Status: Work in progress

Sincerely Yours.


January 21st, 2017.

Dear Jack, I'm only realizing now as I write these letters how much you still mean to me. I still think about you everyday in every situation, what would Jack do here? Jack would hate this, Jack would love this. I still hear you making witty little jokes inside my head now and again. I often go to the places where we spent time together, partly for the memories that come with it, partly because I have this twisted, delusional fantasy that maybe I'd see you there and things would be okay. In reality, it would be like ripping open a healing wound.
Thinking about your reaction terrifies me. What would you do? Acknowledge me awkwardly as you hurry past? Glare or curse at me? Or even just stare right through me... Smile at someone else? No. I couldn't take that. I hope you never see me.
It's crazy really, how something so stupid I did has had such huge repercussions on my life, resulted in me losing the thing that means most to me in the whole world. I was drunk and it meant nothing but I will regret it for the remainder of my days.

Sincerely yours,
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I know this is short but I have the next chapter ready and it's longer, thank you! Please please comment x