Sequel: Run Baby Run

Scream For Me Baby

A7X Part 20

I took my head off my clenched fists and set my hands on the steering wheel. I took a deep breath and put the truck in drive. I pushed my foot down on the gas pedal and the truck jerked forward through the low branches. The truck swayed back and forth from the numerous dips in the soft dirt. When I became more comfortable with the truck I pushed my foot down on the pedal even more to go faster.

After a few minutes of driving you’re going to run into an old rusted metal gate. With enough force you can break through it with the tuck and keep going.

Just as Johnny explained to me, right there in front of me was an old rusted metal gate. I pushed down harder on the pedal and drove straight to the gate. I closed my eyes and hoped that I would make it through. The sound of metal scratching on metal met my ears and I opened my eyes to see that I made it through the gate. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw the gate even more dilapidated than it was before.

I faced forward again and kept my eyes on the dirt road. A loud thunder roared outside and heavy rain droplets splattered on the windshield. The wind picked up outside and I flicked on my headlights and put on the wind shield wipers.

Just keep driving straight and eventually you’ll start to see the freeway. When you see it make a left and you’re on your way home.

It just occurred to me that Johnny was still stuck in that house. Who knows what was going to happen to him once the guys get back. Me eyes started to water and I wiped them away so I could see what I was doing.

It felt like an hour when I saw quite a few lights flash through the trees. My heart raced and I continued driving towards the lights. I might’ve been hallucinating but I swear I heard angels start to sing in the background. Right in front of me was the freeway that Johnny told me about. I was so excited on getting to the freeway that I didn’t see an old white van heading straight towards me.

Suddenly everything was flipping and than it just stopped. My eyes were closed and I felt the hard wet pavement underneath me. Rain drops were ruthlessly beating down on my face and I felt myself growing weaker by the second.

"There’s that stupid bitch. Go pick her up and put her in the van,”

Someone picked me up and I struggled to break free. I was thrown in some type of vehicle because a second later the tires could be heard screeching. I was going in and out of consciousness and every once in a while I’d crack open my eyes but they’d close back down on me.

The vehicle abruptly stopped and I felt myself roll in the tiny space. Some door slid open and I heard the heavy rain coming down even harder. I was dragged by my wounded arms out the van and fell onto the hard ground. I cracked open my eyes and I saw Matt glaring down at my helpless body with a devious smirk.

“Did you miss us Angelica?” he asked.

He didn’t wait for an answer before he roughly grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. I did nothing but just look up at the guys who were following behind. I caught a glimpse of the sky and saw that the sun was struggling to break through the gray clouds above.

“Oh Johnny! We’re back!” Jimmy sang and opened the door for Matt and everyone else.

“That little shit’s going to get it,” Brian smirked and looked at me with nothing but evil written across his face.

“Go get Johnny,” Matt ordered and stood in the middle of the living room with me still hanging over his broad shoulders.

Jimmy happily obliged to Matt’s demand and started calling Johnny’s name and walking through the halls. Matt told Brian and Zack to move everything out the way so he had enough space to handle Johnny and myself.

Not even a second later Jimmy came back out with a struggling Johnny in his grasp. I caught his gaze and I felt my throat clog up with tears.

“That little fucker almost gave me a shiner,” Jimmy said and pushed Johnny to the floor.

“Don’t worry we’ll fix that problem. Brian, Zack make him kneel,” Matt said.

Johnny was brought to his knees and held down by the two men. Matt threw me down on the floor and I hissed in pain as something shifted in my left leg. I looked at Johnny and saw him trying to hold back his fear and put on a fearless face for me, but I knew better.

“Now, you’re going to watch your poor savior be tortured to death,” Matt said in my ear and he sat me up.

Matt walked over to Johnny and couched down in front of him but in a way that I could still see him.

“I heard you nearly gave Jimmy a shiner. I guess we’re going to fix that problem for you,” Matt said.

Matt’s large hand grabbed Johnny’s left one and he gripped his pinky finger. He twisted it hard to the left and Johnny screamed in agony. I tried to push myself off the floor but Jimmy sat on my fucking left leg and Zack held my shoulder’s down. Matt continued to break Johnny’s fingers on his left hand and didn’t stop until every finger was misshapen. Tears were now running down my face in large groups and I watched Johnny shudder in pain and take deep breaths.

“Don’t cry Angelica, there’s more to come,” Matt cooed to me.

“I’m going for a beer,” Zack announced and let go of his tight grip on my shoulders.

He walked away into the kitchen and Brian continued to sit on the couch and watch Matt slowly torture Johnny. I turned my head away from the breaking of Johnny’s right hand and looked behind me. My eyes landed on big chunks of wood lying on the floor from when I pushed Nayja on the coffee table, causing her to break it. I looked forward and saw that Jimmy and Brian were too engrossed with what Matt was doing to pay attention to anything I was doing. I slowly stretched my arm back and grabbed the largest chunk of wood that had a long rusty nail at the end.

It was either now or never and I took a deep breath. I brought my arm all the way back and slammed the piece of table into Jimmy’s back. He screamed in pain and I dug the wood in even deeper. Brian and Zack came to help Jimmy.

