The Dark Waltz

Only Chapter

*The picture is of Godric from True Blood. He has no part in this story, but his kind does.*


We danced through the meadows while the water glistened with rays of light. I was content as I looked into his eyes. His amber stained eyes peered into my eyes and my heart raced. He seemed to be magical; enchanting. Though, as wonderful as it may seem, it scared me.

"My beloved Seraphina," he spoke softly. Words seem to evade me as a gaze up. His lips were as velvet as the richest of fabrics. His smile brightened up the dark. His eyes were a mystery. "let me count the ways I love you! I love your smile. I love your hair. I love your heart, your eyes--your soul!"

I didn't fall in love with him. I kept falling in love with him. Every time he spoke, I listened with awe. "My beloved Erick," I said softly, too, gazing upon his charming smile. "let me count the ways I love you!" I began to name off practically everything about him. His mind. His soul. His heart. His smile.

"May I have a kiss, faire maiden?" he whispered into my ear. I melted and nodded. I never kissed him. I never kissed before. We slow to a slow waltz as he gazed into my eyes. His body seems to chill. The warmth seems to evade him. I question it, but only for a moment. Then things went dark.


I gaze upon the maiden before me. I wonder what she sees in me. I am not the person she believes me to be. I take a sigh as we dance through the garden. I perk up and begin to speak, "My beloved Seraphina," I say, with remorse growing deeper and deeper into my soul. I begin to name off meaningless things. How I love her smile. Her hair. They meant something to me once. Before this terrible curse began to ruin my very existence. A curse that immortalizes my soul. A curse that forces me to feed upon the life that lives around me. When I was younger, I had no doubt. I had no remorse. I would kill whoever I would want. All I had to do was touch and they were under my control. Soon, there youth was my life. There was the possibility of me not killing. Although, even if it sounded like death, it wasn't. I would still live. True, I wouldn't be able to move, but I would be trapped in this body forever. So was dying ever truly dying when you were already dead?

I come back to reality and she her waltzing before me. I knew it was time. I had to. I felt the remorse get strong. I leaned forward and whispered, "May I have a kiss, faire maiden?" I saw her light up with envied happiness. She nodded and I slowed the smooth waltz down. With the darkness festering in the cruelest dimensions of my mind, my heart begins to crumble. The very stability of my being is shaking, throwing off my humane instincts. My body going into turmoil, my soul shattering. Sweating the beats of my mere mortality. The smell of the red velvet treasure entangles me. Shifting, changing; all at the same time. I take the blade to her neck and slice it. My mind rumbles with an ecstasy of pure life. The thick sateen red velvet liquid drips onto my skin. I lick it to taste it. Pure, thick, and stolen. I look her in the eyes. Dead sapphire eyes pierce through my own. I kiss her softly and let her go. She is not worth my time. I walk away in disbelief. The seer said she would be the one. Not a chance. She didn’t have the right blood. I need to awake from this nightmare and have all of this be a simple memory. I need to stop dancing this dark waltz. I need, her.
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