Status: Working on?

Kiss it all Better

the Vision (revise)

They locked the cage, leaving the aged man alone in his cell, his face carried lines of age, worry, and pain, it was evident in the black of his eyes, under his eyes were big purple bags from the years of restless sleep he's endured for the time spent in this hell hole. A barricade of pain and brutality, a correction facility that would beat and bargain with the inmates, humiliation and punishment the only way to keep power with the man holding a gun. Some say, Kit Stone did not belong in this institution, many, including Kit himself, truly believed he did, but that was the difference between romantics and realists, that was the difference between good and bad, the thin line between everything justifiable. In his own acts of pain, Kit had taken a life, to make himself feel better for the life lost. It had been almost a four years, since it'd happened, but Kit could remember everything clearly, despite the beatings from his fellow jail birds, and the police.

Truthfully, not a lot of the inmates bothered Kit after the first few months he'd arrived, all they knew was that he killed a man in cold blood, but no one knew why, and when a few people heard of the reason why, they let it slide, sometimes, revenge wasn't a cruelty, but a right act. Kit didn't belong here, in this place, with the killers, murderers, rapists, gang leaders, violent kids who had nothing better to do than mess around, nearly every kind of criminal roamed the gray halls of this place, but not Kit, Kit despite his strong build, scars, and cold attitude, was a lover, not a fighter, but no matter what anyone could say, Kit fought for love.

Kit aged more than he should of, living in a closed off world, he had no choice but to, every day was the same thing, wake up from a restless sleep, slip into a blue jumpsuit, eat, read a book, sit around, think, make up scenario's of a life he'd have if things had been different, eat, sit around, maybe go outside and have a cigarette, mope about, and wish life wasn't like this. Now he was at the final stage of the day, sleep, with the door locking, Kit can now sit on the edge of the bed, his mind racing as he goes over it again in his mind, the life he had, the life he lost, it never stopped, it was like a replaying picture playing behind his eyes.

It hadn't always been like this, Kit could taste it on his tongue, smell it, hear it, see it in his mind, he could feel it on his finger tips as they tingled with longing. Kit could hear the sound of her laugh beside him, as they rocked back and forth on the bumpy road in the fixed up Ford Pickup he had done up with the deal from his father, a soft melody that she knew and sang at the top of her lungs, a pretty pink dress that went down to her knees, a bow in her brown curls, blue eyes shining, heart pounding, skin soft and warm sun cascading down upon her, like a beam of light from the heavens.

After Kit had finally puckered up the courage to tell her he loved her, and asked her to be his girl in a mint green diner after an evening at the pictures, he was sixteen, and she was fifteen, she had this cute crimson brown skirt on, and her new favorite pair of shoes, they were black with a strap that went over her foot to the other side and clicked it in. He remembered how sweet she always smelt, ever since he'd first met her on the first day of school, she'd always smelt so sweet, then again, she was nothing but a pile of sugar.

They had never been separated, even when he was fixing the truck for his father, the little grease monkey, still had her beside him, sitting up perched clean and pretty, getting him ready for the next test, or reading to him. This routine kept through out their entire school years, they were stuck like glue to the hip before they were dating, but after they got serious, you couldn't see one without the other, there were few moments of separation, sleep, bathroom, and when it came to different classes, Kit walked her to and from each one.

She was his world, his everything, he had been in love with her since he was five, and truthfully, Kit remained to love her to this day, the man lowered his head in his hands, propping his weight up on his knees, digging his elbows into the tough flesh of his legs. He didn't care, his heart throbbed in pain from the memory of her, of everything they'd done.

Sitting out in the middle of his field, hand in hand, staring at each other, eating fresh fruits and jams she'd help made with his grandmother, lost in their own little world, the only sounds were the birds chirping, and Carina singing to him bits and pieces of her favorite love songs, he would fall asleep to the sound of her voice, his head on her lap, greased to the side hiding back his curls in waves, with his cow lick falling down his forehead, she loved it more than anything, like the one in the back of his hair that he could never tame. She'd be in a little blue outfit, with her hair in piggy tails, ribbons holding her curls in place, he'd be in tight blue jeans, with his shirt tucked in, and sleeves rolled up the arm, to hold his pack.

