injection of pure hell.

Even though she was becoming delirious from pain, she was still able to comprehend what that meant. They found her. Of course they found her. And of course they were coming. Jade wished she could knock all of them out. They didn’t know what they were getting into. Tony, being the stupidest fucking genius out there, is bringing himself and his friends into this hell hole.

“I am very proud of this, I must say. You see, I knew they’d come for you. So I prepared myself for this day. And I am very well prepared. I’ve made the perfect virus. One that’ll drive you mad. One that will make you lose all self control. And then once that happens, a bit of a kick comes in. You’ll be more powerful than ever before. And here comes my favorite part… The closer in range your friends are to you, the more you’ll slowly destroy them, inside and out. And then it does the same to you.” he explained as he set the now empty syringe down.

Jade struggled against the restraints. “you bastard,” she screamed as she felt everything being stripped away from her. Her head was pounding and her body shook violently. And like so many times before, she started to see red. Everything was red.

Suddenly a loud crash came from the side of the building. Jade felt the room shake and rumble in the cold, steel chair she was strapped to. She’s hardly surprised when she sees Hulk tear through the door, a loud roar coming from him. Clint is at his side, bow raised and arrow aimed at Sallow.

Thor came barreling through the wall with Natasha rushing in soon after. She instantly spots Sallow and directs her gun toward him. Tony and Steve show up last. Steve stands tall, studying the room and figuring out a plan. Tony stands in front, with his palm raised toward Sallow, ready to make a move if he tries anything.

All it took was for Sallow to take a single step toward Jade and all hell broke loose. Thor’s hammer flies across the room, hitting Sallow in the chest as Natasha makes her way over to Jade.

Sallow slowly but surely gets back on his feet only to be hit again but this time by one of Tony’s repulsor beams.

“What did I tell you about taking my things?” Tony stated as he tried to hit him with another beam. Sallow jumped out of the way just before it got to him though.

“NO!” Jade manages to yell at Natasha who is dangerously close to her.

But its too late and Natasha is thrown to the ground in a heap. She’s screaming and crawling away from Jade and it’s like Jade’s nightmares are coming to life right in front of her.

“Widow, what the hell is going on?” Steve exclaimed as he throws his shield at Sallow, only for him to dodge it and pull another disappearing act.

Natasha regains her ability to stand as she moves further away from Jade. “I’m not sure but it looks like we have company,” she said between breaths.

Sallow is nowhere to be seen but the room is being filled with the zombie looking mutants that Jade and Tony fought off on their first (and last) mission together. Greatly distracting them from the fact that Jade could destroy them all.

“What the fuck are these things?” Clint asked as he shot arrow after arrow at the mutated bodies.

"Just don't get too close to them," Tony answered.

Jade felt her sanity slipping as she watched her friends fight for their lives. She couldn’t direct her powers and help, she couldn’t stop herself from hurting them.

She unwillingly broke away from the restraints and even more unwillingly made her way over to the group. There was still a tiny portion of her brain that she had control of. One that she knew she had to use for the right moment and the right reason. Even in this state of mind, she remembered what Sallow said about these mutants. “They eat the life out of you.”

They were unaffected by her powers, no doubt something Sallow recently instilled in them. Or maybe they were always this strong. Who knows. Jade hardly had the mind to think about such things when she was focused on only one thing.

And when she reached one of the mutants who had its glowing yellow eyes set on her, it didn’t hesitate to do exactly what Sallow said it would. She heard yelling, crashing, and roaring but it was all fuzzy. She felt herself slipping and she no longer fought to keep her eyes open. She heard one final crash and then nothing.

Her last thought was that death had been a long time coming for her.


Jade heard the whirring sound of machines and beeping and her first thought was that hell must be a hospital room because there is no way that she’s alive.

But as her eyes finally started to crack open, she saw a mess of strawberry blonde hair standing over her bed. Blue eyes that Jade instantly recognized stared down at her in worry.

“P…” she tried to say her name but her throat felt as dry as the fucking desert. “Pep…”

“Oh my god, you’re awake. You’re awake. Okay, um, let me get Tony. No, what am I thinking, let me get a doctor,” Jade heard her ramble in panic.

She tried to reach out to her but she couldn’t move her arm, let alone her fingers.

In a flash Jade was surrounded by people. They were talking to her, asking if she could hear them and feel them. She did her best to respond and hoped it was enough.

“She’s awake?!” She heard a voice exclaim that she’d recognize anywhere. But for once, the voice didn’t stir any anger or irritation inside of her. Instead it brought her happiness. Something she truly hadn’t felt since she was a child.

“Tony,” she croaked as he came into her sights. She tried her hardest to smile at him but her mouth wouldn’t move how she wanted so she imagined it looked more like a grimace.

“I’m here. I’m right here, Jade. Stay focused on me,” Tony said as he pulled her hand into his.

And right now, that’s really all Jade needed to hear.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Sorry for the long break. I've been trying to find motivation for this story and it finally came to me this week. I hate leaving you guys waiting for so long because you deserve so much better. But I hope this will make up for it.

Also, this isn't the end. I'm going to try to keep this story going for as long as I can. I'm too attached to these characters to be finished with them.

As always, thank you for reading! :)