“Come any closer and I’ll drag this fucking thing down his back,” I growled and sat myself up.

They stopped in their tracks and I glanced at Matt who was giving me the deadliest glare. I decided to play their little game and I slowly dragged the wood down Jimmy’s long slender back. His screams of pain shook the house and I blocked it out. When I reached the bottom of his back I roughly yanked the wood out and Jimmy collapsed on the floor.

Brian started running towards me but I slammed the wood straight through his left knee. He howled in pain like Jimmy did and he fell to the floor. I yanked the wood out and I rammed it through his other knee so he definitely couldn’t walk. He too fell to the ground and it was only Zack and Matt left. Zack being the retard that he is came charging towards me next and I stuck my left leg out to trip him. He fell to the floor and I crawled next to me.

“This is for standing on my arms you fucking bastard,” I growled and brought the wood down on his left arm. I dragged it down like I did with Jimmy’s back and brought it back out when I reached his elbow. His wound looked just like mine and I was getting ready to damage his other arm but Matt tackled me to the floor making my only weapon go skidding across the floor.

“You fucking bitch!” he roared and began punching me in the face.

I tried shielding my face but it was no use against Matt’s hard blows. In the middle of his assault, I heard a noise that I’ve always hated but not I welcomed it with open arms. The sound of police sirens erupted outside and I felt my stomach fill with butterflies.

“This is the Huntington Beach police. Come out with your hands up!” an officer yelled through his megaphone outside.

“I’m getting the fuck out of here,” Zack said.

Brian -who could barely walk- and Zack helped a severely wounded Jimmy up off the floor and all three stumbled towards the backdoor.

“Where the fuck are you guys going?!” Matt hollered.

I pushed him off of me and I started to crawl towards the front door. I managed to open the door and all I had to do was push open the screen door but Matt tackled me again. He gripped my neck and started slamming my head on the wood floor. I was about to pass out but Johnny jumped on his back. He couldn’t do much with ten broken fingers but he gave me enough time to regain consciousness and look out the door.

I saw three policemen dragging Zack, Jimmy, and Brian in handcuffs towards separate cars. I saw Nayja screaming to get past the row of policemen and come to my aid but they wouldn’t budge. My head snapped back and Matt pinned me down.

“You fucking bitch! You ruined everything I had!” Matt screamed in my face.

I spit in his face and he back handed me so hard that I saw stars. I remembered the gun in my pocket and I slowly inched my hand towards it. I grabbed it and carefully brought it out so Matt wouldn’t notice and he wrapped his hands around my neck again.

“If I go down, you’re going down with me,” he said through gritted teeth.

I started laughing to fire him up and he slammed my head on the floor. I became a bit dizzy but I continued laughing.

“What’s wrong with you?” he asked. I gave him a smirk and positioned the gun right below his stomach.

“I only have one request for you,” I said.

“Oh yeah? What’s that?”

I leaned my head next to his ear and gently bit down on it.

“Scream for me baby,” I whispered in his ear.

He looked at me with wide eyes after he felt me shove the cold hard gun into his gut and I pulled the trigger. His body flew off me and landed on the floor with a heavy thud. I sat up and saw him wriggling on the floor in pain. I slowly stood up and towered over him.

“Fuck you,” he spat out making blood spill from his mouth.

I aimed the gun at his leg and shot him in his left shin. He screamed in pain and my attention was caught by a groan. I looked by the couch and saw Johnny curled up on the floor. I limped over to him and knelt down by him. Tears flowed out of my eyes and I cupped his face in my hands.

“Come on Johnny, it’s time to go,” I whispered and helped him up.

We both stood up and carried each other while making it to the front door. When the police saw just Johnny and I come out the house they rushed forward. Some went right past us and into the house where Matt was still groaning in pain.

“Angelica!” Nayja screamed and ran towards us.

She wrapped Johnny and I in a tight hug and I felt her warm tears fall on my shirt and soak through.

“It’s okay Nayja. Everything will be fine,” I said and smoothed out her hair.

“Excuse me ma’am? We have to get you into the ambulance now,” an officer said and I nodded.

I turned towards Johnny and he had a sad knowing look on his face. I felt more tears want to come out but I held them back.

“Thank you so much Johnny,” I whispered in his ear after I hugged him.

“No problem,” he said.

“I’ll do everything in my power to get you out okay? I’m making that a promise,” I said.

We pulled away and I pecked him on his cheek. A paramedic grabbed my arm and I was led over to an ambulance. On the way there I handed an officer the gun and I explained to him that Johnny was brutally forced into the whole kidnapping and to take it easy on him. The aged officer gave me a sympathetic smile and nodded.

Nayja followed me into the ambulance where I was laid on a stretcher. Through the glass I could see Johnny being handcuffed and pushed into a police car. I also saw Matt giving me the worst glare ever through the glass and I looked away, too afraid to see what the other guy’s glares looked like. The ambulance started up and I felt it pull away. The house started going out of view and I felt Nayja grab my hand.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” she sobbed.

“Of course I am. I wasn’t going anywhere,” I answered.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I promised this update to Sarah since Saturday and I didn't post it, so I made it extra long just for her. =)

Next part is the last chapter and this story will finally be done.
Hope you enjoy the update and please comment!