They were the couple, most kids got together in high school, but they had been together their entire lives, and Kit intended on keeping it that way. A few months after graduation and there they were, the only reason Kit stayed and graduated school was because of Carina, and she knew it damn well too, not that she'd say anything about it, she was a humble thing. Kit had gotten a job at one of the local garage's fixing cars, something he was very good at, he was a real handy man. Carina was weighing her options, but in the end she stayed in town to be with Kit, unable to imagine a life without him in it, despite her mother and fathers disappointment, she stayed true. Even though Kit and her parents got along perfectly, they were still concerned about the level of infatuation.

Another month passed, and Kit took Carina out to dinner, it wasn't very fancy, it was a home made meal out at his farm, but they both got dressed up for it anyway, she was in one of her best dresses, it was soft pink with a dark pink sash around her middle, and Kit had on his only shirt without any grease or oil stains on it somewhere. This was the night that would change a lot of things for the young couple, and it all started with a kneel, a question, and a red velvet box. It had taken her by surprise, but she wept tears of joy and hugged him, with the ring on her finger, the very one that his grand father had given his grandmother.

She wore it happily and proudly, and that very night, the two of them gushed with her parents, and the planning began. A few months into their engagement, and the freshly nineteen year old Kit, and the barely eighteen year old Carina were walking down town, his hand was in hers, keeping her safe as he stared at the circled adds in the paper, when suddenly, Carina went flying the wrong way, persuading him with puppy dog eyes to go this way. With a stubborn agreement, he finally gave in, and let the wild girl go, where she amazingly, found not only a house, but the house.

It was like a little cabin, in town, it was white, with big clear glass windows, and yellow shutters, it had a yellow brick fence along the side walk up to the door, with the porch just as white as the rest of the house, and a big gold and white door, that had a beautiful glass piece in the center, there was room for a flower garden, and a big oak tree in the front, with a garage in the back, and it was all for sale. It had two bed rooms, a study, front room, dining room, basement, and a kitchen, with two bathrooms. A few things to fix up and paint, but the two could manage. Kit and Carina got everything moved in and settled up by the time the wedding was in a two week radius.

Since they weren't yet married, Carina still slept at her parents house, and Kit stayed in their home, the garage was his sanctuary, and since the laundry room was in the basement, Kit really had no disturbances there, he worked on his truck, or on Carina's blue Thunderbird, he left the house decorations to her, and he ended up having a gold front room, so that when the sun would hit the walls, it would glow and shine, their bedroom was a soft purple, like the one for the wedding. Yet despite their wedding approaching, and the house being renewed and moved in by the two of them and their friends, Kit still felt lonely, and missed Carina like mad..

He had slept alone in their bed the first night, but he just couldn't do it again, so he ended up sleeping on the couch, with the radio still on, or worse, the television. Kit longed for her touch in those few months of engagement. Until it finally broke him, into calling her before he went to work, to make lunch plans with her, in which she happily agreed. It was the highlight of his week, Kit getting to spend some alone time with her, some real time with her.. Kit made sure to look extra nice, and to smell nice too.

Kit locked up the house and went out to the garage, in a pair of jeans, his wife beater tucked in, and his over shirt hanging out, it was a soft baby blue and the sleeves were rolled up over his muscles. The day was full of sunshine and promise as he climbed into the truck, the garage door opening in the back to the alley, now the danger about this little set up was that it was hard to see the other drivers coming through, it was this little note, that caused the next series of dramatic events.

As Kit, pulled out in the big tough truck, a speeding car flourished down the gravel trail, and directly into the back of the truck, smashing in the box along with the back windows and sending its driver to and fro, it was half an hour before help arrived, the red car had vanished, and Kit was unconscious.