Sequel: After the Storm

Turning Tables

close enough to start a war.

The car came to a stop and Finley took a minute to let her surroundings adjust in her eyes. The parking lot around her was more of a dirt path, like something you'd see in a movie. They were parked in front of an old building that was wider than it was tall. Both floors had rows of doors and windows. A large sign, though one of the letters were missing, read simply; MOTEL.

With her mouth agape, she turned in her seat to face Zayn. The dark skinned boy just stared at the motel with a lazy smile of satisfaction. She was confused. She had quickly agreed when Zayn had come to her the other night, in the early morning before the sun had risen, and asked her to leave with her. He promised her a trip, one she wouldn't forget. He told her they'd go somewhere remote, secluded, where they could be alone with no press. There hadn't been paparazzi at the airport, due to the four times they switched cabs, and so far, not a single camera had documented their time here in the States. They had the occasional girl ask for a picture but we were kind when dealing with that.

But now, here they were in some shit hole of a town in Arizona, at some shit box motel.

She furrowed her brow and spoke carefully, "Zayn?"

"Mhmm?" His amber eyes met hers with mild interest.

"Why are we here?" She paused, motioning around to the dank motel. "This place looks so... Sketchy."

"Sketchy, remote- hidden. What's the difference?" He replied carelessly. However, when he noticed Finley crossing her arms in dismay, he cleared his throat and added on to his thoughts. "Listen, Fin, I didn't ask you to come so we could go to some lush green place with lots of flowers and spas. I wanted to get out of the city, out of London, and just go somewhere... Somewhere away from everything. At least for a little while."

The ginger haired girl only stared forward in thought. Everything around here seemed so prosaic. She feared that even a few days here would drive her out of her mind. On the other hand, it was far away from the screaming fans, the large bustling cities, and as much as fun as they were- it was time away from the lads. All five of them were dear to her heart that was definite, but Zayn mattered most and it wasn't often that she got any alone time with him.

Maybe sketchy isn't so bad, she told herself with a great deal of forced enthusiasm. She didn't need a big romantic getaway to have some romance with Zayn. All she needed was this Podunk town, sunshine and hand holding, and some good-old-fashioned TV watching in a motel room. She breathed in deep, leaned over, and kissed his cheek.

"Shall we check in then?"

"Yes," she replied, a small small on her lips, "We shall."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, a few things: this is my second 1D story ever. Second, I'm not a huge fan of Zayn but when I got this idea, he was the first that came to my mind. Also, if you're reading my other 1D fic, then you know that the main character in that story is also named Finley Collins and there is a reason for that.

Finley Collins will be my 1D-universal love interest. I may have a different one in the future, but until then, the character will be Finley.

Please enjoy. <3