Status: In progress

Thin Ice

2. You're Married?

“Are you ready for bingo with the boys” Roxanne asked Noemi the next day.

“His friend better be cute” Noemi said flipping her freshly highlighted hair in the mirror.

“I’m sure he is. He wouldn’t set you up with someone thats not on your level”

“Isn’t bingo something old people do though?” Noemi asked scrunching up her nose.

“Not at this place. Almost everyone is in their 20s. And when they call B69 everybody in the place gets a free shot. The food is also really good and-”

“You had me at ‘free shot’ Noemi laughed dragging her out the door. “So the boys will be here soon?”

“Wesley’s gonna pick up Evan after work then come get us” Roxanne said, grabbing her keys. They stepped outside to the cool October night. Wesley pulled up shortly in his silver, 1980s BMW. Roxanne and Noemi slid in and introduced themselves to Evan. He was a little shorter than Wesley and had light brown hair. He had piercing green eyes and a kind smile. Noemi approved, mostly because he looked like Gabriel Landeskog with darker hair. She even asked him if he had ever considered a career in hockey. When they arrived at the restaurant the boys headed to the bar to bring back some bingo cards, spotters, and drinks.


Jordan and I walked in like we usually do on Wednesday nights when we don’t have a game. We don’t have a usual table or anything but we always try and sit towards the back. We can actually hear each other talk back there. Its a weird place and I’m never sure what its trying to be. Its a few miles south of downtown but there’s a section with a bar and a dance floor and another section with plenty of seats for dinner.

Jordan and I were led behind an beautiful redheaded hostess to our table. Jordan gave me a sharp nudge to ribs and I groaned loudly. I took a breath about to curse him but he just pointed to where Noemi and Roxanne sat. I couldn’t help but smile. We took a detour from behind our hostess and stopped by their table.

“Hey Roxanne” I said trying to control the excitement. It was nice to run into her.

“Oh, Hey Sidney. How are you?” she said smiling really big.

“I’m great. It’s nice seeing you again. So how have you been?” I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

“I’m good thank you. Just trying to relax, we’ve had a really tough week at work.”

“Sorry to hear about that.” I started to massage Roxanne’s shoulder for a bit and she smiled ear to ear. She made a soft purring noise that was absolutely irresistible.

Jordan and Noemi began having their own little side conversation then Jordan snapped his head back and looked at me with shock in his eyes. All of a sudden he asks,

“Are you married?!” my eyes grew wide as I looked at her left hand. There was a giant rock on it. My heart fell and I wondered why she never said anything about him. She quickly covered her left hand with her right.

“Wait, you’re married?” I asked, removing my hand from her shoulder and putting my hands in my pockets.

“I just got engaged. Like yesterday.” she said embarrassed.

“So you have a boyfriend, but you still went on a date with me,” I trailed off.

“We have a....strange relationship. We’ve been on again off again. For a long time.”

“If its ‘strange’ now do you really think it’ll last marriage?”

“I looked it up okay, this stupid ring he bought me is worth twenty-five thousand dollars. You can’t really say no to that.” she defended holding up her hand.

“Yes you can...” Noemi mumbled.

“Who the fuck are these guys?” Wesley asked collapsing into the seat next to Roxanne.

“Wesley this is Sidney and Jordan. Sidney, Jordan this is my fiancee Wesley.” Roxanne explained taking a beer from him and taking a deep swig.

“How do you know em?” he asked looking at his beer bottle, swishing around what little was left in it. I had a feeling things weren’t going to end well.

“They’re Noemi’s friends,” I could tell something was really wrong with their relationship when she couldn’t tell him the truth about who we were.

“Hey man” I put my hand out attempting to be nice.

“I’m not fucking talking to you,” My jaw clenched a little bit and I let out a deep breath.

“Wesley, be nice. Are you drunk already?” She asked. I could smell the alcohol on him from several feet away.

“I’m not drunk, bitch. Get off my nuts.” he said leaning back in the chair. It took all the self-control inside me not to beat the shit out of him right then and there.

“Hey! Don’t talk to her like that.” I warned. I could feel Jordan grab my upper arm and try to pull me away.

“Dude, he’s not even worth it.” He said softly.

“I’m not gonna let some sissy tell me how I’m gonna talk to my slutty-ass girlfriend. Oh wait, fiancee.”

“Wes!" She shouted. It hurt to see her so upset, but she was doing it to herself. I can’t believe she’s been putting up with this clown.

“Is this really the guy you want to marry, eh?” I asked. She forced her eyes away from mine.

“Fuck you, asshole. You don’t know shit about me, or my bitch. Roxanne, get the fucking car,” he said standing up and throwing the car keys in front of her on the table. Roxanne just looked down at they keys in front of her. It broke my heart to see such an amazing girl in such a abusive relationship.

“Hey, are you okay?” I said kneeling down to her level. I watched one tear fall from her cheek to the table and it felt like someone was stabbing me in the chest.

“Yeah, I have to go,” she said softly, picking up the keys and beginning to stand. I stood up and grabbed her hand. I pulled her close to me and whispered.

“You are not going home with him.” At this point it felt like we were all alone. I knew there were people staring, but all I could see was her. I could feel Roxanne’s chest heave against mine as she started crying. I put my hand on the small of her back and led her outside so we could get some privacy and some fresh air. On our way out a guy stopped me and told me I didn’t have to be a “Captain Save-a-hoe”. I didn’t even know what that meant. I pulled a chair out for her on the covered patio and she flopped in it. She put her hands over her face and began to cry in them.

“He’s a piece of shit. He really is. I can’t believe anybody would talk to you like that. You’re an amazing girl.” I said facing my chair right in front of her and gently holding her face.

“I don’t want your pity” she said extremely quietly. She closed her eyes for a minute and I was scared of what she’d do next. Was she going to be mad or sad? When she opened her eyes I couldn’t decipher what was going on in her head. She just stood, walked back into the restaurant, came back out with Noemi, and got into a cab. No goodbye, nothing.
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