Status: completed

Seemed So Far

Happy Endings Are Stories That Haven't Ended Yet

I moved out from under Garrett and put on my bra, underwear and my shorts. I grabbed his shirt by the bathroom door and slipped it on. I walked out, closing the door silently behind me. I walked into the living room and found the boys there with Alex, Jack, Rian and Zack. My eyes went wide as I saw them and I turned around to go back.

"Hey sleepy," Kennedy called out. 

"Fuck," I whispered. I turned back around and faced the guys, who were staring at me. John, Pat and Jared were focused on the tv, playing a video game. I gave them smiles as I headed into the kitchen.

" was your night?" Kennedy said from the counter.

I froze in the fridge, looking for a drink before slowly stepped away and closing it. I turned around to face Kennedy. Alex, Jack, Rian and Zack were surrounded around the counter and they stared at me with small smiles. 

"Fine," I said.

"I think it was more than fine," he smirked.

"Kennedy, shut the hell up before you get castrated."

"Oooo, nice one!" Alex gave me a high five. Kennedy smiled at me. 

"So it was better than fine." 

"I will come over there."

"What do I got to lose?"

"Your balls and your best friend."

He laughed, walking around the counter and hugged me. I punched his arm when he pulled away.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"For saying shit!" I laughed.

Garrett came out from the hallway and walked over to us.

"What are you guys yelling about?" He scratched his head and reaching into the fridge.

"Ask your girlfriend," Kennedy smiled. I punched him again and he laughed, walking away.

"I hope you have dark bruises, asshole!" I yelled.

"Love you"

Garrett laughed and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, kissing my forehead. 

"Aww," Jack cooed from the counter. I turned around so Garrett was behind me and smiled at him. Rian took out his phone again and took a picture. I smiled genuinely and Garrett hid his mouth behind my head.

"Cuties," Alex smiled.

"It's on Twitter if you want it." Rian said.

"I'm hungry!" Pat yelled. 

"Would you like some breakfast, your majesty?" I asked.

"Yes please," he smiled at me from the couch.

"I'm gonna go to that diner around the corner and pick up some food." I said.

"I'll go with you," Alex offered. I nodded and walked into my room to get changed. I took a quick shower and walked out into the room. Garrett was sat on the bed with his phone.

"Whatcha doin?"

"Setting that picture as my background," he smiled.

I laughed, "Do that with mine too, please"

I walked back into the bathroom and got changed. I slipped on my vans before grabbing my phone from Garrett and giving him a kiss.

"I'll be back soon." I walked out at waited for Alex to get his shoes on. Once we got outside, we started walking in the direction of the diner.

"So you wanna tell me your story now?" 

I looked over at him and nodded. I told him everything, starting with my sisters and ending with my mom. We got the food and were walking back to the hotel.

"They were at the funeral, with Cade too." I sighed.

Alex hugged me tight when I told him about what my sister said, about me listening to Therapy, about spending the week with my mom, about my dads accident, about Mike and about my mom dying.

He was really sweet, he actually listened and gave me the time to speak. He didn't interrupt at all. He just listened.

"How was the wake and funeral?"

"I felt so much better to have the guys there. I thought I would be a wreck but once I looked at him and he gave me a smile, I knew I would be fine. And I was."

"You love each other."

"We do. And I couldn't thank him or the boys enough for not leaving." I turned to him. "Thank you for not leaving."

"Anytime." He smiled. "I'm glad you told me too. I love hearing about how we saved lives and all. It makes me happy to know that my music, our music, means something to people." 

I smiled. We walked up to the hotel room and I opened the door and Pat flew to the food. 

"Food, food, food, food." He chanted.

I set the food down on the counter and moved out of the way of the hungry boys. I didn't see Garrett.

I walked down the hall and opened our bedroom down. 


Nothing. I opened it more and saw him in bed. I smiled and walked over and crawled on top of his back. I kissed his neck and waited for him to move.

He groaned.

"There's food out there." I whispered.

"Nothing beats you." He said.

I laughed. "C'mon, I'm hungry too."

He turned over onto his back and sat up with me in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Tired?" I giggled.

"Obviously from last night," he leaned up and kissed me neck.

I smiled. "Come on, let's go get food."

He groaned but got up and carried me with him. I kissed his cheek when he set me down and grabbed his hand, walking out to the food.