Status: Just Begun, regular updates (:

I've Got a Tight Grip on Reality

Well, that was different.

I cannot tell you how bloody frustrating it is, my dads wages barely cover the rent, and if i have to eat beans on toast one more time, i'm going to top myself.

Sorry about the rant.
I'm Teagan, i'm 19 and i'm broke. Well, my family is broke.

My mum decided to pack up and leave about 8 months ago. She left a LOT of debt for us to shift and we just don't have the money or the motivation. But dad just began to crack under the pressure so i have decided that instead of being asleep at this ridiculous hour, i'm going to force people to take my CV and give me a job, or face being attacked by a tired and hungry Teagan who is scary even with a full nights sleep.

So i headed off down the high street at 9:30am CV's in hand and a fake smile plastered on, trying my very hardest not to yell at the stupid people who kept stopping in front of me to talk, so i had to walk around them and walk in puddles and end up with wet feet (which in my opnion is the single most uncomfortable feeling ever. I walked into several fluffy stores, you know the ones im talking about, you know, the ones filled with pink and every shelf contains over priced rubbish jewelry that snaps as soon as you dare wear it.

Then i headed down the shops i would actually enjoy working at. i walked into water-stones and WHSmiths to inhale the crisp smell of fresh paper, pages that have yet to be touched and the fake smile was no longer needed. Here i was happy, here i felt like nothing could bother me not even beans on toast.

So after handing out all of the CV's i had brought with me, i sat outside of a Costa coffee with a small vanilla latte and tried to imagine us into a better situation. After all that had happened to me and Niamph, i thought it was only fair that something good happened. i was just about to drink the last bit of my coffee when a boy stood next to where i was sitting.

"Can i help you?" i said, as he sort of tried to make it look like he wasn't waiting for me to move off of this table.
"Yes, actually i believe you could help me, in a big way." He replied, this is the point i realised how very posh he sounded and how very posh he looked.
"And what could i possibly do to help you?" i replied, starting to become rather angry at this boy and his way of ruining my alone time with this latte.
"Can i sit with you for a moment to ask this question? only it might appear less than friendly if i were to stand over you. And please, allow to get you another drink, i fear the one you have might be cold." he said quickly and quietly.

Moments later, he was back, with a drink for me and a takeaway cup for him, he set the drinks down on the table and composed himself. He then looked at me and smiled.
"how would you like to make some money?" he said looking me dead in the eye. I choked on my drink, which i noticed was the same as what i had been drinking previously.
"Look, this is real creepy, i wont say anything until you explain yourself, and if you're into some freak shit, i don't want anything to do with that." I explained as a grin grew on his face.
"I Understand that, thank you for offering me the opportunity to explain myself to you. I'm Tom, by the way."
"Teagan. Now that lovely introduction is over, please, proceed because i don't have all day to sit and talk with you." I replied snappily, i didn't mean to be a mega bitch but i was cold and i wanted to go home and watch the Jeremy Kyle show or something.

"This is going to sound odd, but how are you with blood and needles?" he asked trying to be funny i guess, but i was not laughing, i was about to yell about being a freak when he started laughing.
"Nothing sinister, just donating blood for private companies, you get £200 a pint." he tried to reassure. "They make it into a big party type thing, so when you've donated all you can, you get to help yourself to food and drink and mingle with other donating people." he explained through sips of his drink. I thought this idea through in my head, £200 is a good shop at tesco's and means no beans on toast. "When and where?" i asked, still slightly wary of this guy.
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First chapter! (: