Status: Working on?

Kiss it all Better


>> Kit rolled over onto his side, his finger tips brushing the cold gray cement block of his wall, the only thing keeping him separated from Truck Stop Tony, a man who had been a truck driver, and at his stops at gas stations, he'd grab a couple kids, girls or boys, rape them, then slice and carve their bodies and dump them on the high way. The opposite wall, the one that had nothing on it kept him from Barbaric Bruno, the alleged negro killer. Kit shut himself away, as the flash backs and memories continued to swarm his mind, the impact of the truck, the scars he now had left from the incident, and how through out it all, she had stayed by his side, and held his hand, telling him how much she loved him.

She had burst through the doors of the garage Kit had currently been employed at, having just heard of the car crash and how his truck had been towed in already, she nearly broke the red heel on her rush to the little Thunderbird, and sped to the hospital, her hair had come undone in the panic, and the nice little yellow dress she had on was ripped from running, her white pumps scuffed, her jacket slipped down her shoulder, the hat was in the car along with the lunch she had prepared her and her man. Carina, flung herself to the front desk, her voice frantic and on the verge of breaking into a sobbing cry, Carina carefully ran her hands down the front of her dress, trying to make herself presentable one again.

A nurse had directed her to Kit's room, where he was propped up and looking outside, he had a huge tree with big pink flowers outside his window, and Carina knew that was what he was looking at. She sighed against the door frame, and this is what caught Kit's attention, turning his face to show her the sewn and bandaged side of his face, her mouth gasped apart ever so slightly, and her blue eyes widened and she carefully walked over, seeing all the damage, a cut on his lip, Kit's forehead had a few scratches, but the one across the left side of his face was much worse, his arm was fractured, and he had glass shatter on his back, causing him discomfort, but the padding of the bandages were keeping him semi-alright.

The moment Kit set his eyes on his silent love, the man, began to cry, Carina did the only thing, that made sense in her mind, she kicked off her shoes and slipped off her jacket and cuddled up next to him, placing his head on her bosom, stroking his hair, as he clung onto her tightly, she kisses the top of his head.

"Kiss it all better?" he mumbled, looking up at her, sniffling. Carina nods and runs the tips of her fingers along his jaw, sitting up slightly.

She kisses his face, and whispers "Everything, will be alright"

Kit smiles slightly, against the ridden tears that swelled in his eyes, his voice croaked with his whimpering apology "I'm sorry, Carina, I'm broken right before the wedding"

The girl shushed him with the pink lips that had tenderly kissed his cut on his forehead, making his eyes fall shut, in harmony.

"It's not your fault love, you didn't know" Carina's thumb strokes Kit's cheek bone on his good side, capturing his eyes with her own, her voice tender and loving she repeats "You didn't know"

For those next few days, Carina left his side for the trivial things, change of clothes, lavatory, meals, excreta. It took them a while, to stitch him up, and by the fourth day, two days before the wedding they were given the consent to bring him in just for the day, so they could get married. Kit was nervous and scared of the big pink and red scar on his cheek, it went along his cheek bone, just under it, with a few little cuts and scratches to go. The ones on his forehead were practically gone, and the cut on his lip was scabbed and healing.

His best men helped him into his jacket, his one arm wrapped in layers of bandages on the fractured bone, while Carina's sister and bridesmaids were helping her do her hair and get her into the dress. Kit felt useless, and unworthy of this day, like he didn't belong in his weakened condition. Kit wanted to prove to them that he was a strong man, who belonged with this mans daughter and could hold onto his vows to love her, protect her, always and forever.

In the church, there was purple flowers down the isle, a silk white canopy over head and a series of flower petals and candles that illuminated the room in its simple perfection. Kit combed his hair to the side, with the help of grease, he tamed the wild curls of his brown hair, he had on a black suit, with a lavender white vest and a white button down shirt, and a black bow tie. He had three men next to him, Jack, Arnold, and his little brother Brandon. Kit nervously looked over at the priest who held no expression.

Kit was no scared at the commitment but at what the world thought of him as a man nearly crippled. How could he take care of his wife to be if he couldn't- In an instant, his gaze lifted as a song of few notes began to play around him, his thoughts vanished as he stood with a proud smile on his face, three girls, one in a dark purple dress, it had wide straps, the top looked like a fabric covered corset that squeezed on their chest, with a silk skirt flowing from their hips, the first girl, was Helen, Carina's friend since the fourth grade, the second in a lighter purple, was Jessica, Carina's friend from high school and the third, in the lightest purple, was Carina's older sister; Maria.

The flower girl was Maria's daughter, and the ring bearer was Kit's little cousin, Kit adjusted his stance, sharing smiles with each of the lovely ladies, until finally, she came into view.. One arm hooked around her fathers, she was looked like an angel.. Carina had her hair curled back into a bun, with a beautiful hummingbird with blue gems in the back keeping it together, her veil was a beautiful lace that had been her great grandmothers and was tradition to wear. She had a heart strapless top, with sleeves that seemed to swim across at the start of her dress, and squeezed her arms, down to her hand, where she held a bouquet with blue and purple flowers, with a few white roses. The skirt of her dress ran down, showing her curves, and covered her shoes, it was a ball skirt, Kit had never been so mesmerized at her than he was now, catching her eye as she was guided down the isle, a bright smile on her face, hidden slightly, but he could feel it.

All of his worries were gone, as her father passed her to him, Kit pats him on the back, giving him an encouraging grin, as he held onto her hand as if it was life itself. Carina squeezed his hand, and smiled at him like he was the most perfect person in the world. It didn't take long before they repeated the traditional vows, and then, came their own..

"I promise, that from now and forever I will love you, take care of you and give you my entire heart, to never keep anything from you, and I vow, to remind you every day, how you have my heart, from now until the day I die, and I promise that even when we're old, and we've had children grow up under our roof, and we've gone through hurricanes and storms, that I will hold your hand like I did when we were five, sitting on our porch, watching the sun go down. But most of all, Kit Joesph Stone, I will love you, because I'm not sure what else to do with you, but to give you my heart and soul, forever"

Kit's lip quivered in his smile, and he saw her bridesmaids tearing up, the church remained silent, as Kit held her hands in his and looked into her big blue eyes.

"Carina Rosalie Phillip, I will love you like the stars shine in the night sky, like the fish swim in the ocean, like the birds sing you good morning every day, I will love you until the day that we fall asleep and never awake again. I will always be there to help you get things off the top shelf, and forever more promise to make the husband you deserve, to be the man that you deserve. To protect you from all harm, and to watch every sunset with you. I promise to find you as beautiful as you do now in eighty years, and to love you with as much passion and fire as I have since I was sixteen, and to continue to love you from the beginning of my life, to the end of it. Most of all, Carina, I promise to give myself to you, because without you, there would be no me, you are my better half, the moon to my night sky, the sun to my set, you are the best thing in my world, and I swear now in front of our family, friends, in this church to never let my love fade for you"

Carina burst into tears, with a smile on her face, and the two slid on their rings and kissed, holding each other with all the tenderness and love they held for the other. His arm remained around her the entire time.. In a moment it felt that they were invincible together, and suddenly in a single flash and blink of their eyes, they were at the reception, and he had her hugging him in her arms, as they swayed in their first dance together.

It felt like magic, holding Kit the way she could, and for he to hold her so close. Sitting in his cell, alone in the cold, Kit could feel the tingle of on his finger tips from the sweet soft porcelain of her skin. It seemed like one giant blur after that first dance, everything just kicked to start, going from the reception back to the hospital, where they stayed for the first few weeks of their marriage. She helped him recovery from the car crash, there was a scar that traced the cheek bone of his eye, and a giant slash to his right arm, a few scratches on his leg, but besides that, Kit was fine.

A few days later and they were walking into their home, their wedding gifts waiting to be opened, a stack of thank you cards and a nice ink pen on top, Carina had her hair pushed back and was sitting beside her husband, Kit had his hand hooked around her left one as she passed the present, taking the card and writing down the names of all the people. In a matter of a few months, Kit and Carina Stone had started their married life together.